Below is a listing of my tweets since I joined Twitter on Dec. 29th, 2007. They are listed from the most recent tweets (or peeps) to the first. They are an assortment of interactions and comments that may help others understand the attraction that we have to Twitter. I assure you that there are comments here that you will not find anywhere else. They and more recent updates are also available at Enjoy!
5/9/09 2:45 PM
1. RT @fantomaster RT @dustyedwards: How To Make Your Own Books From Wikipedia -For you writers #write #writing #authors28 minutes ago from web
2. @rlanzara: Jefferson Airplane – Embryonic Journey ? minutes ago from
3. The mathematics of breathing - #biology #math #science #education #teaching about 1 hour ago from web
4. RT @serious_skeptic ...RT @childrenshealth: Children need a voice in health care reform. Speak up for them at about 1 hour ago from web
5. RT @dporter School will suspend student if he takes his girlfriend to HER prom. -The Taliban will fix this about 1 hour ago from web
6. RT @taccah taccahthis is my last resort. suffocation. no breathing ? -Some of this type of music sounds toxic. about 1 hour ago from web
7. The cruelest predators prey upon the weaknesses of innocents... about 1 hour ago from web
8. RT @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians and sending thousands fleeing -Isn't this the Taliban's War? about 2 hours ago from web
9. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #tcot #politics #teaparty #hhrs #nbc #abc #foxnews #rebuild about 2 hours ago from web
10. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop #rebuild about 2 hours ago from web
11. RT @thejobsguy Jobfox ... #jobs #work #empolyment #hiring #economy #web #net about 2 hours ago from web
12. RT @GeneRef H1N1 flu tally 3,440 in 29 countries: WHO - #swineflu #H1N1 #flu #health #publichealth #medicine about 2 hours ago from web
13. RT @12C4 Flying Pigs and the WHO -Interesting behind the scene look at health issues. #publichealth #health about 2 hours ago from web
14. RT @12C4 10 of the Biggest Lies in History -We're being lied to on so many levels it is hard to trust anyone. about 2 hours ago from web
15. Those French sure know how to sleep......... wewe... about 2 hours ago from web
16. More sleep = thinner? May be this is why the French are slim? - #sleep #health #weight #medicine #insight about 2 hours ago from web
17. When you first start Twitter, you're a bit lost ( #LOST ). Then you begin to see some interesting things & you learn & peep & tweet about 2 hours ago from web
18. Yeah but Twitter is as Twitter does - #Twitter #Google about 2 hours ago from web
19. What are core democratic values of the United States? - #education #government #history #juryduty about 3 hours ago from web
20. @junecohen After 4 days of exhausting deliberation: Guilty. Didn't expect such an emotional / intellectual journey... -Congrats on duty about 3 hours ago from web in reply to junecohen
21. @akashicreadings akashicreadingsHi guys, is any one answering to anybody or we all just talking to ourselves here? -Both about 3 hours ago from web in reply to akashicreadings
22. Thanks for your comments & RTs @mikepfs @RandomReTweet @redrobinrockn @openzap @ggraha01 @KristenGold @richweaver about 3 hours ago from web
23. Thank you Mia for calling attention to this defining crises of our time. We’ve ignored too many of these “difficult situations” for too long about 3 hours ago from web
24. RT @HumanRightsNews Farrow ends Darfur protest fast - - BBC News -I'm still fasting with Richard now. about 3 hours ago from web
25. listening to Lay, Lady, Lay - Bob Dylan ? about 16 hours ago from
26. America – Ventura Highway -For those fighting the fires in California. ? about 16 hours ago from
27. Everyone in the house on a computer - we only communicate thru electronic devices - if the power goes out we're incommunicato... about 16 hours ago from web
28. Fear not - we have nothing to lose but our tweets about 16 hours ago from web
29. @rlanzara: Neil Young – Heart Of Gold -For @Redrobinrockn @rekouche @SomaMoja ? about 16 hours ago from
30. I once bought a Marcel Marceau record... Where's @TheMime ??? ... & why doesn't he say more than 3 dots??? about 16 hours ago from web
31. Cocteau Twins – Lazy Calm ? about 16 hours ago from
32. @rekouche Transcription is the synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA - -The picts are for a protein recpt. about 16 hours ago from web
33. RT @offgrid the heart sees better than the eye. ~ Hebrew Proverb about 16 hours ago from web
34. @rekouche Thank you (Did you click og the picture to see what's behind it? - ). about 16 hours ago from web in reply to rekouche
35. @rekouche ...there is something else @ wk, perhaps not chemically but electrically This is fringe? -Yes see about 16 hours ago from web in reply to rekouche
36. @serious_skeptic @rlanzara What is the background picture on your profile page? -2 Electrostatic potentials about 16 hours ago from web
37. I'm just a peep in the universe... about 16 hours ago from web
38. @rekouche You are really trying to get me going... It is certainly efficient enough for yours & my brains & DNA trancription, etc... about 16 hours ago from web in reply to rekouche
39. @BordadoIngles Twitter is making me fat. It's a scientific fact. -Because you don't get enough sleep about 16 hours ago from web in reply to BordadoIngles
40. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting -For @rekouche & @SomaMoja ? about 16 hours ago from
41. @ZuDfunck Every Piece of the Infrastructure Carries Potential to Fail -Certainly true for my Infrastructure about 17 hours ago from web in reply to ZuDfunck
42. @rekouche @SomaMoja -Now, now just you look up my answers to the amino acid questions and you'll feel alright about 17 hours ago from web
43. @redrobinrockn Thanks red robin rockin I'm twitterishly feverish... about 17 hours ago from web
44. Many interesting diversions out there about 17 hours ago from web
45. @BianaBabinsky was twitter down for maintenance earlier? -Yes, didn't you go thru withdrawal like the rest of us? about 17 hours ago from web in reply to BianaBabinsky
46. @rekouche Here's some examples of post-translational modifications in amino acids - -You got me going on this one about 17 hours ago from web
47. @rekouche @rlanzara Biology modulates these aas via chemical modifications that suit particular functions i.e. neurotransmitters, hormones.. about 17 hours ago from web
48. @rekouche @rlanzara Did you get my question on amino acids. -Yes, good question why there are certain aas used in all life forms... about 17 hours ago from web in reply to rekouche
49. RT @MedicalNewsNet Discoverers of HIV Say HIV/AIDS Still a Major Global Health Threat 25 Years Later #health about 17 hours ago from web
50. The Rolling Stones – You Can't Always Get What You Want ? about 17 hours ago from
51. I'm still with you Mia - about 17 hours ago from web
52. Theories of receptor activation - #biology #science #GPCRs #biotech #pharmacology about 18 hours ago from web
53. A cute search engine - KartOO - about 18 hours ago from web
54. Whew about 18 hours ago from web
55. Hey @Diollan check out @texastaildrager about 21 hours ago from web
56. Winnowing... about 21 hours ago from web
57. @texastaildrager Nice Picture Now you need to put this link into your Bio - about 22 hours ago from web
58. RT @stevesilberman A gorgeous project, like a Wikipedia of biodiversity - Encyclopedia of Life Thanks @crowdsourcing 9:49 AM May 8th from web
59. Bateman's principle: females almost always invest more energy into producing offspring than males. - 9:47 AM May 8th from web
60. The Electrostatic Potential for the two-states of the Human beta-2-Adrenergic Receptor - #graphics #biology 9:43 AM May 8th from web
61. Evidence for a free cysteine, thiol or sulfhydryl necessary for GPCR activation - #biology #biotech #science 9:18 AM May 8th from web
62. One reason beta-blockers may work in heart failure - #PhRMA #science #Biotech #bigpharma #Pharma #medicine 9:17 AM May 8th from web
63. @MadamaAmbi New Feminist Video Brooklyn #art #women #videos 9:13 AM May 8th from web in reply to MadamaAmbi
64. Eight things you didn't know about the internet - #internet #web #net 9:11 AM May 8th from web
65. If you've hit a Twitter follow limit - #Twitter 9:03 AM May 8th from web
66. @MedC2 @shwen @serious_skeptic @WyKeDnCali @dudeman718 @PamDH @johndillard @sweynh @eurobird -Thanks for your comments & Rts 8:57 AM May 8th from web
67. Sorry, no #FollowFriday for me - I've given it up. 8:53 AM May 8th from web
68. People who campaign too early hurt their chances for election 8:52 AM May 8th from web
69. Twitter is vibrating on a higher plane 8:47 AM May 8th from web
70. RT @MadamaAmbi New York City Leadership Circle 2009 Luncheon ( ) #women #nyc #npr #web #cbs #abc 7:12 AM May 8th from web
71. It would be most noble & honorable for North Korea to release Laura Ling & Euna Lee (please RT). #global #cnn #abc #nbc #npr #web #net 7:09 AM May 8th from web
72. Why not lower the amount of leverage banks are required to have rather than pump them full of our tax dollars? #finance #economy #insight 7:04 AM May 8th from web
73. Sleeping well is the secret to losing weight. 6:54 AM May 8th from web
74. Darfur is as complicated as was the Holocaust, Rwanda and Cambodia - #Darfur #genocide 6:52 AM May 8th from web
75. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #tcot #teaparty #hhrs #abc #foxnews #rebuild @ricksanchezcnn 6:48 AM May 8th from web
76. Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop #rebuild @ricksanchezcnn 6:47 AM May 8th from web
77. Scientific theories can not be proven true - they can only be shown to be false by one contrary fact. 6:46 AM May 8th from web
78. Those religious people who preach death and hate may reap what they sow... 6:45 AM May 8th from web
79. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop 10:35 PM May 7th from web
80. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #gop #rebuild #abc #cnn #nbc #npr #press #news #insight 10:34 PM May 7th from web
81. If we remembered every historical wrong done to everyone, there'd be no end to strife. 10:32 PM May 7th from web
82. @Quirkles How about teaching children about the balance? - 10:14 PM May 7th from web
83. Many Twitterers have unique and interesting niches or should I say nests? 10:09 PM May 7th from web
84. RT @dudeman718 A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. 10:07 PM May 7th from web
85. Elton John – Your Song -For all you following out there ? 10:05 PM May 7th from
86. I could be wrong, but that doesn't make the rest of you right. 10:03 PM May 7th from web
87. Our lives are like Wolf's law, which states that bone will adapt to the loads it carries - 9:56 PM May 7th from web
88. RT @juliebmack Justice: Drew Peterson charged with murder... -Is justice delayed still justice? 9:50 PM May 7th from web
89. @serious_skeptic @rlanzara much to pharma's delight -Sorry, but it is a fact of life (I think)... 9:46 PM May 7th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
90. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? 9:45 PM May 7th from web
91. I'm joining Mia Farrow in her hunger strike - 9:44 PM May 7th from web
92. The Zombies – Time of the Season ? 9:42 PM May 7th from
93. All of us live in the pharmacologic age where external molecules will alter our lives, senses & perceptions. 9:41 PM May 7th from web
94. RT @stejules Bank Stress Test Results - BusinessWeek #banks #economy #finance #bailout 9:05 PM May 7th from web
95. RT @serious_skeptic @rlanzara I think corrupt bankers and inept auto execs took money away from hard-working Americans. -Might be right 6:46 PM May 7th from web
96. RT @DrJennifer RT @DrMollieMarti Your only obligation in any life-time is to be true to yourself. ~Richard Bach 6:45 PM May 7th from web
97. Sorry -No more #FllowFriday for me... 6:44 PM May 7th from web
98. I don't think that President Obama is taking money away from hard working Americans. 6:42 PM May 7th from web
99. RT @MadamaAmbi ?_ New York City Leadership Circle 2009 Luncheon #FAB #fem2 #women #WOC #nyc ( ) 6:39 PM May 7th from web
100. Yeah, I know I've been OCDing... 6:23 PM May 7th from web
101. Why not lower the amount of leverage banks are required to have rather than pump them full of our tax dollars? #cnn #cbs #economy #Obama 6:23 PM May 7th from web
102. Hedge Funds and other top investors have to learn that they can’t suck all the money out of the markets. #markets #economy #net 6:22 PM May 7th from web
103. Bio Balance is devoted to a biophysical description of the initial receptor response. - #biotech #pharma #web 6:19 PM May 7th from web
104. Darfur -It's enough already - #genocide #democide #global #npr #abc #cbs #foxnews 6:15 PM May 7th from web
105. Flu is complicated - H1N1 = swine flu; H5N1 = bird flu See - #H1N1 #health #publichealth #medicine 6:09 PM May 7th from web
106. RT @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians and sending thousands fleeing -Isn't this the Taliban's War? 6:08 PM May 7th from web
107. RT @DiscoveryChPR Hungry? MAN VS WILD's Top 10 Gross Eats -- Yum Yum -Where's Elephant dung drink? 6:07 PM May 7th from web
108. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #abc #web #teaparty #hhrs #nbc #gop #rebuild @ricksanchezcnn 5:58 PM May 7th from web
109. Liberals & Conservatives have both fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #cnn #war #global #dnc #gop #nbc #foxnews @ricksanchezcnn 5:56 PM May 7th from web
110. I'm joining Mia Farrow in her hunger strike - #Darfur #genocide #global #news #web #cnn #abc #nbc #npr 5:48 PM May 7th from web
111. Perspective is the one view hardest to maintain.. .4:25 PM May 7th from web
112. @johnbeagle @Radioblogger @esarphie @RTpolitics @crystalvision99 Thanks for your comments and Rts 4:24 PM May 7th from web
113. @crystalvision99 @rlanzara My Daughter ( 6 year honor roll student) just got full college scholarship for nursing -Congratulations to her 4:23 PM May 7th from web in reply to crystalvision99
114. You can check rumors here - #rumors #web #net #internet 4:21 PM May 7th from web
115. If you haven’t yet heard him, I’d be honored to introduce you to Tommy Emmanuel at: -Yes 1 guitar only #music 4:16 PM May 7th from web
116. RT @MadamaAmbi ?_ New York City Leadership Circle 2009 Luncheon #FAB #fem2 #women #WOC #nyc ( ) 4:11 PM May 7th from web
117. Sleeping well is the secret to losing weight. #health 4:07 PM May 7th from web
118. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #tcot #politics #hhrs #nbc #abc #rebuild @ricksanchezcnn 4:06 PM May 7th from TwitterCounter
119. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #dnc #gop #rebuild @ricksanchezcnn 4:04 PM May 7th from TwitterCounter
120. RT @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians and sending thousands fleeing -Isn't this the Taliban's War? 4:01 PM May 7th from web
121. Nurses are one of our most important healthcare workers - http://www.onlinenursingdeg... #healthcare #nursing #medicine 4:00 PM May 7th from web
122. We can go down one path - turn around and come back... 3:58 PM May 7th from web
123. RT @msnbc_health Tension common in parent-child relationships #family #children 3:58 PM May 7th from web
124. @rlanzara will have 2,896 followers in 30 days according to TwitterCounter: 3:57 PM May 7th from TwitterCounter
125. Scientific theories can not be proven true - only false by one contrary fact. 3:33 PM May 7th from web
126. We’re fighting wars on many levels. 3:30 PM May 7th from web
127. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #christian #sgp #a4a #912 #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop #rebuild 1:29 PM May 7th from web
128. The Taliban directly supported Osama bin Laden in the 9/11 attack. They are waging war on US -Did any of us forget this? 1:26 PM May 7th from web
129. RT @sciam Slide Show: Painting the Picture of Air Quality with Satellite Data: #environment #health 1:23 PM May 7th from web
130. RT @ZimblerMiller Blog post Special Forces Soldier Dan Katz Discusses Life as a Jew in Today’s Army: 1:21 PM May 7th from web
131. Things You Should Know about the Nation’s New Technology Czar? - #tech #web #net #internet 1:17 PM May 7th from web
132. RT @sethsimonds 15 Ways To Overcome Worry -But what if I can only remember 5 or 6 of them? #health #stress #psychology 1:06 PM May 7th from web
133. @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians and sending thousands fleeing -Isn't this the Taliban's War? 1:04 PM May 7th from web
134. RT @BobbyDelray Alzheimer's Reading Room: Will President Obama put an End to the Medicare Rip-Off? - #economy 1:03 PM May 7th from web
135. @BevanWhitfield From Network World: The Internet sky really is falling -Is Twitter the tipping point? #Twitter #net 1:01 PM May 7th from web in reply to BevanWhitfield
136. Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #tcot #sgp #teaparty #hhrs #nbc #abc #foxnews #912 #web 12:55 PM May 7th from web
137. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #tcot #sgp #teaparty #hhrs #nbc #abc #foxnews #net 12:52 PM May 7th from web
138. Evidence for a free cysteine, thiol or sulfhydryl necessary for GPCR activation - #science #biology #research 12:49 PM May 7th from web
139. Sleeping better is the answer to weight loss. #health #weightloss #family #women #men 12:46 PM May 7th from web
140. Sleeping better is the answer to weight loss. 12:45 PM May 7th from web
141. @crystalvision99 Thanks 12:41 PM May 7th from web
142. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #gop #rebuild #abc #cnn #nbc #npr #press #news #insight 12:39 PM May 7th from web
143. @SusanneUre Future of journalism debated in US Senate. -Shouldn't our journalists be debating this? #journalism 12:36 PM May 7th from web
144. @WyKeDnCali @AlterNet: Stephen Colbert Challenges Richard Branson to a Nude Model Chicken Fight -20:1 odds Stephen 12:34 PM May 7th from web in reply to WyKeDnCali
145. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #gop #rebuild #abc #cnn #nbc #npr #press #news #insight 12:30 PM May 7th from web
146. Hope is not necessary to persevere... 12:26 PM May 7th from web
147. @WyKeDnCali Went to your site and clicked on your link, but it was broken. Sorry. 12:25 PM May 7th from web in reply to WyKeDnCali
148. Hedge Funds and other top investors have to learn that they can’t suck all the money out of the markets. #finance #economy 12:22 PM May 7th from web
149. @gassho RT: @JaqStone: Wisdom comes in whispers that the heart hears when the mind is quiet. #wisdom 12:07 PM May 7th from web in reply to gassho
150. Many people gear-up to do something, but then they don't do it. 12:06 PM May 7th from web
151. Both Liberals & Conservatives have fought & died for our country. #gopliberty #rnc #cnn #politics #tcot #gop #hhrs #foxnews #web 12:05 PM May 7th from web
152. @Womens_eNews RT @womensuite I'm troubled abt cultural diversity discussions that don't include ppl of Asian...descent -Can we include all? 12:00 PM May 7th from web in reply to Womens_eNews
153. RT @CBCNews Southern California wildfire rages on, thousands of homes evacuated 11:58 AM May 7th from web
154. I hope that all our friends & family in California are safe. 11:57 AM May 7th from web
155. H1N1 = swine flu; H5N1 = bird flu See: #pandemic #flu #health #publichealth #H1N1 #H5N1 11:53 AM May 7th from web
156. People may not directly associate with hate groups, but their ideas certainly fan the flames of hate and they should recognize that. 11:50 AM May 7th from web
157. Science-Based Medicine Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine - 11:49 AM May 7th from web
158. @tweeterism @Google - @Twitter To Start Indexing Links For Search #tech #SEO #net #web #internet #search 11:47 AM May 7th from web in reply to tweeterism
159. Sorry, but RTs are effective if done for various groups/interests. Thank you for your patience while we reprogram our program... 11:42 AM May 7th from web
160. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #politics #tcot #global #teaparty #dnc #gop #Obama 11:40 AM May 7th from web
161. RT @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians... -Isn't this the Taliban's War? #global #politics #Obama 11:39 AM May 7th from web
162. All things in moderation - even moderation... 11:38 AM May 7th from web
163. Thanks for your comments and ReTweets (RTs) @WyKeDnCali & @crystalvision99 11:35 AM May 7th from web
164. We can all search for #wisdom on Twitter... 11:26 AM May 7th from web
165. RT @AlexKaris #Quote If we all assumed that what is accepted as true... were really true,there would be little hope of advance~O.Wright 11:25 AM May 7th from web
166. The Leopard has shown some of His spots... Many Leopards still out there - be careful 11:20 AM May 7th from web
167. RT @Foomandoonian Produce your own electronic music in your browser: via @lukesurrey -Amazing #music #recording 11:19 AM May 7th from web
168. RT @crystalvision99 @rlanzara Now that's one of the smartest things I've heard all morning -Thank you Which smart thing? 11:13 AM May 7th from web
169. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #politics #tcot #cnn #war #global #dnc #gop #abc #foxnews 11:12 AM May 7th from web
170. Both Liberals & Conservatives have fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #cnn #war #global #dnc #gop #abc #foxnews 11:11 AM May 7th from web
171. RT @mparent77772 Obama War in Pakistan is killing civilians and sending thousands fleeing -Isn't this the Taliban's War? 11:05 AM May 7th from web
172. I guess that any mother who breast feeds in public can't be Miss or Mrs. America? #women #men #issues #insight 10:59 AM May 7th from web
173. Cysteine modulation of receptor function #Bioscience #Science #biology #Biotech #GPCRs #biophysics 10:57 AM May 7th from web
174. We need health care that includes financial & public health components in it. #publichealth #Obama #medicine #economy #finance #health 10:55 AM May 7th from web
175. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: #web #biz #net 10:54 AM May 7th from web
176. Why not lower the amount of leverage banks are required to have rather than pump them full of our tax dollars? #finance #economy #insight 10:52 AM May 7th from web
177. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop 10:50 AM May 7th from web
178. The fundamental equilibrium of a balance - #physics #science 10:31 AM May 7th from web
179. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #politics #tcot #tlot #sgp #teaparty #bho #dnc #gop 10:25 AM May 7th from web
180. Both Conservatives & Liberals have fought & died for our country. #politics #cnn #nbc #abc #insight #npr1 0:22 AM May 7th from web
181. H1N1 = swine flu; H5N1 = bird flu See - #swineflu #flu #health #publichealth #medicine 10:21 AM May 7th from web
182. Shouldn’t we put our political differences aside while we’re fighting a war? #politics #cnn #nbc #abc #insight #npr 10:19 AM May 7th from web
183. @rlanzara: Diana Ross & The Supremes – You Cant Hurry Love ? 11:45 PM May 6th from
184. Both Liberals & Conservatives have died for their country. 11:40 PM May 6th from web
185. RT @thejobsguy Peace Corps ... #global #jobs 11:37 PM May 6th from web
186. @rlanzara: Fleetwood Mac – Dreams ? 11:36 PM May 6th from
187. Aretha Frankin – Say A Little Prayer ? 11:33 PM May 6th from
188. @salsb @ihelpu @BrokePimpStyles @WyKeDnCali @ungaro @MadamaAmbi @Halibutron @CoGI_UCSB @rekouche Thanks for your responses and Rts 11:32 PM May 6th from web
189. Marvin Gaye – Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) ? 11:28 PM May 6th from
190. Teaching is both a Sisyphean and Promethean art... 11:27 PM May 6th from web
191. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 11:23 PM May 6th from
192. I'll Be Waiting via Santana ? 11:17 PM May 6th from
193. We're almost over the 11:16 PM May 6th from web
194. James Taylor – Fire And Rain ? 11:12 PM May 6th from
195. Ravi SHANKAR – Ravi SHANKAR, Tilak Shyam ? 11:09 PM May 6th from
196. Sleeping better is the best way to better health. 11:08 PM May 6th from web
197. RT @timzero4 Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Samuel Johnson #quotes -& don't forget religion 11:06 PM May 6th from web
198. Jimi Hendrix – Hey Joe ? 11:05 PM May 6th from
199. RT @davewiner Where’s Berkeley’s hyperlocal site? 11:05 PM May 6th from web
200. Johann Sebastian Bach – Air In D Major ? 10:59 PM May 6th from
201. RT @offgrid God conceals himself from the mind of man, but reveals himself to his heart. - African 10:47 PM May 6th from web
202. Is Lock going to kill Jacob? #LOST 10:19 PM May 6th from web
203. STOP THE TRAFFIK - #ethics #slavery #global #web #law #women 10:15 PM May 6th from web
204. RT @CynthiaY29 Stop the Traffik #causes human rights #global #slavery 10:15 PM May 6th from web
205. No where to tweet but up 10:09 PM May 6th from web
206. Fight financial ruin by not getting scammed 6:38 PM May 6th from web
207. The graceful notes from the opera singer reach my ears and tingle my brain.... 6:37 PM May 6th from web
208. Why not lower the amount of leverage banks are required to have rather than pump them full of our tax dollars? #cnn #abc #nbc #question 6:33 PM May 6th from web
209. Do we need to analyze our debt portfolios? - #debt #finance #family #economy 6:28 PM May 6th from web
210. Agaporomorphus colberti - Who's Not Honoring Me Now ? 6:22 PM May 6th from web
211. RT @newscience Entomologists name 'diving beetle' for Stephen Colbert -Stephen is honored I'm sure 6:14 PM May 6th from web
212. A Medical Journal for the World's Health Priorities - #medicine #publichealth 6:05 PM May 6th from web
213. Assessing modern medicine and its effects on our future - #medicine 5:40 PM May 6th from web
214. Computing in drug research and development - 5:38 PM May 6th from web
215. Beware the Acai Berry Weight Loss Scams - #scams #ripoffs #web #net 5:20 PM May 6th from web
216. Is everything a business? 3:03 PM May 6th from web
217. RT @MplusA A goal is a dream with a deadline 3:01 PM May 6th from web
218. RT @jbruin RT @mashable Twitter Co-Founder: “We’re Not For Sale” (via @tweetmeme) #Twitter 2:56 PM May 6th from web
219. If all we have is each other, then you know what to do. - @ dolcina 8:49 PM May 5th from web
220. RT @PolymerPhD PhD Jobs #jobs 8:40 PM May 5th from web
221. RT @newscientist Fellow tweeters, beware of Javascript worms #Twitter #security #web #net #internet 8:37 PM May 5th from web
222. Drop by drop pain that cannot forget falls upon the heart until against our will in our despair comes wisdom by the awful grace of God. 8:35 PM May 5th from web
223. Some people need more than a vacation... Seriously 8:31 PM May 5th from web
224. Tommy Emmanuel - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - #music #guitar 8:29 PM May 5th from web
225. RT @science Some birds have a talent for dancing. A cockatoo named Snowball likes the Backstreet Boys -Twitter approved 8:11 PM May 5th from web
226. Evidence for a free cysteine, thiol or sulfhydryl necessary for GPCR activation - #biology #science 8:05 PM May 5th from web
227. The right tool for the right job. 7:58 PM May 5th from web
228. Funny what you get when you search for the phrase, “What can I do to better myself” - PM May 5th from web
229. I'm not addicted... I can give up Twitter at any time 7:48 PM May 5th from web
230. Cinco De Mayo - 6:52 PM May 5th from web
231. What fame does to a Twitterer -Barbara Walters: Following 3 Followers 174,855 Updates 10 6:44 PM May 5th from web
232. RT @ebdailypolitics Bloomberg To Take Manhattan - The Manhattan GOP is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. at the Met .. 6:27 PM May 5th from web
233. Twitter recipes @cookbook - #recipes #food #family #women #men #cooking 6:21 PM May 5th from web
234. The Rise of Graphene - #physics #chemistry #science 6:01 PM May 5th from web
235. I'm still learning... 5:48 PM May 5th from web
236. Slide show of the presidents - #history #presidents 5:42 PM May 5th from web
237. Finding humane ways to treat displaced people is a pressing modern day problem. 5:41 PM May 5th from web
238. It would be most noble & honorable for North Korea to release Laura Ling & Euna Lee. (Please RT) 5:39 PM May 5th from web
239. #haiku Old Credit Default Swaps // an investor groans // the sound of silence... 5:31 PM May 5th from web
240. We're all swimming in a sea of life... 5:18 PM May 5th from web
241. US resident dies from swine flu - 5:17 PM May 5th from web
242. Via @Computerworld - Apple said to make $700M buyout bid for Twitter 5:16 PM May 5th from web
243. RT @ObamaNews Curbing Tax Havens and Removing Tax Incentives for Shifting Jobs Overseas #policy #taxes #economy 7:19 PM May 4th from web
244. Memory systems - #memory #neuroscience 7:16 PM May 4th from web
245. @dudeman718 - An amazing 17,592 updates Wow 7:10 PM May 4th from web
246. We shouldn't smoke, but if we do, we shouldn't smoke around children - #family #health #children 7:08 PM May 4th from web
247. Interesting science site - #science #biology #physics #math 7:05 PM May 4th from web
248. If more doctors started asking, would more drug and alcohol abusers 'fess up so they could get help? - 7:03 PM May 4th from web
249. The real question is can we stop a deadly flu pandemic? Sorry, but the answer is probably no, but we may be able to protect our families. 6:52 PM May 4th from web
250. RT @msnbc_health Swine flu fears subside, but second wave looms #publichealth #medicine #health 6:48 PM May 4th from web
251. Basking in the limelight... or is it twilight? 6:46 PM May 4th from web
252. Search Engines That Search Across Multiple Media Sites - 6:30 PM May 4th from web
253. Lovely Scientist Loves Science - http://www.joannelovesscien... #science #education #teaching 6:02 PM May 4th from web
254. Where are we supposed to hide our money now? - 5:19 PM May 4th from web
255. Career and life advice for a new generation of workers - about/ #jobs #work #careers #women #family 5:16 PM May 4th from web
256. Sturm und Drang & Sturm und Drang - 4:21 PM May 4th from web
257. Optimal Agonist/Antagonist Combinations To Reduce or Prevent Receptor Desensitization #biology #science #biotech 3:58 PM May 4th from web
258. RT @veronicaeye Oh Peggy Orenstein...Slow Schools. Love it #teaching #education 3:50 PM May 4th from web
259. The flu will be back. 3:37 PM May 4th from web
260. White House now on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter - 3:36 PM May 4th from web
261. Nothiing is as it seems... 1:11 PM May 4th from web
262. Is Twitter brain aerobics? 10:26 PM May 3rd from web
263. In case you were wondering - Twitterers Anonymous - #Twitter 10:21 PM May 3rd from web
264. RT @jowyang Great article about the Netherlands, social services and healthcare -Do they have the answers? 10:17 PM May 3rd from web
265. Financial health is also an important component of a person's overall health. #health #economy #cnn #abc #npr #medicine #publichealth 10:00 PM May 3rd from web
266. Most cruel predators prey upon the weaknesses of innocents... 9:58 PM May 3rd from web
267. Are we in the zone yet? (I think we're close) 9:54 PM May 3rd from web
268. Interesting to see where tweets go - #Twitter #Google #tweets #insight 9:52 PM May 3rd from web
269. #haiku Poetry’s spark within // ignites, yet satisfies & calms // beyond our minds... 9:50 PM May 3rd from web
270. RT @CynthiaY29 Ok... the full effect you must Tweet 5 Tweets in under 5 seconds @terrymyers @mclinklove @car4dave @bruxedo -such pressure 9:46 PM May 3rd from web
271. Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden = GOLF? #golf #sport 9:44 PM May 3rd from web
272. Google's 3D warehouse - #3D #animation #graphics #art 9:36 PM May 3rd from web
273. Tommy Emmanuel - Harmonics Lesson - #music 9:28 PM May 3rd from web
274. @ExpresYourself Thanks for your thoughtful tweets 9:27 PM May 3rd from web
275. Sex, Death, Money & Power are the basic things that get people's attention. 9:23 PM May 3rd from web
276. Twitter doesn't make any money, but some people do make money on Twitter. Twitter is worth millions. Did I miss something here? 9:21 PM May 3rd from web
277. Alcohol ruins many people's lives... 9:05 PM May 3rd from web
278. @SomaMoja @FreeBeing @shaileelathe @WyKeDnCali @matthewhughes Thanks for your Rts 7:35 PM May 3rd from web
279. Listen to these people so you don't lose money - & #money #finance 7:29 PM May 3rd from web
280. reach --------> 7:21 PM May 3rd from web
281. Scientific rationale for why beta-blockers work in heart failure - #heartfailure #medicine 2:56 PM May 3rd from web
282. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 2:52 PM May 3rd from
283. Those with extreme opinions are often not happy... 2:48 PM May 3rd from web
284. Chantal's great website: @chantalart http://www.changelingstudio... #actionfigures #toys #painting 2:46 PM May 3rd from web
285. Happy Birthday -To those who have a birthday today. 2:43 PM May 3rd from web
286. Riders On The Storm - The Doors -Perfect for this stormy day... ? 2:42 PM May 3rd from web
287. 18 m.o. niece tiring me out... 2:39 PM May 3rd from web
288. Scholar search on Google - 1:37 PM May 3rd from web
289. Eldercare - #family #women #men 1:34 PM May 3rd from web
290. Weber-Fechner law - #science #psychology #biology #math #physics #biophysics 1:28 PM May 3rd from web
291. Watching active children is a trade off between your sanity and the children's happiness... 1:22 PM May 3rd from web
292. Don't lose sleep over whether people follow you or not on Twitter. #Twitter #psychology #insight 1:19 PM May 3rd from web
293. RT @Jason_Pollock An invention that could change the internet for ever - #internet #web #net #invention 12:13 PM May 3rd from web
294. @joemd @rlanzara By public, what do you mean? #findingbalanceinlife -The part that is not private (open to more than two at a time). 12:10 PM May 3rd from web in reply to joemd
295. Global Viral Forecasting Initiative - Pandemics are preventable? - #pandemic #health #global 12:03 PM May 3rd from web
296. A person in love can't think too much about it... 11:51 AM May 3rd from web
297. RT @stedawa hyoid bone ...only omega-shaped bone suspended like fruit in jello in our neck #biology #evolution 11:38 AM May 3rd from web
298. Every life is a progress of the soul 11:37 AM May 3rd from web
299. RT @joemd What is the one habit you'd like to change to improve your life? #lifeisshort -Find the right balance between private & public. 11:33 AM May 3rd from web
300. 18 m.o. neice asleep in living room - she's an angel (especially when asleep)... 11:28 AM May 3rd from web
301. @rekouche Thanks - for the flattering hype (I think?)... Amazing what impressions we get from the few short tweets we see... 11:26 AM May 3rd from web
302. Any one writing a Twitter book based on their interior locutions ( ) on Twitter? 11:22 AM May 3rd from web
303. @rekouche Thanks Great to see you're back 11:16 AM May 3rd from web in reply to rekouche
304. I try to avoid the hype. 11:15 AM May 3rd from web
305. RT @rekouche @SomaMoja Howya been sweetie pie?? :D Feeling better I hope -Ditto 11:08 AM May 3rd from web
306. Pit your mind against the reality of the universe... 11:22 PM May 2nd from web
307. @Kohmahts Blessings to your Sis -Thanks 11:15 PM May 2nd from web in reply to Kohmahts
308. RT @Kohmahts Finnish teacher unlocks music for special-needs students #RWE -My sister does this in NH. 11:12 PM May 2nd from web
309. Thanks for your RTs - @WyKeDnCali @FreeBeing @redrobinrockn @SomaMoja 11:05 PM May 2nd from web
310. The Grass Roots – Let's Live For Today ? 11:00 PM May 2nd from
311. Santana – Soul Sacrifice ? 10:56 PM May 2nd from
312. Marvin Gaye – Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) ? 10:41 PM May 2nd from
313. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus – Requiem in D minor K 626 - Lachrymosa - for Jack Kemp ? 10:32 PM May 2nd from
314. @TheMime ... 10:21 PM May 2nd from web
315. #Music - the imagination of the soul? 10:19 PM May 2nd from web
316. Carole King – Its Too Late ? 10:16 PM May 2nd from
317. Carlos Santana – Black Magic Woman ? 10:15 PM May 2nd from
318. @12C4 Bees bring more benefits than we ever knew -Why we should let them keep more of their honey? 10:06 PM May 2nd from web in reply to 12C4
319. @donlemoncnn Rep. Ron Paul says U.S. is over-reacting to swine flu. What do you think? -Officials often too late - individuals must decide10:04 PM May 2nd from web in reply to donlemoncnn
320. The world sends us wonderful and cruel challenges that test our character down to the bone... 10:00 PM May 2nd from web
321. We’ve got the celebrities, paparazzi, cognoscenti, glitterati, litterati & twitterati all here on Twitter #Twitter 8:52 PM May 2nd from web
322. Ironically, people who catch the H1N1 influenza now may be protected if it comes around in the Fall as a more virulent strain. #H1N1 #flu 8:38 PM May 2nd from web
323. Very sorry, but the Big Boy's Poker Game is bigger than I thought - $531 trillion #economy #cnn #abc #nbc #npr 8:36 PM May 2nd from web
324. RT @SomaMoja (seems like all of earth is on list) British Empire: Entering and Exiting The Empire #history 7:42 PM May 2nd from web
325. RT @leahjones so very proud of a friend who resigned from a job that was killing him. -We should all have the will to do this 4:37 PM May 2nd from web
326. RT @kmallan RT @sargedunn1: Death is life's way of telling you you've been fired. -Unless your in LOST 4:36 PM May 2nd from web
327. We're all afraid of what we're capable of... 4:34 PM May 2nd from web
328. True humility is just understanding our place in the universe... 4:33 PM May 2nd from web
329. Stevie Wonder – Superstition ? 4:30 PM May 2nd from
330. RT @BreakingNewz Girl's father does not want Madonna to adopt her -Why not adopt the whole family? 4:22 PM May 2nd from web
331. Dionne Warwick – That's What Friends Are For (Stevie Wonder) ? 4:20 PM May 2nd from
332. RT @serious_skeptic @rlanzara right, but peeps can still follow if they hit the request follow button. Nobody seems to get that. -Follow 4:16 PM May 2nd from web
333. RT @SomaMoja @rlanzara i was merely BornCute from Ma Ancestor's Blood, Sweat and Tears,... -We all were...(at least born)... 4:15 PM May 2nd from web
334. @serious_skeptic @rlanzara ??? please elaborate - don't understand tweet -Last night U wanted more followers, but you're at 526 w a lock? 4:14 PM May 2nd from web
335. Just think in the future we will talk with our little picture icons that will emote and converse with one another - some on autopilot? 4:09 PM May 2nd from web
336. RT @serious_skeptic One of the top 10 Twitter things that will get you unfollowed...STOP BRAGGING -Experience? (526 -you're locked?)4:08 PM May 2nd from web
337. That last tweet was from @SomaMoja -she's got the gift 4:05 PM May 2nd from web
338. There's sunset in every sunrise, joy behind pain in tearful eyes, when no one knows all understand, the worst of bad breeds the best in man 4:04 PM May 2nd from web
339. Fleetwood Mac – Dreams ? 4:02 PM May 2nd from
340. RT @SomaMoja @rlanzara all I hope is that U try, for just starting means success,. -Thanks 4:00 PM May 2nd from web
341. Summer Breeze - Seals & Crofts ? 3:57 PM May 2nd from
342. @SomaMoja Hope you're enjoying some sunshine 3:55 PM May 2nd from web
343. @SomaMoja @rlanzara Sweet Saturday PaPa, hope you aint behaving, LOL -Thanks I'm trying (some)... 3:54 PM May 2nd from web in reply to SomaMoja
344. @arleigh arleighapologies to the easily offended. but if you're easily offended, why are you following me? -Maybe they're checking how easy? 3:52 PM May 2nd from web in reply to arleigh
345. Our minds love consuming concepts almost as much as our bodies crave food? - 3:51 PM May 2nd from web
346. RT @serious_skeptic exposing yourself to people who may actually *have* the flu. Stupid to go to ER if u don't need 2 b there. 3:47 PM May 2nd from web
347. @AngelaRed Today is my birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY 3:36 PM May 2nd from web in reply to AngelaRed
348. Probably best to know if there are people smarter than you in the room... 3:31 PM May 2nd from web
349. RT @DrJosephKim The U.S. has 3 Million Job Openings, but... #economy #jobs 10:50 AM May 2nd from web
350. RT @cheeky_geeky If you are in Manhattan right now, you (a) are at home, (b) are in Starbucks, or (c) are completely soaked. -(a) 10:48 AM May 2nd from web
351. RT @moorejh Large-scale African genetics study finds surprising diversity, few ancestral groups: -Our origins 10:47 AM May 2nd from web
352. It would be a most honorable & noble act for North Korea to release Laura Ling & Euna Lee. 10:44 AM May 2nd from web
353. Twitter gives us the personal feedback and distance we want for ideal relationships... 10:31 AM May 2nd from web
354. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: 10:29 AM May 2nd from web
355. Introduction to some of our intellectual property (IP) - #pharma #biotach #patent #IP #biz # 10:28 AM May 2nd from web
356. R. Lanzara has transferred technology for creating safer, more effective drugs to Enhanced Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 10:22 AM May 2nd from web
357. If we look at some of the most innovative companies like Google & Apple, would they be successful startups in today's business climate? 10:19 AM May 2nd from web
358. @Vinken @pcam @vegtv @MATT_369 @LoriMoreno @handymanfred @jeremybuff @Budor @MedC2 @ExpresYourself @Yogini -Thanks for the RTs + tweets 10:15 AM May 2nd from web
359. RT @iBlend 20 Talented and Impressive #Illustrators - (via @0lli) -Why are these mostly about sex or death? 10:09 AM May 2nd from web
360. I have to work on my paperwork skills... 10:07 AM May 2nd from web
361. Some of us mess up and some of us clean up... 10:05 AM May 2nd from web
362. @dudeman718 Heading to bed. Goodnight Twitter See you all tomorrow -You seem to be retiring early? 9:59 PM May 1st from web in reply to dudeman718
363. I'm at the age where pus from the LORD is better than mother's milk. 9:55 PM May 1st from web
364. Politics works both ways... 9:54 PM May 1st from web
365. Led Zeppelin – Stairway To Heaven ? 9:53 PM May 1st from
366. RT @palmdoc RT @swinefluh1n1: Swine Flu Mysteries #swineflu #H1N1 9:50 PM May 1st from web
367. Todd Rundgren – I Saw The Light ? 9:47 PM May 1st from
368. Neil Young – Heart Of Gold ? 9:41 PM May 1st from
369. RT @Ammonyte the ammonyte has left the building -Sounds serious - should we notify the authorities? 9:39 PM May 1st from web
370. RT @SomaMoja @rekouche Hola MaMi. -Ditto 9:37 PM May 1st from web
371. America – Ventura Highway ? 9:24 PM May 1st from
372. Hope everyone's OK out there in LA & California. 9:20 PM May 1st from web
373. LA had a 4.4 quake. See - #earthquake #LA 9:20 PM May 1st from web
374. I almost feel ready for the future... 9:16 PM May 1st from web
375. How receptors may work to send a signal - #science #biology #pharmacology 9:13 PM May 1st from web
376. Some people think so much they forget to live. 9:05 PM May 1st from web
377. RT @vene2ia Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. 8:52 PM May 1st from web
378. The Mamas & The Papas – Sing For Your Supper ? 8:44 PM May 1st from
379. RT @SomaMoja Constitution of the United States - Official The Charters Of Freedom 8:42 PM May 1st from web
380. Diana Ross & The Supremes – You Cant Hurry Love ? 8:41 PM May 1st from
381. Garbage – Only Happy When It Rains ? 8:37 PM May 1st from
382. RT @SomaMoja RT @rlanzara: The lottery is a regressive form of taxation. - THANKS FOR the RTS 8:37 PM May 1st from web
383. Mamas & Papas -- Young Girls Are Coming To The Canyon ? 8:34 PM May 1st from
384. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) - #internet #web #net 8:33 PM May 1st from web
385. Don't get faked out by bogus charities - #charity #giving 8:31 PM May 1st from web
386. @PamDH he could lick the barbecue sauce off my jumper -Keep it clean 8:25 PM May 1st from web in reply to PamDH
387. Riders On The Storm - The Doors -Perfect for this stormy night... ? 8:23 PM May 1st from
388. Tings are tings... 8:22 PM May 1st from web
389. It's one thing to do things for yourself - it's another thing to do things for others... 8:21 PM May 1st from web
390. RT @serious_skeptic I seriously need another 26 followers in order to maintain my self-esteem. -Rally Followers 8:15 PM May 1st from web
391. The lottery is a regressive form of taxation. 8:14 PM May 1st from web
392. RT @loveofscience The new edition of Carnival of Evolution is up #science #education #evolution 8:13 PM May 1st from web
393. If we could really listen to one another, we might begin to understand each other better... 8:09 PM May 1st from web
394. It's law day. Shouldn't we have a list of laws posted on the internet? - #law #legal #web 7:58 PM May 1st from web
395. Nice work - synaptosomal toxicity by reaction with sulfhydryl thiolates - -We agree 4:16 PM May 1st from web
396. RT @joenoia listening to 'California Dreaming' by The Mamas&Papas at #music 3:36 PM May 1st from web
397. RT @ReliefNews Philippines had most displaced people in 2008-study - #publichealth #global #crises 3:32 PM May 1st from web
398. RT @lollydaskal After 341 Years, a Woman Is British Poet Laureate #women #poetry 3:24 PM May 1st from web
399. RT @Reuters FLASH: Supreme Court Justice Souter says he is retiring; Obama says wants to have new justice sworn in by early October 3:23 PM May 1st from web
400. 17 y.o. Teen still missing - @alert #children #family #moms #teens 3:22 PM May 1st from web
401. RT @FredDouglassSon Selling Daughters: #ethics #morality #law #global #children #women 3:15 PM May 1st from web
402. Bad jobs: Why they make some women bad moms ?- #jobs #women #moms 2:53 PM May 1st from web
403. His story + Her story = Their History... 2:26 PM May 1st from web
404. If I got the new invisibility cloak, I'd be even less noticeable than I am now...hummm... 2:25 PM May 1st from web
405. You don't want to know (marathon router - cable modem reset session for mother-in-law's computer). 2:20 PM May 1st from web
406. RT @timzero4 Invisibility cloak edges closer 12:54 PM May 1st from web
407. Emergency & health care workers & those immunologically depressed may need to take antiviral drugs. #family #medicine #publichealth 12:52 PM May 1st from web
408. What valuable information can a hacker get from Twitter? 12:46 PM May 1st from web
409. Infographic: The Importance of Women Breadwinners - #women #family #economics 12:36 PM May 1st from web
410. RT @health FDA is warning people to stop using Hydroxycut products. The weight loss supplement linked to liver problems. 12:32 PM May 1st from web
411. We seem to be under threats from hackers, viruses, terrorists & financial meltdown - other than that we're doing pretty well. 12:30 PM May 1st from web
412. I spent 7 1/2 yrs working nights & going to school full time. 12:13 PM May 1st from web
413. RT @lizditz Sleep Deprivation and Group Performance -Applies to medical people too. #medicine #health 12:12 PM May 1st from web
414. Some people take a long time to learn that controlling one's anger is very important. 12:07 PM May 1st from web
415. Bio Balance, etc. -pretty good listing: #biotech #biology #pharma #science 12:05 PM May 1st from web
416. RT @esciencenews Emotional support leads to sporting success -Probably good for students & everyone #teaching 11:40 AM May 1st from web
417. We sometimes begin following people, policies & things that we shouldn't... 11:38 AM May 1st from web
418. Joe Biden spoke correctly about not doing unnecessary travel. #cnn #abc #nbc #today #tomorrow #yesterday 11:36 AM May 1st from web
419. It would be a most noble & honorable act for North Korea to release Laura Ling & Euna Lee. #global #news #ethics #insight 11:29 AM May 1st from web
420. RT @ariel90 May 3rd World Press Freedom Day. (via @liberatelaura) Support Roxana Saberi, Laura Ling, and others. 11:17 AM May 1st from web
421. Laura Ling's previous work on Current TV - #freepress #women #global #current #news 11:15 AM May 1st from web
422. RT @HospitalPharmD Drug Fact Sheets Issued for Swine Influenza Antivirals #swineflu #medicine #doctors #H1N1 11:07 AM May 1st from web
423. #FollowFriday @xenijardin @digg_science @newscientist @janechin @prod4ever @amvr2medwriter @Reuters @stillsafe 11:03 AM May 1st from web
424. RT @MarkClayson Online Recipe Search Engine Is The For Recipes #food #family #women #men 10:49 AM May 1st from web
425. RT @SomaMojaRT @ThankASoldier: Today is #RedFriday Wear (R)emember (E)veryone (D)epoloyed, serving at home and their families #sot #tcot 10:48 AM May 1st from web
426. #FollowFriday @newswise @juliaallison @webaddict @AlohaArleen @jeanettejoy @simikathy @PrometheanCopy @HumanRightsNews10:47 AM May 1st from web
427. One tweet does not a twitterer make. 10:47 AM May 1st from web
428. #FollowFriday @TheDelicious @writerjax @writingroads @sciencebase @elijahmanor @waynesutton @complexcipher @HenkTerHeide 10:37 AM May 1st from web
429. Why do we always try to jungle just one more ball? 10:20 AM May 1st from web
430. Some people are so busy following others that they wind up following themselves... 10:19 AM May 1st from web
431. Twitter gets clogged with FollowFridays & the Thank yous & the I joined such and such lists - maybe they should go into another stream? 10:17 AM May 1st from web
432. Just because you're not in my #FollowFriday list doesn't mean I don't enjoy following your tweets. 10:15 AM May 1st from web
433. #FollowFriday @thesciencebabe @madlolscientist @donttrythis @2020science @Yogini @NikkiPilkington @MedC2 @modeling22 10:14 AM May 1st from web
434. #FollowFriday @serious_skeptic @peterstone40 @doc_rob @medicalneeds @melissaart @dtitle @simonvipoir @tssinews @wdfavour 10:04 AM May 1st from web
435. Happy Birthday -To everyone who has a birthday today. 9:51 AM May 1st from web
436. #FollowFriday is one of Twitter's higher level evolutions: @alfie6 @GeneRef @12C4 @Kohmahts @fantomaster @SarahBrown10 9:50 AM May 1st from web
437. #followfriday @SomaMoja @dudeman718 @BordadoIngles @arleigh @vene2ia @alfie6 @EarthTimesPR 9:46 AM May 1st from web
438. NYC - worrying that the weekend rains will wash out my garden I just planted (sounds like a farmer from 200 years ago)... 9:38 AM May 1st from web
439. Your actions can prevent you from getting the flu. 9:36 AM May 1st from web
440. Mitchelle or Hillary to keep Clarence in line? #Obama #supremecourt #law 9:30 AM May 1st from web
441. Don't judge a book by its cover... 7:14 PM Apr 30th from web
442. RT @divadoll123 RT @reland1 The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any #tcot #tlot 7:13 PM Apr 30th from web
443. Interesting that some people use your @username, but miss quote you or make up things that you didn't say... 7:09 PM Apr 30th from web
444. @SomaMoja Thanks for the RT 7:07 PM Apr 30th from web
445. Science is a way to focus and test our curiosity and imagination. 7:04 PM Apr 30th from web
446. Some past lessons learned from pandemics & why we should minimize our social contacts - #H1N1 #influenza #health 7:04 PM Apr 30th from web
447. @brundi #swineflu overhyped or are we all going to die? -Got to be a medium somewhere in there? 1:21 PM Apr 30th from web in reply to brundi
448. Maybe I'm not controversial enough... 1:17 PM Apr 30th from web
449. RT @codepinkalert @AfghanistanDocu My new heroes: Afghan school girls because they fight every day for an education. 1:11 PM Apr 30th from web
450. If I'm controversial so be it, but I think that we are in a pandemic and we have to be individually responsible. #swineflu #medicine #health 1:00 PM Apr 30th from web
451. @texastaildrager You may want to check out this group - 12:36 PM Apr 30th from web
452. @TheDelicious my dentist is going to kick my ass. -You'd better get a new dentist 12:32 PM Apr 30th from web in reply to TheDelicious
453. @texastaildrager @rlanzara Thanks, I have already used it. -You're welcome 12:28 PM Apr 30th from web in reply to texastaildrager
454. @arleigh OK, I'll take the Honda rap, but that's where I draw the line 12:17 PM Apr 30th from web
455. Good resource - you still need to implement your own precautions: #swineflu #H1N1 11:53 AM Apr 30th from web
456. @arleigh Just my own errors are plenty enough - thank you 11:48 AM Apr 30th from web in reply to arleigh
457. Too little too late to say you're sorry - too little too late to say you care... 11:47 AM Apr 30th from web
458. RT @amvr2medwriter RT @rlanzara We are individually responsible for reducing or preventing the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus. Thanks 11:44 AM Apr 30th from web
459. I accept the consequences for being wrong. 11:38 AM Apr 30th from web
460. Dear Followers, My humble opinion is to take personal precautions because we're now in a pandemic - 11:25 AM Apr 30th from web
461. Your actions will determine whether you get the H1N1 (swineflu) virus or not - #swineflu #abc #cnn #npr #fox #nbc 9:09 AM Apr 30th from web
462. Individual actions will determine whether we get the H1N1 (swineflu) virus or not - #H1N1 #security #mexican_flu 9:08 AM Apr 30th from web
463. Sorry, but if I'm wrong, then at least I've helped to prevent some cases if you take preventative actions now... 9:06 AM Apr 30th from web
464. It is a pandemic - governments & health organisations are slow to act compared to the rapid progression of this strain. #global #nbc #cnn 9:05 AM Apr 30th from web
465. Our individual actions will determine whether we get the H1N1 (swineflu) virus or not - #H1N1 #flu #family #abc 9:00 AM Apr 30th from web
466. It is a pandemic & governments can't entirely prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #npr #wbez #swineflu #influenza 8:57 AM Apr 30th from web
467. Health alerts - 8:53 AM Apr 30th from web
468. Preventative actions you should do now to prevent you and your family from getting the H1N1 (swineflu) virus - 8:52 AM Apr 30th from web
469. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. - 8:50 AM Apr 30th from web
470. Going forward your individual decisions will reduce or increase your risks of getting the flu. #health #H1N1 #Google #news #swineflu 8:49 AM Apr 30th from web
471. RT @rlanzara It is a pandemic & governments won't now prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #who #Obama #cnn 8:46 AM Apr 30th from web
472. It is a pandemic & governments won't now prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #family #health #bbc #web 8:45 AM Apr 30th from web
473. The flu tweets just keep coming - 8:44 AM Apr 30th from web
474. People new to Twitter may not understand that it is more of a soapbox than a person to person conversation... 8:41 AM Apr 30th from web
475. Sorry, but it is a pandemic & governments won't now prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #news #cnn #foxnews 8:36 AM Apr 30th from web
476. Governments won't prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #cnn #alert #swineflu #publichealth 8:31 AM Apr 30th from web
477. Governments & health organisations won't prevent the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus only we can. #health #pandemic #flu 8:29 AM Apr 30th from web
478. We are individually responsible for reducing or preventing the spread of the H1N1 (swineflu) virus. #H1N1 #swineflu #flu 8:16 AM Apr 30th from web
479. RT @hospitalimpact 160,400 kids staying home today because of the swine flu 8:13 AM Apr 30th from web
480. It is a pandemic. From a health perspective, we are not preventing transmission except to inform people how to reduce its spread. 8:09 AM Apr 30th from web
481. RT @CDCemergency Parents: protect your family - Know when to seek med care: #swineflu #family #parents #health #children 8:20 PM Apr 29th from web
482. RT @Kohmahts Why an exotic fruit is the world's only weapon against bird flu #RWE #flu #pharma 8:12 PM Apr 29th from web
483. RT @HospitalPharmD Drug Fact Sheets Issued for Swine Influenza Antivirals #swineflu #flu #health #medicine 8:10 PM Apr 29th from web
484. RT @Yogini Student vanishes on spring break #missingpeople ( ) #alert 7:36 PM Apr 29th from web
485. My e-mail message: swineflu is now following you on Twitter -Sounds ominous 6:58 PM Apr 29th from web
486. If we treat our classrooms as sanctuaries, then a revolution in teaching and learning will occur. #education #teaching #insight 6:21 PM Apr 29th from web
487. Let's End Sexual Cannibalism - -I'm for ending it #biology #science #psychology 6:16 PM Apr 29th from web
488. Interesting coincidence that both President Obama & LOST are on their 100th day or episode. #Obama #LOST 6:04 PM Apr 29th from web
489. *So Who Do You Believe? Pharmaceutical Ethics - #ethics #pharma #bigpharma #medicine #doctors #health 5:57 PM Apr 29th from web
490. RT @jakrose New: Reddit TV #tv #web #net #internet 5:23 PM Apr 29th from web
491. Click on the Pict - 5:20 PM Apr 29th from web
492. Expand your Twitter bubble - ?I've got a Twitter bubble? 5:19 PM Apr 29th from web
493. All is not LOST #LOST 100th show I was LOST, but now I'm FOUND... 5:17 PM Apr 29th from web
494. Yumme Yum Riders On The Storm via The Doors - also 4 @verkoren :) ? 5:09 PM Apr 29th from
495. Interesting - Twisters, or short stories written in 140 characters or less - @AStoryIn140 #Love #Life #Death #Sex & #Taxes #? 4:58 PM Apr 29th from web
496. Read about why I hated Mama Cass in Blue Jean Baby at Amazon. Mamas & Papas -- Dream A Little Dream Of Me ? 4:42 PM Apr 29th from
497. RT @BreakingNewz WHO raises pandemic alert level #swineflu #pandemic #publichealth #health #alert #medicine 4:37 PM Apr 29th from web
498. Read what it was like to roam the Canyon roads late at night in Blue Jean Baby at Amazon. Mamas & Papas -- Yo... ? 4:35 PM Apr 29th from
499. #Twitter #hashtags should be open to the public (i.e. people searching for #swineflu could see Twitter's updates without having to sign in). 4:31 PM Apr 29th from web
500. Forcing your love upon another is not true love... 4:29 PM Apr 29th from web
501. RT @texastaildrager @surazeus Interesting. Check out my latest book: #Jesus #religion #controversy 4:26 PM Apr 29th from web
502. @Diollan @valenzetti Can't wait to watch #Lost tonight. Faraday's back story is gonna rule. (@aaronlongoria) -Tweeting son... 4:20 PM Apr 29th from web
503. RT @Dan_F_Klein What I learned from Belts Breaking Bondage's showing of Taken: ...human trafficking is a deplorable thing. 4:18 PM Apr 29th from web
504. RT @lisawilliams If you really believe in your idea, do it even if there are tanks in the streets: 4:05 PM Apr 29th from web
505. @arleigh rt @99andBarry: Someone asked me for a list of things that give me energy, but I'm listless -Coffee, chocolate & unconditional love 3:53 PM Apr 29th from web in reply to arleigh
506. RT @DhammaSeeker @holleexann be smart and don't txt and drive - that is all ? 3:51 PM Apr 29th from web
507. I'd rewire my brain, but I don't know where all the circuits belong... 3:35 PM Apr 29th from web
508. @guykawasaki Laser-controlled humans closer to reality. -I can hardly wait...wait...wait 3:34 PM Apr 29th from web in reply to guykawasaki
509. @tabatha_akers why do some men have to be insensitive jerks???? -Because they haven't been civilized by a woman yet. 3:32 PM Apr 29th from web in reply to tabatha_akers
510. Garbage – Only Happy When It Rains ? 3:31 PM Apr 29th from
511. You can't catch the flu from Twitter. 3:30 PM Apr 29th from web
512. Diana Ross & The Supremes – You Cant Hurry Love ? 3:28 PM Apr 29th from
513. Check the availability of your brand name, user name or vanity URL on 120 popular Social Media websites. 3:12 PM Apr 29th from web
514. How much can one fit into a tweet? Is this the record holder? - @newscience 2:19 PM Apr 29th from web
515. RT @modeling22 [Article] The wonders of Technorati : #blog #blogging #info #web 2:16 PM Apr 29th from web
516. Learn the importance of patience... 2:01 PM Apr 29th from web
517. RT @juliaroy OMG The look on the kid’s face at the end of the video is PRICELESS -Very cute 2:00 PM Apr 29th from web
518. @SomaMoja Thanks Nothing better than an American Smo*O*ch 1:52 PM Apr 29th from web
519. Loyalty Problems: Twitter Glitter Wears Off Quickly - 1:19 PM Apr 29th from web
520. CEO Desktop Express - #biz #CEO #net 1:15 PM Apr 29th from web
521. Why does Congress have the people who should be working hard to address current crises testify? 9:17 AM Apr 29th from web
522. Teaching is the true Promethean fire - #teaching #education 8:08 AM Apr 29th from web
523. US reports first swine flu death - #swineflu #publichealth #health 8:05 AM Apr 29th from web
524. There's so much I haven't tweeted, you'll have to read between the tweets... 9:47 PM Apr 28th from web
525. RT @google Hello, @googleresearch - glad you're sharing tech research updates on Twitter -?Google saying hi to Googleresearch on Twitter? 9:45 PM Apr 28th from web
526. @SomaMoja @rlanzara well, I hope for you, it is Good Trouble, Ma Da'Lin PaPa. -Thanks, me too 9:28 PM Apr 28th from web in reply to SomaMoja
527. Twitter allows us to share our common humanity. 9:26 PM Apr 28th from web
528. My followers need to know that I have never taken a bribe, but it doesn't shock me that that's the way the world works. 9:23 PM Apr 28th from web
529. RT @SomaMoja RT @rlanzara: It is all my fault. (what did I do that you got blamed for) -Love gets us into all kinds of troubles 9:19 PM Apr 28th from web
530. Are we all just a bit too flighty on Twitter? 9:16 PM Apr 28th from web
531. RT @fantomaster Understanding Mind Mapping and How You Can Effectively Use It -Interesting... 9:15 PM Apr 28th from web
532. Reduce your stress and take care of yourself - #women #health 9:12 PM Apr 28th from web
533. To the lovely women out there, please give a guy a break - dress to maim not kill. #women 9:11 PM Apr 28th from web
534. It's not you, it's me. 9:06 PM Apr 28th from web
535. It is all my fault. 9:05 PM Apr 28th from web
536. I like to follow new people on Twitter - they are fresh... 9:04 PM Apr 28th from web
537. Why do people protect their updates? 9:03 PM Apr 28th from web
538. Some of us just get too tired to think straight... 8:55 PM Apr 28th from web
539. Our philosophy is that accurate descriptions of drug-receptor interactions will lead to better pharmaceuticals. 8:45 PM Apr 28th from web
540. Understanding Science - #science #education 8:35 PM Apr 28th from web
541. Twitter's getting slow -I hope it isn't turning into a dinosaur 6:05 PM Apr 28th from web
542. It's nice to see that I'm following people - I like to see faces... 5:21 PM Apr 28th from web
543. What we have to fight against now: swine flu, terrorism, financial meltdown, etc. is nothing compared to the angels of our lower nature. 5:15 PM Apr 28th from web
544. RT @mparent77772 Google Begins to Make Public Data Searchable 5:12 PM Apr 28th from web
545. Twitter lets us get our feet wet in the world without being submerged... 5:11 PM Apr 28th from web
546. Right back at you, RTTers @SomaMoja @lydiafernandes @AboKevin @brytay82 @peterstone40 @arleigh @reginaldjking @Photonics_Lynn 5:09 PM Apr 28th from web
547. RT @lsmarshall “I’ll keep working till I drop dead at my desk — unless the paper dies first,” says 90-year-old science reporter: http:// ... 4:59 PM Apr 28th from web
548. Ric Iannone – Chopin Prelude In E Minor ? 4:44 PM Apr 28th from
549. @LiberateLaura It would be a very honorable and noble action for the North Korean Government to release them. #global 4:38 PM Apr 28th from web
550. RT @reverielarke RT @BookishGirl: Empowering, enlightening,... -- Did You Know? 2:37 PM Apr 28th from web
551. Maurice Ravel – Boléro ? 2:13 PM Apr 28th from
552. I'm a twibe of one 2:11 PM Apr 28th from web
553. RT @LabSpaces Smoking and high blood pressure account for 1 in 5 deaths in US adults - +Soda +Diabetes +Obese =100 2:02 PM Apr 28th from web
554. RT @redrobinrockn Things r heating up with Fever via Peggy Lee :) ? 1:30 PM Apr 28th from web
555. The promos going on must be because Google's got us... 1:27 PM Apr 28th from web
556. Activation of G protein-coupled receptors entails cysteine modulation of agonist binding - #biology #science 1:26 PM Apr 28th from web
557. Fun to see family members become first time Twitteres - like a baby beginning to walk... 1:24 PM Apr 28th from web
558. @texastaildrager sitting here -You'll get the hang of it 1:23 PM Apr 28th from web in reply to texastaildrager
559. @texastaildrager Here's the link to your controversial book - #writers #religion #jesus #insight 1:22 PM Apr 28th from web
560. RT@texastaildrager Here's the link to your controversial book - #writers #religion #jesus #insight -1g 1:21 PM Apr 28th from web
561. Conficker worm dabbling with mischief - scareware - #computer #internet 1:19 PM Apr 28th from web
562. Optimal Agonist/Antagonist Combinations Maintain Receptor Response by Preventing Receptor Desensitization - 1:16 PM Apr 28th from web
563. @texastaildragger Here's the link to your controversial book - #writers #religion #jesus #insight 1:11 PM Apr 28th from web
564. RT @bbchealth Helping children understand more about puberty -I'm still trying to learn... #education 12:41 PM Apr 28th from web
565. Chantal's great website: @chantalart http://www.changelingstudio... #art #actionfigures #biz 12:40 PM Apr 28th from web
566. RT @chantalart Caffeine withdrawl headache -Sorry, but now you need a background picture and a link to your website -profile, settings... 12:38 PM Apr 28th from web
567. Many people with extreme opinions are not happy campers... 12:17 PM Apr 28th from web
568. RT @Marj_Galangco Shocking Revelation...The New Rules of Money? - -Just don't go into excessive debt getting an education 12:13 PM Apr 28th from web
569. RT @EarthTimesPR Registered Organ Donors Near Five Million... -Do we really know when life ends? #ethics 12:10 PM Apr 28th from web
570. Social Search Engines That Search Across Multiple Social Media Sites via @addthis #searchengines #web #net 12:04 PM Apr 28th from web
571. Being a prisoner of love I'm not seeking my freedom anytime soon... 11:44 AM Apr 28th from web
572. RT @digg_sciences Why freeing Willy was the wrong thing to do - -Our unintended consequences. 11:43 AM Apr 28th from web
573. If you debate on Twitter, at least you can get a word in when their 140 characters are up. 11:40 AM Apr 28th from web
574. RT @NHHealthcare Chronic-disease management key to reforming health #healthcare #family #medicine11:30 AM Apr 28th from web
575. In times of stress, rumors abound - be cautious... 11:21 AM Apr 28th from web
576. Sensual Chemistry - #chemistry #education #teaching #insight 11:19 AM Apr 28th from web
577. There is always something more to learn. 11:07 AM Apr 28th from web
578. Swine flu outbreak tracked with Twitter - -I know enough already 11:06 AM Apr 28th from web
579. Every test has false positives and negatives. 11:04 AM Apr 28th from web
580. Swine Flu Health Map to track outbreaks - #swineflu #publichealth #health #disease 11:03 AM Apr 28th from web
581. Have computer - will tweet. 10:51 AM Apr 28th from web
582. Clinical Trial sites on - look under clinical trials, but think twice about enrolling. #clinicaltrials 10:11 AM Apr 28th from web
583. How to navigate - #music 8:42 AM Apr 28th from web
584. In nyc, if it appears too good to be true, then we think - forget aboutit... -I guess no one can win the lottery here? 8:37 AM Apr 28th from web
585. avatar Noun Hinduism the appearance of a god in human or animal form [Sanskrit avata-ra a going down] 8:34 AM Apr 28th from web
586. RT @cheeky_geeky ...Here's my take on why we'll never cure human disease no matter how hard we work at it - 8:33 AM Apr 28th from web
587. Where is my avatar? 8:23 AM Apr 28th from web
588. On the bright side, those of us who survive these difficult times will be the most fit to reproduce. #evolution 8:21 AM Apr 28th from web
589. #Twitter #hastags should be open to the public (i.e. people searching for #swineflu could see Twitter's updates without having to sign in). 8:19 AM Apr 28th from web
590. Sometimes it is the tiniest things that matter most like bacteria, viruses, toxins, molecules and thoughts... #insight 7:05 AM Apr 28th from web
591. Finally, 100 days tomorrow ~ 7:02 AM Apr 28th from web
592. @dudeman718 -Updates 16,551 - No rest for the weary? 6:58 AM Apr 28th from web
593. This flu could be bad next year if it mutates. #swineflu #flu #publichealth #health 6:57 AM Apr 28th from web
594. NYCTF - Cohort 18 (Chai) 6:55 AM Apr 28th from web
595. Welcome back Jay Leno 6:54 AM Apr 28th from web
596. Are myriad details useful? 10:54 PM Apr 27th from web
597. I'm just another pretty face in the big apple... 10:50 PM Apr 27th from web
598. RT @timzero4 Swine Flu- Closed Captioned -Sensible advice for those who need it. #Swineflu #medicine #publichealth 10:45 PM Apr 27th from web
599. I once tried to do CPR on my friend's dead goldfish... 10:38 PM Apr 27th from web
600. To view fellow twitterer's background images, right click and select view background image . 10:36 PM Apr 27th from web
601. If we're more aware, perhaps we can stop slavery in our lifetime - 10:34 PM Apr 27th from web
602. Hillary Clinton was a high-school Young Republican and a Goldwater Girl - #TCOT #history #insight 10:28 PM Apr 27th from web
603. @megfowler Bought my second wedding magazine... puts the previous 34 years of my life to shame. -Buy a veil 10:23 PM Apr 27th from web in reply to megfowler
604. @jessicacoen Existential crisis: Am I growing out of GG? -You've taken a step into a larger world... 10:18 PM Apr 27th from web in reply to jessicacoen
605. Abe Lincoln was the only president who had a patent - #patent 10:16 PM Apr 27th from web
606. I haven't either the moral authority or stature to be right or wrong... 10:14 PM Apr 27th from web
607. RT @joshmorison we all <3 fail wale right? -I still like Isabella's whale 6 or 7 tweets ago... 10:11 PM Apr 27th from web
608. RT @dudeman718 The average bed is home to over 6 billion dust mites. -Why we tweet the night away? 10:10 PM Apr 27th from web
609. @neuraxon77 Retweeting yourself is a fractal attractor. -Isn't that a strange attractor? 10:09 PM Apr 27th from web in reply to neuraxon77
610. It doesn't pay to worry 10:08 PM Apr 27th from web
611. One man's coruption is another man's living... 10:07 PM Apr 27th from web
612. RT @tabatha_akers i swear if feels like a friday to me.. -It's Déjà vu all over again... 10:05 PM Apr 27th from web
613. RT @enki09 mortality statistics by country for just about anything that can make you die: -Most detail ever #health 10:04 PM Apr 27th from web
614. @SomaMoja Thank you My modesty or lack there of prevents me from RTing You R GQ MAN OF THE YEAR -Seriously with a mug like mine ? 10:01 PM Apr 27th from web
615. My most amazing story is that I was born, bread, buttered and now I'm toast... 9:56 PM Apr 27th from web
616. French phrase finder - #writer 9:49 PM Apr 27th from web
617. Puleeez, just because I twitter Isabella's whale doesn't mean we're in a tête-à -tête - http://www.sundancechannel.... 9:47 PM Apr 27th from web
618. Covering the covering of the coverage - 9:33 PM Apr 27th from web
619. We all want what we think is beautiful 9:29 PM Apr 27th from web
620. We need Twitter do overs 9:29 PM Apr 27th from web
621. What’s the difference between ignorance and indifference? I don’t know and I don’t care. 4:48 PM Apr 27th from web
622. RT @amvr2medwriter [ Health 2.0 ] How far can interactive digital medicine go? #health #medicine 4:47 PM Apr 27th from web
623. Rimsky-Korsakov - Scheherezade - IV -As an adolescent, I never had a chance with this music and my hormones... ? 4:28 PM Apr 27th from
624. Twitter and math theorems run on those tiny caffeine molecules. 4:24 PM Apr 27th from web
625. We don't always want to admit that we're in love... 4:22 PM Apr 27th from web
626. @mmvk Not all who wander are lost. 4:03 PM Apr 27th from web in reply to mmvk
627. RT @guardiantech John Reid on the super-database to track email and internet use #security 3:51 PM Apr 27th from web
628. Funny how some of us want to survive the apocalypse - 3:49 PM Apr 27th from web
629. Twitter is a marvelous diversity of superstition, fact & opinions... #Twitter 3:46 PM Apr 27th from web
630. Scientific integrity = scientific method + humility to admit you could be wrong. 3:39 PM Apr 27th from web
631. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherezade ? 3:30 PM Apr 27th from
632. Stephen Kopp – Rachmaninov - Prelude in C-sharp minor ? 3:27 PM Apr 27th from
633. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 3:22 PM Apr 27th from
634. Is there a drug for premature tweeting yet? #pharma #Twitter 3:17 PM Apr 27th from web
635. The Scientists Behind the Headline: “Obama Promises Major Investment in Science” -Are they on Twitter? 3:15 PM Apr 27th from web
636. RT @lewisshepherd Obama's impressive new science/tech council Yale, Harvard, Princeton, MacArthur/Nobel, Microsoft, G ... 3:13 PM Apr 27th from web
637. America - A Horse With No Name (spring 1972) ? 3:11 PM Apr 27th from
638. America – Ventura Highway ? 3:03 PM Apr 27th from
639. Some people pretend to be someone else in order to be admitted into a hospital. This causes medical errors & is dangerous. #medicine 2:58 PM Apr 27th from web
640. If you catch the swine flu or a virus from an impure animal, does this make us impure? 2:47 PM Apr 27th from web
641. When people add themselves to a #hashtag directory, it would be better if it didn't show up in that directory and drown out the messages. 2:31 PM Apr 27th from web
642. IBM computer aims to beat Jeopardy quiz - #computer #algorithm #cyborg 2:29 PM Apr 27th from web
643. RT @12C4 Google Earth Helps Solve A Plane Crash Mystery #Google + #Twitter = #awesome 2:19 PM Apr 27th from web
644. RT @mrscarpediem Write to Iran's officials to let them know about Roxana: #p2 #roxana #un #freedom #global #social 2:07 PM Apr 27th from web
645. RT @EarthTimesPR Nation's Leading Treatment Center is Addressing Eating Disorders #children #women #psychology 2:04 PM Apr 27th from web
646. RT @ohioHCreform Chronic diseases: -How we can trim health care costs. #health #family 2:02 PM Apr 27th from web
647. Slavery and human Traficking - looks like many good resources here on #Twitter - #slavery 10:37 AM Apr 27th from web
648. Slavery and human Traficking - #ethics #morality #family #global #children #women 10:27 AM Apr 27th from web
649. RT @tssinews What Becomes Of Humans If Robo-nature Replaces Real Thing? -Camping outdoors? Do we want real nature? 10:17 AM Apr 27th from web
650. First, do no harm? - #health #medicine #publichealth 9:59 AM Apr 27th from web
651. Hope is not necessary to persevere... 11:42 PM Apr 26th from web
652. Here's the swine flu updates less than 24hrs old - 11:37 PM Apr 26th from web
653. TwitterAnalyzer informed me that most of my followers are from California even though I live in NY. Funny, I was born in Calif. 11:33 PM Apr 26th from web
654. Twitter Analyzer - Check Out @rlanzara's statistics on by 11:31 PM Apr 26th from TwitterAnalyzer
655. If we were aware of all the threats and problems of the world, we wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning except that is a threat itself... 11:19 PM Apr 26th from web
656. Twitter should never be commercialized. 10:53 PM Apr 26th from web
657. @arleigh the one with the hair #FollowSunday & #FollowMonday because it is almost Monday... 10:41 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to arleigh
658. @mathvids My Erdos number is i #math 10:38 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to mathvids
659. RT @AFineFrenzy trying not to get sick... 10:34 PM Apr 26th from web
660. @serious_skeptic Need information about history of policymaking / government activity on e-prescribing... - 10:33 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
661. RT @JimbolandJots Adding Walnuts To Good Diet May Help Older People Improve Motor And Behavioral Skills #family #health 10:30 PM Apr 26th from web
662. RT @JimbolandJots Animals That Seem Identical May Be Completely Different Species #biology 10:29 PM Apr 26th from web
663. Is Twitter a new form of thinking? 10:22 PM Apr 26th from web
664. @dudeman718 RT Damn. No more nude hiking in the Alps (via @RC73) -Only $176 fine, probably won't stop it. 10:17 PM Apr 26th from web in reply to dudeman718
665. Adolescents have died huffing from cans of Dust-Off brand compressed air. - 10:13 PM Apr 26th from web
666. Some people must be reminded or told that not all information on Twitter is reliable? 10:06 PM Apr 26th from web
667. Sometimes people just need you to listen to them. 9:56 PM Apr 26th from web
668. Many tweets on the edge between outside responsibilities and progressing onward to the next tweet... 9:56 PM Apr 26th from web
669. If I'm fooling myself, I want to be the first to know. 9:54 PM Apr 26th from web
670. My neice tired me out just running around in the heat.. But it was a beautiful day in central park. 9:54 PM Apr 26th from web
671. Many interesting tweets - the pulse of the world out there... 9:52 PM Apr 26th from web
672. The fascinating Weber–Fechner law - 9:04 AM Apr 26th from web
673. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do... 9:01 AM Apr 26th from web
674. Latest BBC report on the flu - 9:01 AM Apr 26th from web
675. Preparing for 18 m.o. neice who called and said, Hi Uncle. -Priceless 8:59 AM Apr 26th from web
676. For the Center for Disease Control (CDC) updates on the swine flu - @CDCemergency #swineflu #flu #updates #Ehealth #Healthcare #medicine 10:48 PM Apr 25th from web
677. Robert StÃ¥hlbrand – Chopin - Nocturne in B flat Minor, Op.9 Nr.1 ? 10:42 PM Apr 25th from
678. Flu symptoms - a fever of more than 100 degrees, body aches, coughing, respiratory congestion and, in some cases, vomiting and diarrhea. 10:38 PM Apr 25th from web
679. Beethoven – Moonlight ? 10:30 PM Apr 25th from
680. @valenzetti You still haven't answered me about who on LOST hasn't killed anyone? 10:27 PM Apr 25th from web
681. @DrJennifer Unproductive thoughts are the contents of our fears. - Dr. Jennifer Howard -What are the productive ones? 10:26 PM Apr 25th from web in reply to DrJennifer
682. @HarvardBiz Should I Know How Much You Make? -90 year old whores make more than I do. 10:24 PM Apr 25th from web in reply to HarvardBiz
683. If you don't want a broken heart, never love... 10:22 PM Apr 25th from web
684. @donlemoncnn What can be done about bullies who taunt children until they take their own lives? -Bring everyone on board -more eyes better 10:14 PM Apr 25th from web in reply to donlemoncnn
685. Rosemary Clooney – Tenderly ? 10:10 PM Apr 25th from
686. Twitter allows us to play -something few of us get a chance to do... 10:08 PM Apr 25th from web
687. RT @vene2ia Are you stressed? Find out here ---> Great fun #fun 10:05 PM Apr 25th from web
688. If you must socialize during the swine flu epidemic, use a waterless hand cleaner like Purell. 10:02 PM Apr 25th from web
689. I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired... 9:56 PM Apr 25th from web
690. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower ? 9:55 PM Apr 25th from
691. RT @arleigh @Beregond: RT @RapierTwit: Afraid my suicidal twin will kill me by mistake -Is that a double entendre? 9:50 PM Apr 25th from web
692. John Coltrane – Body And Soul ? 9:46 PM Apr 25th from
693. RT @davewiner GM to pull the plug on Pontiac car brand. -The spark is gone. 9:42 PM Apr 25th from web
694. RT @ImTheQ The Butterfly Effect: #chaos #math #numericalanalysis #theory #fun 9:41 PM Apr 25th from web
695. America – Ventura Highway ? PM Apr 25th from
696. If you have flu symptoms, it is best NOT to go to the hospital (where you will wait hours) -instead treat it - 9:35 PM Apr 25th from web
697. If the swine flu epidemic is coming, it may be best to limit your social contacts 9:33 PM Apr 25th from web
698. Shouldn't we have a list of the active laws and what's been banned? #law #civilization #philosophy #insight #ethics 9:30 PM Apr 25th from web
699. RT @nytimeshealth Students Fall Ill in New York, and Swine Flu Is Likely Cause #Ehealth #publichealth 9:22 PM Apr 25th from web
700. RT @MedC2 Worthwhile read on #swineflu including analysis and concerns #Ehealth 9:21 PM Apr 25th from web
701. RT @cheeky_geeky Gotta go pee-pee? How to find a bathroom on the fly - #toilet20 -Is there nothing Twitter can't do? 9:15 PM Apr 25th from web
702. RT @mrdictionary Balzheimer's Disease when you have the balls to attack people for doing what you are guilty of 9:13 PM Apr 25th from web
703. Jefferson Airplane – Comin' Back To Me ? 9:10 PM Apr 25th from
704. Listening to N'Sync – Bye Bye Bye & The Smiths – This Charming Man at the same time -Inadvertently interesting. 9:00 PM Apr 25th from web
705. Twitter is like the forest canopy with the bigger trees overshadowing the smaller ones... but we're all struggling toward the sunshine. 8:57 PM Apr 25th from web
706. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: #digitalpharma #biotech #patents 8:55 PM Apr 25th from web
707. Scientific rationale for why beta-blockers work in heart failure - #Ehealth #digitalpharma #biology #biotech 8:53 PM Apr 25th from web
708. Receptor activation + thiol OR sulfhydryl - #digitalpharma #Biology 8:51 PM Apr 25th from web
709. The Weber-Fechner Law - Overlooked Key to Understanding How Our Receptors Work? #science #psychology #biology 8:48 PM Apr 25th from web
710. RT @dudeman718 The BIG LIST of Twitter Links -More links than you ever thought possible. 8:43 PM Apr 25th from web
711. America - A Horse With No Name (spring 1972) ? 8:39 PM Apr 25th from
712. RT @TheEllenShow Today I begin giving away $1000 a day For how long? I don’t know ... Is this how you got over 1 million Followers? 8:38 PM Apr 25th from web
713. @Oprah only following 11 people? 8:37 PM Apr 25th from web
714. RT @FluTrackers Beware of Ridiculous Swine Flu Rumours. You Need at Least 2 Reliable Sources for Your Information. #swineflu #flu #health 8:28 PM Apr 25th from web
715. RT @dtitle just made a butterut squash lasagna w/ nutmeg infused white sauce, in the oven right now... #food #recipes 8:22 PM Apr 25th from web
716. Feeling normal is that nagging little feeling that we're not quite there yet... 8:18 PM Apr 25th from web
717. If someone makes a comment to @username, it would be nice if we could go to the commented upon tweet so we could follow the thread. 8:11 PM Apr 25th from web
718. Ben is in the running to be my existential hero of LOST. #LOST 8:05 PM Apr 25th from web
719. Are there mysteries on Twitter? 7:57 PM Apr 25th from web
720. Anyone on LOST who hasn't killed someone? 7:49 PM Apr 25th from web
721. If you smile at me, I will understand - that is something everybody does in the same language. 7:44 PM Apr 25th from web
722. RT @AdamIss I'm at Tribeca Performing Arts Center (199 Chambers St, btw West Street and Greenwich Street, NYC) . -Good old BMCC 7:31 PM Apr 25th from web
723. We protect ourselves from things (including psychological, artistic & social) that are too toxic. 7:29 PM Apr 25th from web
724. If I had to do it over, I probably would. 7:04 PM Apr 25th from web
725. RT @arleigh I still think Dot would be a funny middle name. -I've an Aunt named Dot , but she's in menopause so she can't get her period. 7:02 PM Apr 25th from web
726. Wouldn't it be good business for the banks to offer better rates and fees to their customers in good standing? #economy #banks 6:59 PM Apr 25th from web
727. FYI - @Biz joined twitter 1131 days ago - http://whendidyoujointwitte... #Twitter 6:57 PM Apr 25th from web
728. RT @Beaker >>I joined twitter 754 days ago - http://whendidyoujointwitte... ? -Looks like you founded it? When did Twitter begin? 6:53 PM Apr 25th from web
729. I joined twitter 483 days ago - http://whendidyoujointwitte... ? 6:49 PM Apr 25th from web
730. On average it takes 1-2 minutes to leisurely walk a nyc street block. Double that for the avenue blocks. 6:48 PM Apr 25th from web
731. RT @jimbolandjots CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Swine Influenza (Flu) Investigation #swineflu #publichealth 6:44 PM Apr 25th from web
732. RT @wendyperrin Reading the #swineflu Twitter stream: #health #flu #update #global 6:43 PM Apr 25th from web
733. We don't always listen to the people to whom we should... 6:37 PM Apr 25th from web
734. RT @serious_skeptic Icon_lockcool cool cool Get over writer's block: http://www.languageisavirus... -What about Twitter block? 6:33 PM Apr 25th from web
735. FYI - #TCOT Top Conservatives on Twitter is the brainchild of conservative author and political strategist Michael Patrick Leahy. 6:31 PM Apr 25th from web
736. RT @digg_sciences Will There Be Anything Left To Discover? - -We've just begun. 6:28 PM Apr 25th from web
737. Health Alerts - #global #web #health #flu #medicine #CDC #publichealth #net 6:25 PM Apr 25th from web
738. RT @raimalarter A great list of swine flu resources on this health blog: CDC links, etc. #health #publichealth 6:24 PM Apr 25th from web
739. One sure way to save is don't buy things that you don't need. 12:15 PM Apr 25th from web
740. Nevermind -they're there at #GPCRs -Forgot I added the s ... 12:13 PM Apr 25th from web
741. I guess someone at Twitter didn't like my #GPCR (G Protein-Coupled Receptors) group hastag? My tweets are all gone. 12:12 PM Apr 25th from web
742. #Publichealth isn't able to keep up with the world's coming health crises... 12:06 PM Apr 25th from web
743. RT @ZuDfunck Mystery Spots: The Bermuda Triangle #weird #travel 11:49 AM Apr 25th from web
744. @bbchealth A new flu virus... has the potential to become a pandemic, the UN.. Sorry, but this is important. #web 11:45 AM Apr 25th from web in reply to bbchealth
745. pitch n' weave - http://bobcatrock.blogspot.... #poetry 11:41 AM Apr 25th from web
746. Dividing cells need 26% more membrane to cover the two resulting daughter cells with the same total volume as the mother cell. #biology 11:31 AM Apr 25th from web
747. Momma liked eggs, how come you don't like eggs? 10:59 AM Apr 25th from web
748. RT @clintcast pleasaholics constantly trying make everyone happy... leads to much unhappiness. -Maybe they're happy not all are happy? 10:56 AM Apr 25th from web
749. Give Dick Cheney his shotgun & a ticket to Afganistan... 10:52 AM Apr 25th from web
750. RT @knwachter RT @serious_skeptic: This is really funny stuff: -These poor graphic artists need some fun 10:49 AM Apr 25th from web
751. People are more sensitive to drug doses than most doctors and pharmaceutical companies admit. #health #illness #medications 10:43 AM Apr 25th from web
752. Googling: carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms - 10:34 AM Apr 25th from web
753. RT @the_leonardo RT @rlanzara: for beautiful and intriguing art and science images #graphics 10:06 AM Apr 25th from web
754. Trying to revolutionize pharmacology & create safer more effective drugs - #Pharma #bigpharma #biotech 10:04 AM Apr 25th from web
755. RT @abelpharmboy Effect Measure blog for swine flu outbreak in humans #swineflu #health #publichealth 10:03 AM Apr 25th from web
756. RT @suttonhoo [detritus] #poetry 9:58 AM Apr 25th from web
757. What no Twitter ? - 9:57 AM Apr 25th from web
758. If we cure or stop malaria, we need to prepare for the consequences for the public health 5-10 years from now. #publichealth #global 9:52 AM Apr 25th from web
759. Note - some people link to accounts that require membership to view their posts or links, which makes them difficult or impossible to view. 9:48 AM Apr 25th from web
760. Job Links - #jobs #job #ad #ads 9:45 AM Apr 25th from web
761. RT @georgedvorsky Poll: Obama Ahead Of Gingrich... In 2012 Matchups... -Good to know that the 2012 campaign has started 9:42 AM Apr 25th from web
762. Kudos to MSNBC for reporting on this - #women #children #family #global 9:38 AM Apr 25th from web
763. If you're not getting your money's worth from Twitter just ask for a refund. 2:28 PM Apr 24th from web
764. #FollowFriday #FollowSaturday #FollowSunday #FollowMonday #FollowTuesday #FollowWednesday #FollowThursday #FollowFriday ... 2:25 PM Apr 24th from web
765. RT @msnbc_breaking Deadly Mexico swine flu tied to U.S. strain #alert #health 1:53 PM Apr 24th from web
766. The way to a man's heart isn't through his stomach or any other organ - just love him unconditionally... 1:35 PM Apr 24th from web
767. Sorry. I'm even sorry for being sorry... 1:33 PM Apr 24th from web
768. If I don't DM you back, it's because I'm having troubles with Twitter's DM response & my computer... 1:32 PM Apr 24th from web
769. We're Ameri-cans not Ameri-can'ts 1:22 PM Apr 24th from web
770. I planted my victory garden today... we'll see what grows... 1:21 PM Apr 24th from web
771. Sometimes it is best to duck and cover... 1:20 PM Apr 24th from web
772. The first time that we've seen an avian flu strain, two swine strains and a human strain - 1:19 PM Apr 24th from web
773. Are we under attack? 1:17 PM Apr 24th from web
774. This could be bad - #publichealth #medicine 1:15 PM Apr 24th from web
775. 40 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement? - 9:15 AM Apr 24th from web
776. Amazing capacity of some Twitterers to multitask 8:28 AM Apr 24th from web
777. Sleep is where we learn. Tweets are where we explore. 8:26 AM Apr 24th from web
778. It isn't necessary to thank me for following you. I do it because I'm interested in your ideas & comments. 8:23 AM Apr 24th from web
779. Do we eventually become parodies of ourselves by our entrenched beliefs and inability to change? 8:20 AM Apr 24th from web
780. Annoying Work Habits? - 8:11 AM Apr 24th from web
781. RT @juliaroy Follow Friday is getting out of control #FollowFriday 8:09 AM Apr 24th from web
782. Dreams are what good tweets are made of... 1:23 AM Apr 24th from web
783. via @addthis 1:20 AM Apr 24th from web
784. We don't always know when we're in love... 1:03 AM Apr 24th from web
785. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower ? 1:00 AM Apr 24th from
786. Checking out medXcentral - 1:00 AM Apr 24th from web
787. Jimmy Hendrix – The Wind Cries Mary ? 12:57 AM Apr 24th from
788. RT @medicalneeds Diagnosis: inaccuracy:... #medicine #health #EMR 12:56 AM Apr 24th from web
789. Activation of G protein-coupled receptors - #science #biology #pharmacology 12:52 AM Apr 24th from web
790. RT @c4chaos watching FRONTLINE: Ten Trillion and Counting. dang #economy 12:48 AM Apr 24th from web
791. RT @EndreJofoldi Check this video out -- One year in 40 seconds 12:45 AM Apr 24th from web
792. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 12:39 AM Apr 24th from
793. GPCR redox - #science 12:37 AM Apr 24th from web
794. RT @Reuters FACTBOX: New flu strain is a genetic mix -Could be bad -Stop shaking hands? #publichealth #health 12:34 AM Apr 24th from web
795. Stephen Kopp – Rachmaninov - Prelude in C-sharp minor ? 12:30 AM Apr 24th from
796. Neil Young – Southern Man ? 12:23 AM Apr 24th from
797. RT @amvr2medwriter @rlanzara Thanks..I like Bio Balance's - Reference Library, just bookmarked it Thanks 11:56 PM Apr 23rd from web
798. Our perceptions may be 50% of what we want them to be, 25% subconscious dreams, 20% hallucinations and 5% reality. 11:52 PM Apr 23rd from web
799. RT @lisahickey Wild. Disturbing. Mesmerizing... ~ via @TMTYL -Does this say something about our financial problems? 11:42 PM Apr 23rd from web
800. RT @amvr2medwriter @rlanzara Biochem tweets? Would like to see some of your biochem tweets -See: 11:33 PM Apr 23rd from web
801. RT @UPI_top Obama to release interrogation photos -Can we handle the truth? At least they'll still have their heads. 11:27 PM Apr 23rd from web
802. Many a dark night have I spent pouring over arcane biochemical pathways and molecular musings... Now I tweet... 11:25 PM Apr 23rd from web
803. GERLON OA & LEOGON RA -Gain of Electrons Reduction Loss of Oxidation Number Oxidizing Agent & Loss of Electrons Oxidation Gain of Oxidati... 11:24 PM Apr 23rd from web
804. RT @alfie6 New post: Oxidation sets off fatal structural change of human prion proteins -Loss of electrons -Oxidation 11:22 PM Apr 23rd from web
805. RT @luckychristi This seems small - 16 percent of Fortune 500 companies have public facing blogs #marketing 11:20 PM Apr 23rd from web
806. Sorry if I've missed following you -I'm allowed only 2001 -Seems like an memorable number. 11:04 PM Apr 23rd from web
807. Funny how those tiny caffeine molecules make people tweet... 11:01 PM Apr 23rd from web
808. RT @DrJosephKim writing about health IT on Brain Blogger #health #medicine 10:58 PM Apr 23rd from web
809. Contrary to popular wisdom, some things have never been done before. 10:26 PM Apr 23rd from web
810. RT @amvr2medwriter Suicides 'unchanged by pill ban' #health #psychology #medicine 10:21 PM Apr 23rd from web
811. So all this brouhaha could have been avoided if the FBI and the CIA communicated with one another? Are we learning yet? 10:16 PM Apr 23rd from web
812. One of the biggest problems is to find humane ways to treat displaced people. #global 10:04 PM Apr 23rd from web
813. Sometimes you have to push it... 10:00 PM Apr 23rd from web
814. Babies See Pure Color, but Adults Peer Through Prism of Language - 9:50 PM Apr 23rd from web
815. Lincoln Drive -where we got lost at night driving around Philly -Who knew there was country so close? 9:30 PM Apr 23rd from web
816. I hope that Jay Leno doesn't have the Swine flu that is in California & Texas. #publichealth #health 9:25 PM Apr 23rd from web
817. Vitamin B12, selenium, potassium and magnesium - may have been the potassium that killed the horses - 9:20 PM Apr 23rd from web
818. I've minimized my carbon footprint -it's more of a thumbprint... 11:12 AM Apr 23rd from web
819. @jimbolandjots Thank you And many more merry followers to you as well 11:09 AM Apr 23rd from web
820. Trying to maintain that delicate balance between pristine and used... 11:04 AM Apr 23rd from web
821. Much of the alien life we're searching for seems to be here on earth... 11:03 AM Apr 23rd from web
822. Best time to tweet? - #Twitter #marketing 11:01 AM Apr 23rd from web
823. RT @CBCNews Credit and debit card costs: who pays what to whom -Transparency? 10:40 AM Apr 23rd from web
824. Twitter 24/7/365 - the global conscience has awakened #global #Twitter 10:35 AM Apr 23rd from web
825. Twitter 24/7/365 - the global conscience has awakened 10:35 AM Apr 23rd from web
826. We're always here, we're never there... 10:29 AM Apr 23rd from web
827. CIA World Factbook - 10:16 AM Apr 23rd from web
828. Green Tara? _ - AM Apr 23rd from web
829. Submarine cable maps for those interested - #internet #maps #graphics #net #web #global 10:05 AM Apr 23rd from web
830. Why the US falls behind in infant mortality? - #health #medicine #reporting 10:03 AM Apr 23rd from web
831. RT @RPHealthNews CAN PUBLIC HEALTH INSURANCE FIX HEALTH CARE? #health #debate 10:00 AM Apr 23rd from web
832. If you're feeling down, eat more chocolate, force yourself to smile and surround yourself with more positive people. 9:43 AM Apr 23rd from web
833. How our sensory receptors work in pictures (click on each one and follow the deltaRH) - #science #biology 9:41 AM Apr 23rd from web
834. How tiny little things can make a big difference (vitamins?) - 9:34 AM Apr 23rd from web
835. Sorry, that LOST recap show was for putzers like me who realized that they've missed half of last season. -Still lost... 9:30 AM Apr 23rd from web
836. RT @serious_skeptic @rlanzara puh. Lump the money industry in with pharma. -Agreed -a greed, they're cut from the same cloth (money). 9:27 AM Apr 23rd from web
837. We're probably stuck with pay to play... But $ can't buy everything... 9:23 AM Apr 23rd from web
838. Why are companies spending bailout money on lobbyists and credit default swaps? #economy #finance #political 9:21 AM Apr 23rd from web
839. Between Horsham & Willow Grove, PA... Nice change from the City. 9:18 AM Apr 23rd from web
840. The financial markets need to find a strange attractor to stabilize them... 8:42 PM Apr 22nd from web
841. If you have trouble smiling, take your thumb and forefinger, place them into the corners of your mouth and push upward. U 8:40 PM Apr 22nd from web
842. RT @CBCNews Viewpoint: The eyes have it -Our eyes are but one way to see... 8:37 PM Apr 22nd from web
843. Smile - just look how hard I'm trying to do it Smiling is one of the healthiest things for you and the cheapest. 8:23 PM Apr 22nd from web
844. Discussing finances or mental issues are two of the most difficult discussions to have with friends, family or relatives. 8:22 PM Apr 22nd from web
845. I'm a Twitterer and I still have compassion. 8:18 PM Apr 22nd from web
846. @Mike_Wesely If You Can't Laugh at yourself... Who Can You Laugh at? -Some of us might die laughing if we do 8:17 PM Apr 22nd from web in reply to Mike_Wesely
847. @serious_skeptic 1) 4 banks applied for branches in Iran. 2) banks are raising credit card fees & rates. 3) they're still not lending, etc. 8:15 PM Apr 22nd from web
848. Can we reduce or stop crime in our neighborhoods? - 8:11 PM Apr 22nd from web
849. These days a bit of doubt is probably healthy. 8:04 PM Apr 22nd from web
850. The banks may need to hire PR firms rather than lobbyists. 8:01 PM Apr 22nd from web
851. Hampton Inn in Willow Grove, PA. Friendly people & great Chocolate chip cookies Weather is stormy, but life is good inside... 8:00 PM Apr 22nd from web
852. The electrostatic states of the receptor for producing relaxation of our airway muscles during asthma attacks - 7:59 PM Apr 22nd from web
853. Whether we like it or not we are born into this universe to learn about it... 7:52 PM Apr 22nd from web
854. How to be successful - #success 9:29 AM Apr 21st from web
855. Interventions are not always successful. 9:29 AM Apr 21st from web
856. RT @msnbc_tech Stephen Hawking expected to recover -An amazing person I think he's the longest living ALS person. 9:19 AM Apr 21st from web
857. RT @doc_rob Coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, STRONG coffee -We don't have to guess who's caffeinated here 9:16 AM Apr 21st from web
858. Children attempt more than they are capable of doing. That's how they grow and learn. 9:14 AM Apr 21st from web
859. Some of my articles, papers & references - 9:11 AM Apr 21st from web
860. We learn love's sacrifices that we all must make sometimes too late... 9:04 AM Apr 21st from web
861. Reporting from Willow Grove Penn.... Being held captive by sociable people... 9:01 AM Apr 21st from web
862. On Monday, April 20th, Twitter became self-aware... 3:34 PM Apr 20th from web
863. Have we been living with voodoo economics for the last couple of decades? 3:31 PM Apr 20th from web
864. NYC -rainy & cool -A good day to get things done, because not many people out like two days ago when it was a summer's day... 3:29 PM Apr 20th from web
865. RT @doc_rob ...The Uninsurable - Problems vs. Benefits of Medical Interventions - #medicine #health 3:27 PM Apr 20th from web
866. To Tweet or not to Tweet - that is the question... 3:21 PM Apr 20th from web
867. @ViewsNews Questions, Not Answers, Make Science the Ultimate Adventure #science #education #teaching 3:21 PM Apr 20th from web in reply to ViewsNews
868. Kindness is to do or say the kindest thing in the kindest way. -Quote form my HS English teacher. 7:05 PM Apr 19th from web
869. RT @marialavis How you can compare alcohol consumption per capita for many countries: #publichealth #global 7:04 PM Apr 19th from web
870. Has anyone noticed that Twitter seems to be in the news quite often? 7:00 PM Apr 19th from web
871. Fixing and updating an older computer is an Existential, quixotically Sisyphean task of Prometheum proportions. 6:58 PM Apr 19th from web
872. RT @serious_skeptic RT @raphaelmalikian Harvard Medical Students rebel against big pharma: #medicine #ethics 6:49 PM Apr 19th from web
873. Like a surfacing whale after a deep dive, there I tweet 6:46 PM Apr 19th from web
874. Sometimes it's difficult to keep up with a tired child... 4:29 PM Apr 19th from web
875. I'm waging a secret campaign against superstition. 2:04 AM Apr 19th from web
876. Has anyone found true love on Twitter yet? 2:03 AM Apr 19th from web
877. We cloth ourselves in our clutter. 2:02 AM Apr 19th from web
878. Whew Still working on the computer problem........... 2:01 AM Apr 19th from web
879. Back to the struggle -Bye.... for now..... I hope....... 9:54 PM Apr 18th from web
880. RT @stillsafe I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty. Nancy Reagan 9:52 PM Apr 18th from web
881. Trying to get myself out of a computer pickle... I',~}? 9:51 PM Apr 18th from web
882. We can all do our best where we see the greatest need. 3:58 PM Apr 18th from web
883. you should follow @GeneRef, @tssinews, @medicalneeds, @kevinmd and @newscientist. See more picks at 3:55 PM Apr 18th from Twibes
884. RT @tssinews Society Lulled Into A False Sense Of Security #social #security #psychology 3:45 PM Apr 18th from web
885. If your bank raises your rates & fees, tell them that since they've accepted bailout money, you'll contact your representative about this. 3:44 PM Apr 18th from web
886. RT @peterstone40 US Government recruiting hackers #job #internet #web #net 3:39 PM Apr 18th from web
887. RT @CivilActivist RT @CNETNews: The city where every arrest gets Twittered 3:37 PM Apr 18th from web
888. RT @medicalneeds Lives will be saved - Medical EMR Software To Be Subdized In Pres. Obama's Economic... 3:35 PM Apr 18th from web
889. Just look at my mug -that's right the picture to the left. -Now you can smile better than that -Smile 3:31 PM Apr 18th from web
890. RT @newscientist Penis length isn't always the most important thing (for barnacles, at least) 3:30 PM Apr 18th from web
891. RT @kevinmd Why health reform is going to be difficult, and the trouble with saying no to American patients 3:30 PM Apr 18th from web
892. In fact, I seem to be following many sites that I never picked ? #Twitter 3:07 PM Apr 18th from web
893. Interesting that I seem to be randomly following dogs in my followers link ? #Twitter 3:01 PM Apr 18th from web
894. Obama - 89th day in office... I'll give him another 2 years before I judge. 2:50 PM Apr 18th from web
895. The Oprah, Ashton & CNN battle continues on Twitter? 2:49 PM Apr 18th from web
896. Often the smallest things impact us in ways we barely understand (eg. molecules, viruses & bacteria). 11:09 PM Apr 17th from web
897. What gets wetter and wetter as it dries? Answer - a towel 11:07 PM Apr 17th from web
898. Sometimes correcting a problem is like growing a garden - it takes time. 11:06 PM Apr 17th from web
899. A relatively small effort to correct problems in yourself, your family or neighborhood may have much larger results later. 11:05 PM Apr 17th from web
900. Life washes over us before we are prepared. 11:01 PM Apr 17th from web
901. Yes, there are Twitterholics... 10:50 PM Apr 17th from web
902. We are quickly approaching the singularity when life melds with machine... 10:46 PM Apr 17th from web
903. RT @nancyshute Does a smiley kid become a better spouse? -My Dad told me to smile. #children #family 5:52 PM Apr 17th from web
904. Fun site for extraordinary, awesome, odd stuff - 5:47 PM Apr 17th from web
905. It's the itsy bitsy things that get you 5:44 PM Apr 17th from web
906. Trust, but be paranoid 5:33 PM Apr 17th from web
907. Brendan Kinsella – Rachmaninov - Op.19 no.2, Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano, II. Allegro scherzando ? 5:28 PM Apr 17th from
908. RT @Jason_Pollock 7 of the Most Amazing Caves of our World - - #FollowFriday #caves 4:55 PM Apr 17th from web
909. Twitter is the glue keeping us together 4:51 PM Apr 17th from web
910. 50% of all people are better at some things than the other 50% 4:25 PM Apr 17th from web
911. Should be studying Chemistry, but you're Twittering? Start here - #chemistry 4:23 PM Apr 17th from web
912. Pharmacology is a basic science to understand how molecules interact with our cells and tissues. 4:18 PM Apr 17th from web
913. RT @SteffanAntonas Amazing movie..Man builds a world with holographic tools. Loved it. #movie #video 4:05 PM Apr 17th from web
914. Jimmy Hendrix – The Wind Cries Mary ? 3:54 PM Apr 17th from
915. All of us live in the pharmacologic age where external molecules will alter our lives, senses & perceptions 3:49 PM Apr 17th from web
916. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower ? 3:19 PM Apr 17th from
917. As a wrestler in high school, I took physics, but it limited my mobility on the mat... 3:18 PM Apr 17th from web
918. @serious_skeptic Thanks 3:14 PM Apr 17th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
919. #FollowFriday @SarahBrown10 - & let's end slavery in our lifetimes while we're at it. #women #men #global 3:10 PM Apr 17th from web
920. RT @Futurama-fry2_normal mikebass: Awesome Sports Science video: -Thw wobble is necessary... #sport #football 3:07 PM Apr 17th from web
921. Advanced Twitter Search - 2:51 PM Apr 17th from web
922. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 2:43 PM Apr 17th from
923. RT @Iceburner Every experience is a paradox in that it means to be absolute, and yet is relative; ...T. S. Eliot 2:27 PM Apr 17th from web
924. RT @nevenmrgan Old news, but I'm shocked and delighted to find that this wasn't done in Flash. #FollowFriday 2:24 PM Apr 17th from web
925. In case you missed the amazing infinite photo - Amazing 2:14 PM Apr 17th from web
926. For those wondering, Oprah is at - @Oprah she has 120,865 Followers, 6 Updates and is Following 9 #Oprah update 2:10 PM Apr 17th from web
927. Then there’s Synthesia - #music 2:05 PM Apr 17th from web
928. I'm listening to the careful rustling of beautiful perfection – synesthesia 2:03 PM Apr 17th from web
929. RT @jonesy_ OH:Math is the opposite of religion. Math fits our mind to the world around us. Religion fits the world around us to our mind. 1:45 PM Apr 17th from web
930. RT @typemicah We Are Hunted - The Online Music Chart #music 1:41 PM Apr 17th from web
931. RT @CivilActivist RT @CityRoom: Child Obesity Is Linked to Chemicals in Plastics #health #nyc 1:37 PM Apr 17th from web
932. *Twittering about Twitter is an infinite self-referential loop....* 1:36 PM Apr 17th from web
933. RT @newswise Latest News: Identifying Harmful Pollutants in City Air: Air pollution is linked to tens of thousand.. ... 1:33 PM Apr 17th from web
934. Please, please, please Check out the whale video - http://www.sundancechannel.... #comedy #fun #biology 12:44 PM Apr 17th from web
935. RT @NASA One of our greatest hits for the home planet? You decide. #science #earth #environment 12:35 PM Apr 17th from web
936. RT @AngelaMaiers Nice video search site- #FollowFriday 12:33 PM Apr 17th from web
937. Are there Twitter police that ticket us if we break a rule? 12:31 PM Apr 17th from web
938. Is a low-down comic below a stand-up comic? 12:29 PM Apr 17th from web
939. RT @madlolscientist RT @BadAstronomer ...a massive cosmic pileup of galaxies: -Don't they know how to drive? 12:27 PM Apr 17th from web
940. It's weird how the same names surface but mean different things. It might be increasing in frequency? 12:22 PM Apr 17th from web
941. Oprah has become a diffuse quantum wave... 12:14 PM Apr 17th from web
942. My life seems to be diverging into 3 or 4 branches... Interesting growth. Wonder if I’ll have the energy -stop being negative -go for it 12:12 PM Apr 17th from web
943. I think that the people in cloud computing literally and figuratively have their heads in the clouds... 12:08 PM Apr 17th from web
944. Anyone else lost in LOST? I realized that I missed several previous episodes from last season -but maybe it doesn't really matter? 12:06 PM Apr 17th from web
945. Repeat after me: I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can -smile 12:03 PM Apr 17th from web
946. Keeping Twitter Fun - #FollowFriday @juliaroy 12:01 PM Apr 17th from web
947. Just because you feel like you're being followed doesn't mean you aren't...? 11:44 AM Apr 17th from web
948. Having more options in life is a sign of overall better health. This includes financial, physical, educational & social options. #health 11:38 AM Apr 17th from web
949. Looks like an explosion of FollowFriday RTs on Twitter 11:36 AM Apr 17th from web
950. RT @mparent77772 14 Who Take Issue With Obama's Economic Policies -A little gloom and doom never hurt anyone. Or did it? 11:34 AM Apr 17th from web
951. Are there any anti-life people out there? What about @TheMime - Is he anti-life? ... ... ...? 11:31 AM Apr 17th from web
952. RT @writingroads ...creeps on Craig's List - Women, NEVER give your home address. Instead, meet in a public place or use the USPS. #women 8:28 AM Apr 17th from web
953. @HomemakerBarbi -Home CEO? -I maintain that we're all our own CEOs whether we like it or not. 8:24 AM Apr 17th from web
954. @arleigh @rlanzara ha am I supposed to answer that? (thanks) -I don't see how... 8:15 AM Apr 17th from web
955. Amazing -Click infinitely #earth #environment #graphics #art 8:14 AM Apr 17th from web
956. #FollowFriday @arleigh -Interestingly sensible? 8:11 AM Apr 17th from web
957. RT @2020science National Geographics new Infinite Photograph: -Keep clicking into the picture. It's amazing 8:05 AM Apr 17th from web
958. RT @2020science RT @TEDchris: The most important race in the whole world ever... is finally over. 8:01 AM Apr 17th from web
959. #FollowFriday @LukesBeard @2020science @112mirabela @lisahickey @maverickwoman @bobcatrock 7:59 AM Apr 17th from web
960. RT @lisahickey insecurity? confidence ?arrogance (the fine line of the day) 7:46 AM Apr 17th from web
961. #FollowFriday @dudeman718 @rabidgremlin @DavidStephenson @shwen @biz 7:44 AM Apr 17th from web
962. RT @biz I'm in Boston meeting with Twitter investors while all this craziness is happening—congrats @aplusk and go @ev on Oprah today 7:41 AM Apr 17th from web
963. Learning new things is not painful... 7:40 AM Apr 17th from web
964. Scholarly articles debating the roles of asbestos fiber types in malignant mesothelioma - #publichealth #medicine 7:08 AM Apr 17th from web
965. RT @peterstone40 The Weekly Top 15 Recipe Posts on Twitter - #food #recipes #Twitter 6:57 AM Apr 17th from web
966. RT @peterstone40 Autism and extraordinary ability -Genius locus? #psychology #autism #health #genius 6:54 AM Apr 17th from web
967. #followfriday @newscientist #science #space #biology #physics #tech #environment #health #math #society #social 6:50 AM Apr 17th from web
968. Cool your brain, save your mind - -More commonly used now #medicine 6:46 AM Apr 17th from web
969. The best general science magazine? - #science 6:41 AM Apr 17th from web
970. RT @trobaca 13 things that do not make sense .. #science 6:31 AM Apr 17th from web
971. #FollowFriday @vesselproject @lydiafernandes @RLaureen @Yogini @ColinEnglish @Bites85 @openzap @peterstone40 @frostvalley @aplusk 6:26 AM Apr 17th from web
972. RT @cindythroop Center for Information Therapy Health 2.0 #h2ix @health2con -Interesting #health #medicine 6:14 AM Apr 17th from web
973. Now get ready for Oprah 6:04 AM Apr 17th from web
974. Ashton Kutcher beat out CNN early Friday in an online contest to see who could reach 1 million followers first. -Congrats to Ashton 6:03 AM Apr 17th from web
975. (via @addthis) 6:02 AM Apr 17th from web
976. RT @stillsafe A dog owns nothing, yet is seldom dissatisfied. Irish Proverb 7:30 PM Apr 16th from web
977. Insights into the brain's sense of perception - #sensory #perception #biology #psychology #science 7:26 PM Apr 16th from web
978. The museum of the future? - #museum 7:23 PM Apr 16th from web
979. RT @agenda_paris Superfluous study in something that can be self-taught or valid academic subject? 7:22 PM Apr 16th from web
980. Finally, I found the fail whale creator - @yiyinglu #fail #whale #creator #Twitter #graphics #web 7:11 PM Apr 16th from web
981. I haven't heard from my friend, @TheMime , recently ... ... ... 7:05 PM Apr 16th from web
982. Theories on ways to stop crime - #crime #family #social 7:02 PM Apr 16th from web
983. Unique ideas for improving public education system - 6:58 PM Apr 16th from web
984. @lydiafernandes Thanks for the RT 6:55 PM Apr 16th from web in reply to lydiafernandes
985. RT @digg_sciences Three Subgroups of Neanderthals Identified - 6:54 PM Apr 16th from web
986. WHAT IS YOUR GREEN PORNO NAME? -Mine is Hermes Copperorgan - 6:49 PM Apr 16th from web
987. The more you know, the more you realize that there is much more to learn. 6:00 PM Apr 16th from web
988. Twitter has become like a glue that holds disparate parts of the internet together. 5:58 PM Apr 16th from web
989. Here comes Oprah 5:53 PM Apr 16th from web
990. In case you missed it. The whale is my favorite. - http://www.sundancechannel.... 5:46 PM Apr 16th from web
991. To Tweet, perchance to dream.... 5:45 PM Apr 16th from web
992. Dear Gentle Follower, Beware the toxic images on the internet and also in other areas... They stress you out... 2:57 PM Apr 16th from web
993. Central Park - sunny 58 deg F - Birds are twittering... 2:55 PM Apr 16th from web
994. Bio Balance - Reference Library: #science #biophysics #biology #reference 2:21 PM Apr 16th from web
995. RT @nytimes Study Finds a Pattern of Severe Droughts in Africa -More evidence for massive population shifts to come? 2:20 PM Apr 16th from web
996. RT @tssinews A dialogue on living life: Where do we go from here? -Controversial? 2:07 PM Apr 16th from web
997. Alot of edgy smart people playing poly tics as usual 24/7/365... 2:01 PM Apr 16th from web
998. Healthcare decisions we should all make - #health #eldercare #medicine #family 1:39 PM Apr 16th from web
999. RT @Reuters FACTBOX: Largest U.S. bankruptcies -how the mighty have fallen... 1:22 PM Apr 16th from web
1000. RT @msnbc_health Spice recall expanded due to salmonella threat #health #food #illness #publichealth 1:21 PM Apr 16th from web
1001. Until we truly love, we don't know what love is. It is both the worst and best emotion. 1:18 PM Apr 16th from web
1002. Isabella - this one's for you - http://www.sundancechannel.... 1:17 PM Apr 16th from web
1003. True love is not for sissies. 11:23 AM Apr 16th from web
1004. There should be alternative ways to spell sex on the internet so that it can be discussed either rationally or scientifically. (Cex?) 11:21 AM Apr 16th from web
1005. @ByDezin Thanks for the RT 11:17 AM Apr 16th from web
1006. RT @Yogini RT @SilentJay74 14 yo girl is missing for 6 DAYS - #amberalert #children #family 11:12 AM Apr 16th from web
1007. To continue to grow, we must accept that we are works still in progress... 11:07 AM Apr 16th from web
1008. RT @robaitken Bank chief 'wrong' about science -more money isn't always the answer... 10:28 AM Apr 16th from web
1009. Wishing that I could be the Susan Boyle of the pharmaceutical world - 10:27 AM Apr 16th from web
1010. RT @SarahBrown10 article I wrote in March -maternal health #women #mothers #global #health #family 9:29 AM Apr 16th from web
1011. Some people need more than a vacation... 9:26 AM Apr 16th from web
1012. I’m juggling so many balls at once I sometimes forget which ones are mine 9:09 AM Apr 16th from web
1013. *Guiyu allows people to see what our distant ancestor looked like - 9:08 AM Apr 16th from web
1014. People around the world are starving & - 9:05 AM Apr 16th from web
1015. @kandydevil Are there any hashtags for Saturday and Sunday? -Sure, here they are: #Saturday #Sunday 8:04 AM Apr 16th from web in reply to kandydevil
1016. Wow, I was lost down a Gopher hole (I'll bet most of you haven't heard that expression for being engrossed in a series of internet links) 8:03 AM Apr 16th from web
1017. We all reach our own equilibrium. 6:56 AM Apr 16th from web
1018. A problem with classifying one’s work or website is that it often falls among several classifications or between them... 6:55 AM Apr 16th from web
1019. For those who want to build links to their website - 6:44 AM Apr 16th from web
1020. RT @TrustedAdvice One class increases odds of college graduation for struggling students -Important how we see ourselves 6:37 AM Apr 16th from web
1021. RT @_McLaughlin Pet Millionaires: Seven Cats and Dogs Who Are Actually Richer than You — Bankling 6:34 AM Apr 16th from web
1022. RT @dudeman718 RT @NASA: Wish ISS astronaut Mike Barratt a happy birthday in space 6:30 AM Apr 16th from web
1023. RT @MikeG1 Birds say Get up you lazy bum -They should be saying Tweet 6:27 AM Apr 16th from web
1024. RT @azulfi CASE STUDY shows that stumbleupon is the best to bring traffic on blog #marketing #web #net #ads #blogs 6:26 AM Apr 16th from web
1025. You can check Latin phrases here - 6:20 AM Apr 16th from web
1026. Some of us are getting way too agitated... 6:12 AM Apr 16th from web
1027. (via @addthis) 6:10 AM Apr 16th from web
1028. RT @openzap @rlanzara on saying: Check out whether some of the latest rumors are true: ... 6:08 AM Apr 16th from web
1029. RT openzap @rlanzara on saying: Check out whether some of the latest rumors are true - ... 6:06 AM Apr 16th from web
1030. The quixotic struggle against impossible odds resonants with one of our deepest dreams...(eg. Susan Boyle) 6:02 AM Apr 16th from web
1031. @ideablob is a community where entrepreneurs, small business owners, and creative thinkers share and grow their ideas #biz #net 5:54 AM Apr 16th from web
1032. RT @TrustedAdvice Open-mic nights' for business ideas #entrepreneur #biz 5:53 AM Apr 16th from web
1033. RT @Bites85 Honda Prototypes Latest Walking Assist Machines - -Yeah, but can we Twitter while walking? 5:49 AM Apr 16th from web
1034. Government Grant Scams - #grants #government #net 5:47 AM Apr 16th from web
1035. Check out whether some of the latest rumors are true or not - #truth #rumor #internet #global #web 5:39 AM Apr 16th from web
1036. How to Fix the Economy? - #economy 5:35 AM Apr 16th from web
1037. Check rumors here - #rumors #net #web #scandal 5:33 AM Apr 16th from web
1038. What don't go over the devil's back buckles up under his belly. 3:45 PM Apr 15th from web
1039. RT @TomLamb Drug Interaction Prevention Is An Ongoing Process For Doctors And Patients #health #illness 3:44 PM Apr 15th from web
1040. Is politics being played now 24/7/365? #politics 3:39 PM Apr 15th from web
1041. Nicotine Exposure during Adolescence Induces a Depression-Like State in Adulthood - #health #addiction3:38 PM Apr 15th from web
1042. We all need other people to help us navigate through life. 3:36 PM Apr 15th from web
1043. A little bird told me: If the little voice is silent, it's time to stop tweeting. 1:17 PM Apr 15th from web
1044. When the winds of change blow, trees are up rooted and the seas turn violent... 1:16 PM Apr 15th from web
1045. Interesting attempt to make sense of the deficits - 1:14 PM Apr 15th from web
1046. Should a woman need a man's permission to leave home? 1:07 PM Apr 15th from web
1047. The drug naltrexone offers a glimmer of hope for alcoholism which is a terrible condition. 1:06 PM Apr 15th from web
1048. Some days it is all you can do just to tread water. 1:02 PM Apr 15th from web
1049. If we try to help those in our families who need it, we may discover just how difficult true helping can be. #family 10:18 AM Apr 15th from web
1050. RT @chrisfield What happens to your body if you quit smoking NOW. #health #medicine 10:03 AM Apr 15th from web
1051. RT @TrustedAdvice US prices drop for first time since 1955 #economy 9:44 AM Apr 15th from web
1052. 47 Deg. F in nyc... 5 programs running.... 9:39 AM Apr 15th from web
1053. U.S. officials warn of radical activity 8:55 AM Apr 15th from web
1054. RT @mikefixs The Twitter Zeitgeist: Pivotal moments in Twitter's short timeline (Forbes) - #Twitter 8:48 AM Apr 15th from web
1055. It is sometimes truly difficult to know how to best help someone. 8:43 AM Apr 15th from web
1056. RT @medicalneeds Holly Harman Fackler: Let's work toward better care, not just better insurance: #healthcare #health 8:26 AM Apr 15th from web
1057. Extremely Rare Snow Rollars Picts - 8:10 AM Apr 15th from web
1058. RT @mikefixs Tax jokes and tax quotes from a tax attorney - #taxes #humor #jokes #comedy 8:02 AM Apr 15th from web
1059. Extremists think that they have all the right answers to everyone’s problems... 7:52 AM Apr 15th from web
1060. RT @alfredtwo RT @johnherman: Sweet job opportunity in NH: -Only in NH Everyone may know someone perfect for this 7:52 AM Apr 15th from web
1061. What the Left & Right have in common are extremists. 7:47 AM Apr 15th from web
1062. 'Some people live life in the fast lane - I live in oncoming traffic.' @mileless 7:37 AM Apr 15th from web
1063. Interesting insights - 7:31 AM Apr 15th from web
1064. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: #biz #trademark 7:27 AM Apr 15th from web
1065. Is our next greatest threat internal? 7:21 AM Apr 15th from web
1066. Hubris by its very nature will eventually fail... 7:15 AM Apr 15th from web
1067. RT @peterstone40 #Tribeca - Robert #DeNiro 9:36 PM Apr 14th from web
1068. RT @LabSpaces Featured - Physicists see the cosmos in a coffee cup -Light's continuing mysteries 9:11 PM Apr 14th from web
1069. Jethro Tull – Reasons For Waiting ? 9:06 PM Apr 14th from
1070. RT @timzero4 RT @dudeman718: We are Small #space 8:57 PM Apr 14th from web
1071. In medicine and nature, first do no harm... (not as easy as it sounds). 8:54 PM Apr 14th from web
1072. “Highly successful people” often are not... 8:52 PM Apr 14th from web
1073. RT @pr_health Court Refuses to Block Marriage of Girl to Older Man -Pedophilia? Slavery? Or cultural difference? 8:49 PM Apr 14th from web
1074. Financial, social, psychological and educational health are also important components of a person's overall health. #health #publichealth 8:46 PM Apr 14th from web
1075. History - new religions always seem to supplant the old. 8:41 PM Apr 14th from web
1076. One reason we invented statistics is because we don’t want to follow the specific details for all occurrences. 8:37 PM Apr 14th from web
1077. Justice delayed becomes less than just. 8:31 PM Apr 14th from web
1078. Twitterers Anonymous -For real - 8:29 PM Apr 14th from web
1079. Major legal documents - 8:27 PM Apr 14th from web
1080. What did Tweety Bird say? I thought I saw a puddy cat 8:26 PM Apr 14th from web
1081. Foreclosure law - Search within the results by your state. #foreclosure #laws #realestate 8:15 PM Apr 14th from web
1082. Are there ever wrong places to search for love? 8:13 PM Apr 14th from web
1083. In my previous tweet; Stop preying and start living -Clarification, not praying - preying -That was for the predators out there. #fail 8:12 PM Apr 14th from web
1084. We can all agree on this - The truly evil are those who would throw babies into a fire. #evil #morality #ethics #psychology 8:07 PM Apr 14th from web
1085. Twitter is our existential mirror showing us the collective Jungian archetype of ourselves. #psychology 8:05 PM Apr 14th from web
1086. Stop preying and start living 6:23 PM Apr 14th from web
1087. Can't wait for the singularity...... 6:21 PM Apr 14th from web
1088. My middle son wants me to catchup on Lost... 4:59 PM Apr 14th from web
1089. Maybe Twitter could load people's profiles into #peopleprofiles so we could read them and search them? People's profiles are interesting. 4:56 PM Apr 14th from web
1090. Our love goes out into this world - it is beaten and battered - tattered and torn - hold it within and it dies... 4:43 PM Apr 14th from web
1091. Orgone energy anyone? - 4:42 PM Apr 14th from web
1092. Twitter is for people who want to be sociable with minimal social interaction... 4:40 PM Apr 14th from web
1093. We romanticize life and thereby undermine its awesome grandeur 4:33 PM Apr 14th from web
1094. The Anemone and the Balance - #biology #science #physics 4:24 PM Apr 14th from web
1095. If I tell you what you want to hear, you'll think I'm right, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. Right? 2:41 PM Apr 14th from web
1096. Brain 132(4):831-832 (2009) Too much of a good thing: increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems... Blair -Note not in Alzheimer's? 2:32 PM Apr 14th from web
1097. In case anyone missed my glittering generalities & platitudes - 2:26 PM Apr 14th from web
1098. @serious_skeptic Icon_lock@rlanzara there's medication for that ;-) -Oh, see Dee? 2:24 PM Apr 14th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
1099. RT @serious_skeptic Icon_lockwhat is the whcc09 hashtag? which conference is this for? -Couldn't resist #whcc09 -Thanks for the follow 2:22 PM Apr 14th from web
1100. Some of us have to double and triple check - I have to septuple and octuple check... 2:20 PM Apr 14th from web
1101. The more we leave nature alone the better it will be. How long before we learn this important lesson? 2:09 PM Apr 14th from web
1102. RT @mrskutcher Hilarious RT @Ammidon: Just for fun... You're No One If You're Not On Twitter ... ? -Twitter Elitest? 2:03 PM Apr 14th from web
1103. Discovery of the first medicines? - 2:00 PM Apr 14th from web
1104. RT @ObamaNews President Obama Economic Speech at Georgetown: A New Foundation -Defining moment? #Obama #politics 1:57 PM Apr 14th from web
1105. RT @BoingBoing Mad Science: Experiments You Can Do at Home, But Probably Shouldn't (Book) 1:53 PM Apr 14th from web
1106. Top 10 Ridiculously Common Science Myths 1:51 PM Apr 14th from web
1107. Stop being cranky 1:46 PM Apr 14th from web
1108. RT @esciencenews Increased symptoms lead mentally disordered to become victims of violence #health #mentalillness 1:44 PM Apr 14th from web
1109. RT @ohioHCreform PhRMA's Platform for a Healthy America: #PhRMA #pharma #bigpharma #health 1:41 PM Apr 14th from web
1110. Interesting science site - #science #education #biology #physics #health #medicine 1:16 PM Apr 14th from web
1111. It'd be great if we could e-mail interesting tweets to those non-tweeterers whom we all know. 1:13 PM Apr 14th from web
1112. What is it with “fake” -Are some of these accounts really fake or are people just faking the rest of us out? 12:56 PM Apr 14th from web
1113. Obama's speech today - his defining moment of truth? 12:55 PM Apr 14th from web
1114. RT @arstechnica Bill Gates has applied for a patent on an Electromagentic Engine. I wonder what he's up to? 12:53 PM Apr 14th from web
1115. Twitter still has some bugs to work out of it's system... 11:35 AM Apr 14th from web
1116. My hashtags aren't showing up in the section? #Twitter ? 11:33 AM Apr 14th from web
1117. RT @newswise Severe Hypoglycemia Linked With Higher Risk of Dementia for Older Adults With Diabetes:.. #dementia 11:31 AM Apr 14th from web
1118. Too many clams to fry 11:29 AM Apr 14th from web
1119. Are our permanent records on the internet? Does this make us more vulnerable or safer? Or neither or both? 11:26 AM Apr 14th from web
1120. In some areas, I'm a seismic dolt. 11:23 AM Apr 14th from web
1121. @taccah @rlanzara in my homepage it's still there :| -Thanks I wonder where my Everyone link went ? 11:21 AM Apr 14th from web
1122. Deciding which confrontations to address is one of our most important decisions. 11:13 AM Apr 14th from web
1123. Sounds like Twi....... ? - 11:03 AM Apr 14th from web
1124. RT @MHA It's called the Care Transitions Project: #health #medicine 10:59 AM Apr 14th from web
1125. I'm stalking myself on Twitter... 10:56 AM Apr 14th from web
1126. RT @digg_sciences Ray Kurzweil's singularity - -The beginning of a new life form? #biology #evolution #web 10:55 AM Apr 14th from web
1127. RT @digg_sciences Ray Kurzweil Says Man & Machine Will Become One by 2045 - -Already true for Twitterers? 10:49 AM Apr 14th from web
1128. RT @juliebmack RT @EneryMandala Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken -Unless you have something to hide? 10:47 AM Apr 14th from web
1129. Putting Twitter’s World to Use - 10:44 AM Apr 14th from web
1130. Much like the early oceans, there are strange predatory things roaming around the internet... 10:42 AM Apr 14th from web
1131. One person’s platitudes is another person’s wisdom... 10:40 AM Apr 14th from web
1132. He who slings mud loses ground 10:40 AM Apr 14th from web
1133. @snowyowls Molecular Dynamics; 28 new PubMed citations were retrieved for your search. + 10:36 AM Apr 14th from web in reply to snowyowls
1134. So is there still an Everyone link or am I the only one without it? 8:47 AM Apr 14th from web
1135. RT @dougw Truly profound truth -If you reverse axises and flip graph -Probably more true. 8:44 AM Apr 14th from web
1136. Are there slave programmers out there spamming and controling the internet? Please come forward... 8:40 AM Apr 14th from web
1137. Some people seem to have been born angry. They need our close vigilance and support - It's difficult.. .8:39 AM Apr 14th from web
1138. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - #trademark 8:36 AM Apr 14th from web
1139. Improve your health by eating like a Mediterranean. 8:33 AM Apr 14th from web
1140. Twitter's all clear? 8:31 AM Apr 14th from web
1141. We can forever argue and debate, but unless we test things for ourselves we’ll never know if they’re right for us... 11:21 PM Apr 13th from web
1142. RT @vesselproject Google Earth Flythroughs Come To The Browser #earth #global #cool #net #web 10:59 PM Apr 13th from web
1143. RT @dougw Truly profound truth -Inverse of the Yerkes-Dodson law (a law showing desensitization - a bell shaped curve) 10:54 PM Apr 13th from web
1144. I Could Be Wrong - 10:46 PM Apr 13th from web
1145. @DandelionVicous @rlanzara ...I still have an Everyone button, right between Favorites and Following. Odd, eh? -Something strange afoot ? 10:42 PM Apr 13th from web
1146. Is there a connection between the Yerkes-Dodson law & a balance? - #psychology 10:37 PM Apr 13th from web
1147. RT @dudeman718 RT @GoUp: That is what I need: 10 Simple Things to Simplify Your Life #lifestyle #family 10:30 PM Apr 13th from web
1148. RT @dudeman718 RT @martine2323: RT @KimSherrell: MASSIVE database of musicians on twitter - - [**Nice work @gcn1] #music 10:26 PM Apr 13th from web
1149. RT @dtitle The most amazing mating ritual I've ever seen seen... -Guess we have it easy X rated #biology 10:21 PM Apr 13th from web
1150. Think before you throw a 20 lb medicine ball in the air and bounce it off your head... One of my most memorable Frost Valley moments. 10:13 PM Apr 13th from web
1151. RT @globalvoices China:Underage prostitution ring sparks public indignation: -Unfortunately happens here too. 10:01 PM Apr 13th from web
1152. @momfluential Would you call eating Ghiradelli semisweet choco chips out of the bag self medicating ? -You're seeking rewards. 9:57 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to momfluential
1153. @MedC2 @rlanzara mine says the same thing about me -Where'd we be without them? 9:56 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to MedC2
1154. People taking more then 4-5 pharmaceuticals per day are very likely to have drug interactions. Less is best. 9:54 PM Apr 13th from web
1155. According to my loving wife, I'm still a work in progress... 9:53 PM Apr 13th from web
1156. @amvr2medwriter Free use Scientific Images you mean free use for publications? -Yes, just credit Bio Balance, Inc. Thanks. 9:51 PM Apr 13th from web
1157. Unfortunately there are some people with whom you just can't have a win-win situation. 9:44 PM Apr 13th from web
1158. RT @mrskutcher 99 things we should have seen http://youshouldhaveseenthi... -I haven't seen any Guess I'm a Loser or Old or Something... 9:28 PM Apr 13th from web
1159. Free use Scientific Images - #graphics 9:13 PM Apr 13th from web
1160. RT @dudeman718 releases 200 million government data records. -Lobbying + Campaign finance #politics 9:12 PM Apr 13th from web
1161. Most of us prefer to love in silence... 9:10 PM Apr 13th from web
1162. As opposed to the image emoticons ( emoti cons ? Who made that one up?) - 9:08 PM Apr 13th from web
1163. How about (*) as an embarrassment sign on Twitter (I don’t like :X or :#)? Any other emoticons? There are - 9:06 PM Apr 13th from web
1164. Top 10 Common Medical Myths 8:58 PM Apr 13th from web
1165. RT @dtitle 7 Quotes From Neuroscientists That Will Revolutionize Brain & Mind Health, Fitness & Wellness 8:55 PM Apr 13th from web
1166. RT @KoreenOlbrish RT @rlanzara: Love and old age aren't for sissies... -Thanks for the RT 8:52 PM Apr 13th from web
1167. RT @mulegirl More people need to know about this: -Kindness is to do or say the kindest thing in the kindest way 8:51 PM Apr 13th from web
1168. There's a great many distractions on the internet. But you already knew that didn't you? So why are you reading this? 8:48 PM Apr 13th from web
1169. RT @MedC2RT @techhie: 100 best websites of the past 100 years (lol?) 8:47 PM Apr 13th from web
1170. Top 15 Misconceptions about Evolution 8:44 PM Apr 13th from web
1171. Interesting how my following people's pictures morph -maybe they are changing them? Mine looks like a round peg in a square hole 8:42 PM Apr 13th from web
1172. @5minutesformom Jackson's cough is getting worse and worse I wonder if I should take him to the clinic. -Take him in - it may be asthma. 8:11 PM Apr 13th from web in reply to 5minutesformom
1173. Interesting, I just found out that the Yerkes-Dodson law is a psychological law showing desensitization - 8:09 PM Apr 13th from web
1174. RT @feministchemist Genentech and Roche. PFizer and Wyeth. Now Merck and Schering-Plough. These are tidal waves. 7:16 PM Apr 13th from web
1175. Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #bioscience #biophysics #b 7:09 PM Apr 13th from WeFollow
1176. To follow & be followed is fun, but I miss the “everyone” button - maybe it overloaded the system? 7:03 PM Apr 13th from web
1177. A computational search for the truth? - 6:52 PM Apr 13th from web
1178. Shame and simplicity in Afghanistan - -How is it that we don't relate? 6:37 PM Apr 13th from web
1179. Health Map of the World - #publichealth #global #diseases 6:19 PM Apr 13th from web
1180. MediClim tracks weather patterns and associates them with certain medical conditions. - #medicine #health #illness 6:14 PM Apr 13th from web
1181. RT @pubget New issue for Canadian Medical Association Journal is available now 6:05 PM Apr 13th from web
1182. RT @Mike_Wesely We are in a time ppl need to change the way they think... Businesses need to change or vanish. 6:00 PM Apr 13th from web
1183. Sometimes I feel like a Copernican in a Ptolemaic world... 5:58 PM Apr 13th from web
1184. Pray that we're not preying... 4:56 PM Apr 13th from web
1185. Are we all becoming just a little too fast for ourselves? 4:35 PM Apr 13th from web
1186. One thing's for certain nothing is... 4:32 PM Apr 13th from web
1187. Central Park NYC - You can feel like you're in the country, but you'll never get lost if you just keep walking... 4:31 PM Apr 13th from web
1188. Women are man’s best chance to be civilized. 4:27 PM Apr 13th from web
1189. I wish a big corporation would get interested in my innovation - 3:59 PM Apr 13th from web
1190. RT @HarvardBiz How Not to Compete, Post-Crash 3:58 PM Apr 13th from web
1191. Are update quantity more important than quality? 3:51 PM Apr 13th from web
1192. Relative performance of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) - #investing #stocks #finance 3:42 PM Apr 13th from web
1193. RT @12C4 Grow 100 lbs. of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet -We might have to do this 2:08 PM Apr 13th from web
1194. RT @Berci My child carries genetic risk for mental illness. Now what do I do? -Vigilance + unconditional love... 2:05 PM Apr 13th from web
1195. The internet is like a giant tool -only as good as you’re ability to use it for the right job... 2:03 PM Apr 13th from web
1196. Funny what you get when you search for the phrase, “What can I do to better myself” - 2:00 PM Apr 13th from web
1197. RT @tssinews Is New York a Harbinger of How the Stimulus Works? 1:52 PM Apr 13th from web
1198. @chantalart Happy Birthday Chantal 1:34 PM Apr 13th from web
1199. I’m constantly living with love’s expectations and no guarantees... 1:30 PM Apr 13th from web
1200. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: 12:32 PM Apr 13th from web
1201. Tommy Emmanuel - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - 12:31 PM Apr 13th from web
1202. Ending Human Slavery in Our Lifetimes? - 12:30 PM Apr 13th from web
1203. RT @amFIX Drug legalization: A great idea whose time has not come - 12:27 PM Apr 13th from web
1204. RT @viviane212 Marcia B, the co-creator of the Cuddle Party, is now on Twitter. Welcome, @marciabac 12:25 PM Apr 13th from web
1205. Love and old age aren't for sissies... 12:24 PM Apr 13th from web
1206. We may not like it, but sometimes we just have to fill out the form... 12:23 PM Apr 13th from web
1207. How did anyone discovered garlic or onions as food? Must’ve been a famine that triggered their use that we now take for granted. #food 12:07 PM Apr 13th from web
1208. RT @LisbethTanz RT @Foodimentary Safest temp. for refrigerating foods is 33 to 40 F (-1.1 - 4.4 C) Never above 48 F (8.8 C). Good to know. 12:07 PM Apr 13th from web
1209. RT @newscience Digg Science: Have Cities Evolved Beyond the Bounds of Biology? #evolution #biology 11:48 AM Apr 13th from web
1210. If you missed this - RT @rlanzara Great talk - Juan Enriquez: Decoding the future with genomics - 4:03 AM Apr 13th from web
1211. Pièce de résistance - This paper compiles 20 yrs. of research... #research #science #biology #biophysics 4:01 AM Apr 13th from web
1212. True genius is the ability to persevere in the face of adversities... 3:50 AM Apr 13th from web
1213. RT @sharonhayes Alert: may be another worm on loose - do not click on links telling u to protect yourself - pls rt 3:44 AM Apr 13th from web
1214. There is no such thing as a moral country or government - only individual people can be moral. 3:44 AM Apr 13th from web
1215. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: 3:42 AM Apr 13th from web
1216. Enhanced Pharmaceuticals - 3:42 AM Apr 13th from web
1217. Compositions to enhance the efficacy and safety of bio-pharmaceutical drugs - http://www.freepatentsonlin... #patent 3:33 AM Apr 13th from web
1218. Pretty picture of this - Evidence for a free cysteine necessary for GPCR activation - 3:25 AM Apr 13th from web
1219. Evidence for a free cysteine, thiol or sulfhydryl necessary for GPCR activation - 3:21 AM Apr 13th from web
1220. Our sensory receptors (GPCRs) appear to obey the Weber-Fechner law - -Another amazing fact 3:12 AM Apr 13th from web
1221. These little buggers on our cells are how we sense everything in the universe - G protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs) - really quite amazing 3:04 AM Apr 13th from web
1222. Life isn't always fair - this man sold only one painting in his life - 3:00 AM Apr 13th from web
1223. @SubZeroLA @rlanzara holly cow -Thank you 2:56 AM Apr 13th from web in reply to SubZeroLA
1224. Man’s propensity to man...Twitter 2:52 AM Apr 13th from web
1225. Biological diversity trumps cultural diversity... 2:47 AM Apr 13th from web
1226. Pedophilia, slavery or cultural difference? - #women #family #morality #ethics #global #scandal #web #insight #net 7:59 PM Apr 12th from web
1227. Hope is not necessary to persevere... 7:58 PM Apr 12th from web
1228. Oh oh, if you see a tweet with the word Mikeyy - don't click on it - RT @jeffisageek Twitter Vulnerability: 7:56 PM Apr 12th from web
1229. If you want your wife to listen, say the three magic words, You're right Dear. 7:14 PM Apr 12th from web
1230. RT @bbchealth Scientists in US and Sweden understand more about how the body responds to pleasurable touch. -GPCRs 7:13 PM Apr 12th from web
1231. RT @AlgorithmFundFX having Twitter follower problems...with followers size decreasing randomly? -Probably an Algorithm problem... 7:11 PM Apr 12th from web
1232. If time is like a river, does it splash like water? 7:01 PM Apr 12th from web
1233. Great - Juan Enriquez: Decoding the future with genomics - #Biotech #science #Pharma #Biology #genomics 6:55 PM Apr 12th from web
1234. Donovan – Sunshine Superman ? 6:26 PM Apr 12th from
1235. Click on the galaxy - 6:22 PM Apr 12th from web
1236. RT @Jason_Pollock 40 Incredible Near-Infrared Photos - #photography #art 6:22 PM Apr 12th from web
1237. The tweet is mightier than the sword 6:16 PM Apr 12th from web
1238. Love is an enduring project that is never finished. 6:15 PM Apr 12th from web
1239. Your stage name is supposed to be your middle name first and the park's name where you played as a kid for your last name -Gene Gloversville 5:52 PM Apr 12th from web
1240. Unconditional love is painful -Moms know this well... 3:36 PM Apr 12th from web
1241. I'm realistically optimistic about the pessimistic state of the world today... 3:33 PM Apr 12th from web
1242. RT @dtitle @rlanzara G protein are cool and all, but don't forget Tyrosine-kinase recptor actions as well -Good point 3:30 PM Apr 12th from web
1243. We are continuously striving to remove our families from danger and seek our just rewards... 3:28 PM Apr 12th from web
1244. What I saw as a baby - 3:24 PM Apr 12th from web
1245. These are the molecules that allow us to perceive the universe - G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) 3:17 PM Apr 12th from web
1246. RT @biz Here's what we've been up to this weekend regarding worms #Twitter #worms #virus #computer #web #internet #net 3:12 PM Apr 12th from web
1247. @serious_skeptic word worth looking up --> skepsis -That's what I have #wordoftheday 3:08 PM Apr 12th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
1248. RT @ZuDfunck Rate Your Twitter Obsession Quiz to rate your #TwitterAddict Level -My wife is in charge of this 3:04 PM Apr 12th from web
1249. Took my 18 m.o. niece to Central Park - no eggs... But when she says “uncle” it can melt your heart... 3:03 PM Apr 12th from web
1250. Not everyone is granted the opportunities to live life to the fullest, but many alternatives are worse... 3:00 PM Apr 12th from web
1251. Diabetes linked to Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's - #diabetes #medicine #health #Alzheimer's #disease #treatment 2:52 PM Apr 12th from web
1252. Intelligence is like water - it seeks its own level... 2:45 PM Apr 12th from web
1253. Love is better than sex.. .2:40 PM Apr 12th from web
1254. Pedophilia, slavery or cultural difference? - #women #family #morality #ethics #global #scandal #web #insight #net 7:21 AM Apr 12th from web
1255. Can we end slavery in our lifetime? - #women #family #politics #slavery #global #scandal 6:22 AM Apr 12th from web
1256. RT @fantomaster A Nation Sighs as Obama Puppy Crisis Finally Ends #politics #dogs #pets 6:18 AM Apr 12th from web
1257. Is this the best charity? #charity #giving #global 6:06 AM Apr 12th from web
1258. I was born marginalized. RT @ReliefNews Darfur rebels make their stand above the fray - - The way of our future world? 5:44 AM Apr 12th from web
1259. If your a guitarist, you should definitely follow @tommyemmanuel #music #guitar #art 5:35 AM Apr 12th from web
1260. Evil sometimes appears like a lamb... 5:00 AM Apr 12th from web
1261. RT @BreakingNewz Conficker worm hits University of Utah computers #computer #internet #net #web #virus 4:47 AM Apr 12th from web
1262. A Dream - #music 4:45 AM Apr 12th from web
1263. @Exoplanetology ... A being of fused flesh and machine... - We already are... 4:27 AM Apr 12th from web in reply to Exoplanetology
1264. 7 Wireless Router Problems And How To Solve Them - (via @addthis) #computer #web #internet #net #router #hardware 4:25 AM Apr 12th from web
1265. I'm going to have to set a good example and go to sleep and dream about twittering you wonderful people... 10:26 PM Apr 11th from web
1266. @Kohmahts RT @DaMav: @Kohmahts I'm not a bot ...fzzt...whirrrrrr...fzzt...(msg #3246 delivered successfully) lol ROFL.. -Snuff them out 10:23 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to Kohmahts
1267. @complexcipher @rlanzara...1st time I've sat down. Single mommy wrks hard :) -You have my sympathetic understanding. Now get some sleep... 10:22 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to complexcipher
1268. I sense that politicians are beginning the 2012 presidential campaign already. Anyone else sense that? 10:19 PM Apr 11th from web
1269. @donlemoncnn Your thoughts on same sex marriage? Which ones? The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female are not enough 10:17 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to donlemoncnn
1270. @Kohmahts RT @rlanzara: ... - does this mean you're bots? - I don't think I am.. : - ) -Then you're probably not I hope not 10:15 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to Kohmahts
1271. @complexcipher Drinking sparkling wine -A few tweets ago you were exhausted. Go to sleep. Pleasant dreams. 10:13 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to complexcipher
1272. Seems that there's a manipulation of Twitter a foot Or at hand? 10:11 PM Apr 11th from web
1273. Burst of tweets coming from some of you - does this mean you're bots? I don't see how you tweet so much in a row 5-10 tweets 10:10 PM Apr 11th from web
1274. Conficker virus -If you can link to this site your computer is probably OK - #computer #virus #web #net #internet 10:00 PM Apr 11th from web
1275. The more worrisome problem - RT @thebcast Huge Computer Worm Conficker Stirring To Life #computer #virus #web #net 9:57 PM Apr 11th from web
1276. Interesting that everyone's warning about the dreaded Twitter virus, but they're still using Twitter ? 9:48 PM Apr 11th from web
1277. RT @yourgenealogy Alot of people liked this one - The Tree of Life Web Project - #biology #science 9:31 PM Apr 11th from web
1278. @arleigh the pope is recommending link-click abstinence. no prophylactics. -Well, arleigh, he is infallible 9:29 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to arleigh
1279. @DrLaura04 ...child with stridor and drooling will show up while you are in the midst of I&Ding the abscess. -Epiglottitis more important 9:28 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to DrLaura04
1280. Everyone's RTing about the Twitter virus, but if you read down into the comment section, it doesn't sound like much of a threat. #Twitter 9:25 PM Apr 11th from web
1281. @redrobinrockn Wherever you go, there you are. ~don't know who, just heard it somewhere. -You're never there, you're always here 9:22 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to redrobinrockn
1282. visa versa - Who knew? 9:20 PM Apr 11th from web
1283. @phronk Avoiding Twitter so that the internet doesn't realize all I'm doing tonight is cleaning and watching Twilight. -Fooled me. 9:18 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to phronk
1284. A phrase a week - 9:16 PM Apr 11th from web
1285. Via Twitter? RT @michaelemlong White House Says Obama Getting Updates on Pirates #tcot 9:13 PM Apr 11th from web
1286. As the night wears on, some of us get just plain silly... 9:12 PM Apr 11th from web
1287. RT @redrobinrockn RT @williger RT Tip - Keep Tweets 120 Chars 2 allow room 4 name/comments/additional RTs. Pls RT 9:11 PM Apr 11th from web
1288. The grass is always greener... - 9:03 PM Apr 11th from web
1289. One place evryone can find happiness - #happiness 9:00 PM Apr 11th from web
1290. Students Who Believe Intelligence Can Be Developed Perform Better - 8:58 PM Apr 11th from web
1291. @tront listening to nine inch nails and jane's addiction at the same time -A man stretching his neuronal limits But good... 8:56 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to tront
1292. Wikipedia Current Events - #news 8:51 PM Apr 11th from web
1293. Jersey Boys - What a Night ? 8:47 PM Apr 11th from
1294. @kiala At least you're not a twaitor 8:41 PM Apr 11th from web
1295. RT @kiala I am now communicating for friends who are not on Twitter to friends who are on Twitter. I'm like a Twiaison. -Good one 8:41 PM Apr 11th from web
1296. @NiaNia @rlanzara tweettree and several more apps can be found here: -Thank you 8:36 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to NiaNia
1297. There are some serial tweeterers out there who are extremely fast on the tweet Others can't get their tweets in 8:28 PM Apr 11th from web
1298. Twitter is evolving and undergoing a metamorphosis right before our very eyes 8:25 PM Apr 11th from web
1299. RT @vesselproject vesselproject Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. — Henry Ford 8:22 PM Apr 11th from web
1300. Pharmaceutical commercials try to convince us that we have diseases that we don't have... 8:20 PM Apr 11th from web
1301. Tommy Emmanuel - Day Tripper / Lady Madonna - #music 6:23 PM Apr 11th from web
1302. Top 10 Food Myths Debunked #family #food 6:12 PM Apr 11th from web
1303. Algorithmic Trading - -Under appreciated. #finance #game #poker 6:10 PM Apr 11th from web
1304. Dress for the weather and you'll enjoy it more. 6:08 PM Apr 11th from web
1305. The right tool for the right job. 6:07 PM Apr 11th from web
1306. No matter where you go, you're always here and never there... 6:06 PM Apr 11th from web
1307. And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? - 6:05 PM Apr 11th from web
1308. Maybe we all exist in two states and don't realize it? 6:01 PM Apr 11th from web
1309. Beta-Adrenergic Receptor in Two Molecular States (SH & S-) #graphics #science #biology #biophysics 5:56 PM Apr 11th from web
1310. I'm following a very interesting group of people on Twitter... 4:01 PM Apr 11th from web
1311. Sodas are some of the worst things you can ingest - -Sorry, I enjoy them too (in moderation) 3:52 PM Apr 11th from web
1312. RT @modeling22RT @dpbkmb: Easter Symbols #Easter 3:49 PM Apr 11th from web
1313. Down the Rabbit Hole: In the midst of shrinking, Alice waxes philosophic - 3:48 PM Apr 11th from web
1314. Hospitals Love Twitter - #medicine #Twitter 3:42 PM Apr 11th from web
1315. The Real History of YouTube in 3 minutes -Interesting comparison #history #YouTube #Google 3:23 PM Apr 11th from web
1316. The History of YouTube -Remember - started in 2005 #history #YouTube #Google 3:17 PM Apr 11th from web
1317. RT @hrheingold 8 minute animated history of the Internet: #internet #web #net #history 3:06 PM Apr 11th from web
1318. RT @BILL_ROMANOS Paleogeography and Geologic Evolution of North America [amazing; deep time] #geology #education 3:02 PM Apr 11th from web
1319. RT @Gennefer This post by @modite is brilliant. Innovators don't join the conversation-they interrupt it. 3:00 PM Apr 11th from web
1320. Every test has false negatives and positives... 2:57 PM Apr 11th from web
1321. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: 2:28 PM Apr 11th from web
1322. RT @garymccaffrey has a crazy idea. 19,530 new twitter followers in 30 days? Check it out 2:25 PM Apr 11th from web
1323. RT @Berci Intro to Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics-Pharmacogenetics #genetics #Biology #science 1:46 PM Apr 11th from web
1324. RT @Berci UCSC Cancer Genomics browser #cancer #genomics #Biology #science 1:41 PM Apr 11th from web
1325. Are we all getting back our youthful restless energy yet in these turbulent times? 1:39 PM Apr 11th from web
1326. Beethoven - Für Elise ? 1:17 PM Apr 11th from
1327. @brandon_wirtz Is Brandon on to something big? Go check his site. 12:29 PM Apr 11th from web
1328. @christinelu i am NOT a China expert. but Google top china expert - You are now 12:26 PM Apr 11th from web in reply to christinelu
1329. Receptor activation + thiol OR sulfhydryl - #Bioscience #Biology 12:19 PM Apr 11th from web
1330. Don't try this at home 12:15 PM Apr 11th from web
1331. Perhaps holding two or more competing ideas as a sign of intelligence, the same holds true for emotional intelligence +2 or more emotions? 12:11 PM Apr 11th from web
1332. Cold, rainy day in nyc - good day to Twitter - now what should I tweet...? 12:07 PM Apr 11th from web
1333. RT @labela Classroom Connectivity in Math and Science #teacher #education #math #science 7:21 AM Apr 11th from web
1334. Center for Cancer Computational Biology (CCCB) #cancer #computation #biology 6:48 AM Apr 11th from web
1335. Biological signal maintains inflammation in cancer, asthma and other... 6:41 AM Apr 11th from web
1336. RT @SociaTropin What Is Stress? What Causes Stress? #psychology #stress #mind 6:37 AM Apr 11th from web
1337. A molecular model for cell signaling and receptor activation #biology #research #science #cell 6:33 AM Apr 11th from web
1338. A molecular model for cell signaling and receptor activation #biology #research #science 6:31 AM Apr 11th from web
1339. RT @12C4 Conficker Worm Continues to Baffle the Experts #worm #computer #internet #web #net 6:20 AM Apr 11th from web
1340. Serendipity - #science #biology #research #education 6:00 AM Apr 11th from web
1341. A New Global Currency & World Bank #finance #global #crisis #politics #economy 5:51 AM Apr 11th from web
1342. Useful Twitter Search - #Twitter #web #net #internet 5:43 AM Apr 11th from web
1343. Cysteine modulation of receptor function #Bioscience #Science #innovation #Pharma #research #biophysics 5:39 AM Apr 11th from web
1344. The size of your two fists together is the size of your brain and the size of one fist is the size of your heart. 5:37 AM Apr 11th from web
1345. Many big buildings have become giant albatrosses to the corporations that built them... #corporations 4:58 AM Apr 11th from web
1346. RT @OperationOF 78,000 women die each year in India due to problems arising from childbirth and pregnancy #women #family 4:55 AM Apr 11th from web
1347. We live in an interconnected world that will probably stay interconnected for those who can participate... 4:54 AM Apr 11th from web
1348. There must be a few more #receptor people out there -Receptors are how we live #Bioscience #Biology #science #insight #research 4:51 AM Apr 11th from web
1349. Liu loves science because of its “ability to change the world.” - (via @addthis) -Should eat more rhubarb #cures 4:47 AM Apr 11th from web
1350. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 11:29 PM Apr 10th from web
1351. For you math geeks - The online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences - #math #integers #sequences 11:10 PM Apr 10th from web
1352. The Weber-Fechner Law - Overlooked Key to Understanding How Our Receptors Work? #science #psychology #biology 10:56 PM Apr 10th from web
1353. Cyborgian webnets of the future? #links #internet #web #net 10:28 PM Apr 10th from web
1354. Any good tax write-off hints out there? 5:25 PM Apr 10th from web
1355. @_OM_ I agree, prices of many things will probably have to come down for the average consumer to start buying again. 5:24 PM Apr 10th from web in reply to _OM_
1356. Perhaps it is time to fade away}}}>>>----....___ 5:12 PM Apr 10th from web
1357. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower ? 5:09 PM Apr 10th from
1358. Optimal health should include all of our options -such as physical, financial, social, psychological, political, etc.. #publichealth #health 5:04 PM Apr 10th from web
1359. RT @ChristieNic Women Smell Better Than Men: -That's for sure Oh 4:55 PM Apr 10th from web
1360. Wife just interupted my Twittering to ask about a Broadway Show - Irena's vow. She's out with Charlie & friend from san francisco... 4:53 PM Apr 10th from web
1361. RT @msnbc_health Domestic abuse on rise as economy sinks -Everyone should have a way to escape until the situation cools down... 4:49 PM Apr 10th from web
1362. #followfriday @ThePhilos @debrah6 @thehivemind @mparent77772 @wdfavour @upwardaction @EarthTimesPR @Iceburner @CoachDeb @AlohaArleen 4:46 PM Apr 10th from web
1363. Help a fellow tweeter - put their tweet as a retweet (RT @tweetername) where you think it will do the most good. #web #social #networking 4:37 PM Apr 10th from web
1364. What's happening to Starbucks? Anyone tweeting from there? #Starbucks #Twitter #economy #web #internet #social 4:31 PM Apr 10th from web
1365. RT @thehivemind China's birth limits creating risky gender gaps as girl fetuses are aborted in favor of boys. #ethics 4:26 PM Apr 10th from web
1366. Are removing oneself from danger and seeking rewards secret forces behind evolution? #science #evolution #biology #insight 4:20 PM Apr 10th from web
1367. Ever wonder how most of us fall prey to big corporations pushing bad stuff. 4:15 PM Apr 10th from web
1368. I think that I invented the phrase, Have a Good One. #phrase #story #writer #history 4:11 PM Apr 10th from web
1369. Andy Goldsworthy RT @HenkTerHeide Rivers and Tides #art #nature 4:04 PM Apr 10th from web
1370. RT @mparent77772 Social E-ruption in Progress #Twitter #social 3:41 PM Apr 10th from web
1371. Have to wonder how anyone discovered garlic or onions? Must been a famine that triggered their use as food that we take for granted. #food 2:35 PM Apr 10th from web
1372. Yougnest son says to try this station - #music 2:31 PM Apr 10th from web
1373. RT @Berci RT @yourgenealogy: The human protein atlas - #science #education #teacher #biology #genes 1:54 PM Apr 10th from web
1374. RT @Berci Girl with genetic disorder sues sperm bank for providing defective sperm 1:52 PM Apr 10th from web
1375. Twitterers don't live by Followers alone. 1:50 PM Apr 10th from web
1376. Neil Young – Heart Of Gold ? 1:48 PM Apr 10th from
1377. Are there any elitists on Twitter? #Twitter 1:44 PM Apr 10th from web
1378. ED and premature ejaculation are not diseases to be cured with drugs... 1:42 PM Apr 10th from web
1379. RT @drewvigal The latest One in 8 Million: The Teenage Mother, Elizabeth Cousins - #children #family #women 1:19 PM Apr 10th from web
1380. #Xeni_Jardin should have her own hashtag @xenijardin #celebrities #social #art #internet #net #web #media 1:14 PM Apr 10th from web
1381. The best experience is when you feel blessed by a muse. 1:06 PM Apr 10th from web
1382. RT @SubZeroLA Any ideas for backlinks? #appliances #business #biz #smallbiz -Good luck Anyone like you in nyc? 1:04 PM Apr 10th from web
1383. RT @BoingBoing Web Zen: TV Zen -Judge not ? #art 1:02 PM Apr 10th from web
1384. RT @CNNMoney Video: Beware online Ponzi schemes: Videos promoting 'cash-gifting' schemes may be scams. #net #scams 12:53 PM Apr 10th from web
1385. (Great Grandma)^100,000? = A Therapsid ancestor? #science #education #reality #philosophy #fun 12:51 PM Apr 10th from web
1386. RT @uwsph UW SPH In The News: Medical researchers face conflicts of interest #medicine #doctors #doc #ethics 12:49 PM Apr 10th from web
1387. igasm' makes Apple shudder - A little late, but my niece won first place - 12:46 PM Apr 10th from web
1388. There's a serious side to Twitter, but there's also the nonserious side...1 2:38 PM Apr 10th from web
1389. Charlie visiting from san francisco... 12:36 PM Apr 10th from web
1390. Are there useless tweets? What makes one person's tweet better than the next? Is there a tweets' arm race going on? 12:34 PM Apr 10th from web
1391. STIM1 and ORAI1 are potential new targets for the inhibition of breast cancer cell migration and metastasis - 11:11 AM Apr 10th from web
1392. Famous numbers (not everyone agrees on) - #math #teachers #education #science 10:49 AM Apr 10th from web
1393. Who's going to write the screen play Springtime for Twitter ? 10:47 AM Apr 10th from web
1394. *** Enhanced Pharmaceuticals - #Bioscience #Science #Pharma #PhRMA #innovation #receptors #biotech #bigpharma 10:10 AM Apr 10th from web
1395. Humanity might need a major make-over... 10:04 AM Apr 10th from web
1396. RT @jeffpulver It is amazing how some of the answers we look for are there in front of us, hiding in plain sight. -That goes for things too 9:57 AM Apr 10th from web
1397. RT @tweetmeme Follow Friday. Oh My 9:55 AM Apr 10th from web
1398. RT @jonmrich: 10 new additions to the pharma/healthcare social media wiki today. Please RT #Pharma #PhRMA #bigpharma 9:54 AM Apr 10th from web
1399. My Erdos number is i & my Bacon number is iteratively pending... #math 9:50 AM Apr 10th from web
1400. Something is out there other than conficker, so beware and keep your systems vigilant. #computer #net #web 9:40 AM Apr 10th from web
1401. @arleigh `~) 9:38 AM Apr 10th from web
1402. RT @arleigh @rlanzara :] - :} 9:32 AM Apr 10th from web
1403. It's probably healthy to have that temporary flushed feeling when we're transiently embarrassed. 9:28 AM Apr 10th from web
1404. RT @SarahBrown10 @rianzara Thanks for passing on Girl Effect info-Delighted to help Women are the civilized world best hope. #women #family 9:26 AM Apr 10th from web
1405. #followfriday @trueisnotfalse @jamiesmart @edsilverman @Mike_Wesely @juliaroy @juliaallison @DavidStephenson @Nenad @SarahBrown10 9:24 AM Apr 10th from web
1406. Love & LIfe - a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma... 9:19 AM Apr 10th from web
1407. @grokd Joyful pioneers on the pathway to successfully remediating autism #autism #family #followfriday 9:15 AM Apr 10th from web
1408. #followfriday @explorewww @AdamIss @jonmrich @MarkClayson @AnthonyMcMurray @ScotMcKay @NikiDuffy @shwen @EarthTimesPR @ZuDfunck 9:11 AM Apr 10th from web
1409. RT @pharmalot Harvard hospitals new conflict of interest rules -We're all so conflicted nowadays #followfriday 9:06 AM Apr 10th from web
1410. RT @writingroads This is exactly what I wanted to wake up to today: snarky, brilliant humor - #followfriday #laws 9:00 AM Apr 10th from web
1411. Women's national health week is coming, but sick care is different from health care, which should include financial, social aspects. #women 8:58 AM Apr 10th from web
1412. Neil Young – Southern Man ? 8:54 AM Apr 10th from
1413. RT @arleigh sign at chipotle: WE WILL BE CLOSED THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE FIRST FULL MOON AFTER THE VERNAL EQUINOX (Easter) #followfriday 8:53 AM Apr 10th from web
1414. RT @wingspouse Learning twitter? I recommend @mikewesely @ethos3 @tkpleslie @guykawasaki #followfriday #Twitter 8:51 AM Apr 10th from web
1415. Patents that cite my original one - http://www.freepatentsonlin... #patent #innovation 8:44 AM Apr 10th from web
1416. I'm a prisoner of love in a world full of hate 8:39 AM Apr 10th from web
1417. Conficker Worm Arms Itself To Steal And Spam (via @addthis) #computer #internet #web #net 8:05 AM Apr 10th from web
1418. After all of the financial excesses of the last 20yrs, a little more regulation couldn't hurt. 5:35 PM Apr 9th from web
1419. RT @AAHPM FDA acknowledges concern re: removal of opioid analgesics from market -See if your pain meds are on it. 5:20 PM Apr 9th from web
1420. If your computer is running slow, it might be conficker. It's real - #computer #web #net 5:17 PM Apr 9th from web
1421. @SarahBrown10 @rianzara Thanks for passing on Girl Effect info... Delighted to help Woman are the civilized world best hope. #women #family 5:03 PM Apr 9th from web in reply to SarahBrown10
1422. I follow a great variety of tweeterers & tweeteries 4:54 PM Apr 9th from web
1423. Hope is not necessary to persevere... 4:14 PM Apr 9th from web
1424. @rpmkel ...waiting for a response to an email and you notice that you haven't sent it. Is there a name for that? -Emailous interuptous? 4:07 PM Apr 9th from web in reply to rpmkel
1425. For you guitar players out there - Tommy Emmanuel - Harmonics Lesson - #music 3:21 PM Apr 9th from web
1426. One thing I know is that I don't know everything 3:03 PM Apr 9th from web
1427. RT @k1v1n Peer review inhibiting science? -Probably true... 2:42 PM Apr 9th from web
1428. The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken -Only 78 Billion light years -Thought it was bigger. 2:38 PM Apr 9th from web
1429. Easy does it.... 2:23 PM Apr 9th from web
1430. So many people doing so many things -be careful of the unintended consequences... 2:22 PM Apr 9th from web
1431. Beautiful lackadaisical day in central park.... Sun, birds not chirping -must be busy doing something else... 2:14 PM Apr 9th from web
1432. Are there such things as Twitter flashbacks? 12:56 PM Apr 9th from web
1433. Smile and you will all be happy or else 12:36 PM Apr 9th from web
1434. RT @NancyMarmolejoNew post- Do Motivational Tweets Help or Hinder? 5 Tips ~I agree that balance is best. 12:34 PM Apr 9th from web
1435. Cysteine modulation of receptor function #Bioscience #Science #innovation #Biotech #GPCRs #biophysics 12:18 PM Apr 9th from web
1436. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: 12:14 PM Apr 9th from web
1437. RT @wordaday presage (verb): To indicate or warn of in advance. SYNONYMS: augur, auspicate, bode, omen... #word 12:13 PM Apr 9th from web
1438. RT @books Reading for Stress Relief: A study has found that reading can reduce stress levels by 68%. -Twitter too? #books 12:10 PM Apr 9th from web
1439. Top 10 Common Medical Myths 11:52 AM Apr 9th from web
1440. RT @Igor_Simanovski Activist Charged for Inciting 'Twitter Revolution' #global #world #Moldova #scandal #politics 11:30 AM Apr 9th from web
1441. Can anger make you stronger as my son supposes or does channeling it to collective action? Except most twitterers don’t seem all that angry. 11:26 AM Apr 9th from web
1442. RT @ejly @rlanzara contemplating one's navel is called omphaloskepsis. One of my favorite scrabble words. : ) -Well deserved retweet 11:15 AM Apr 9th from web
1443. We can always blame it on the tweets... 11:13 AM Apr 9th from web
1444. RT @SarahBrown10 Greatest cause of death for teenage girls in developing world? -Pregnancy and Childbirth. #children 11:07 AM Apr 9th from web
1445. RT @mparent77772 Welcome to Twitter Mrs Brown, or should I say @SarahBrown10 - #government #politics #web 11:05 AM Apr 9th from web
1446. Some things sound true, but aren't... 11:02 AM Apr 9th from web
1447. RT @AkilanNathan @rlanzara @ZuDfunck A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about excepts thoughts. -If I only had a brain 9:54 AM Apr 9th from web
1448. Check out - @Wildcat2030 9:51 AM Apr 9th from web
1449. RT @Frankly Fla. baseball team kills snake to stop losing streak. Not cool - you're only allowed sacrifice flies .9:48 AM Apr 9th from web
1450. If it looks like Twitter, feels like Twitter and tastes like Twitter, it must be Twitter 9:46 AM Apr 9th from web
1451. Beauty Feast is Risen - #music 9:43 AM Apr 9th from web
1452. Looks like Twitter? - 9:32 AM Apr 9th from web
1453. RT @loveofscienceRT @buckdenton:Three New Species Discovered -- in the Stratosphere : -Bacteria that are OOTW 9:27 AM Apr 9th from web
1454. RT @ZuDfunck You know what? I finally figured it out... You Think Too Much -Oh yeah -Right back at ya 9:24 AM Apr 9th from web
1455. Contemplating my navel....... 9:14 AM Apr 9th from web
1456. RT @Nenad @rlanzara So that's why I am running out of space to hang my shirts 9:11 AM Apr 9th from web
1457. OK, I'll rephrase it: Does evolution mean that we all have Therapsid ancestors in our closets? 9:06 AM Apr 9th from web
1458. Irreconcilable unconsummated unconditional love... 9:00 AM Apr 9th from web
1459. Does evolution mean that we all have dinosaur ancestors in our closets? 8:58 AM Apr 9th from web
1460. Best Gmail Gadgets: Social Networking Gadgets #internet #gadgets #web #net #Google 8:56 AM Apr 9th from web
1461. Life has continuously evolved to remove itself from danger and seek it’s own rewards. #evolution #life #insight 8:49 AM Apr 9th from web
1462. RT @sciam Do Parents Matter? #teaching #teacher #education #children #teenagers 7:54 AM Apr 9th from web
1463. Top 15 Misconceptions about Evolution - #evolution #education #teaching #teacher #science #biology 7:49 AM Apr 9th from web
1464. God & the Devil both work in mysterious ways... #God #devil #religion 7:45 AM Apr 9th from web
1465. Will we have Twitter-based journalism? #Twitter #journalism 7:43 AM Apr 9th from web
1466. Better sick care? Huffpost - Public health is the best way to spend our health care dollars. #health #publichealth 7:38 AM Apr 9th from web
1467. RT @jamiesmart @emotionapedant i find meaningless arousing -Is it really? 7:17 AM Apr 9th from web
1468. Unconditional love is also painful? -Moms know this #psychology #love #women #family 7:15 AM Apr 9th from web
1469. RT @MarkClayson Top 10 Ridiculously Common Science Myths #education #teacher #science #info #information 7:02 AM Apr 9th from web
1470. Consciousness & brain dynamics -more than anyone can handle? - #mind #brain #Bioscience #psychology #love 6:55 AM Apr 9th from web
1471. RT @bbcnews The Conficker virus updating machines with a mystery package of data. -Worrisome #security #internet 6:45 AM Apr 9th from web
1472. RT @NikkiPilkington The Plight of the Humble Bee - Find out how you can help -Why not let them keep more of their honey? 6:41 AM Apr 9th from web
1473. #Keywords: Unconditional love; Reward system; Functional magnetic resonance imaging #psychology #Science #love 6:38 AM Apr 9th from web
1474. Are there ever wrong places to search for love? 6:36 AM Apr 9th from web
1475. RT @Nenad @rlanzara You can only follow 2000 people, or 110% of people following you, whichever is higher #Twitter #rules #law 6:25 AM Apr 9th from web
1476. Foreclosure law - Search within the results by your state. #foreclosure #laws #realestate #usa #economy 6:23 AM Apr 9th from web
1477. RT @vesselproject Characters who came before us .. #religion #christian #jewish -Maybe we all have a chance 6:14 AM Apr 9th from web
1478. RT @PamDH @rlanzara So right when those drugs produce side effects and premature ejaculation is not a med condition #men #women #sex -Right 6:00 AM Apr 9th from web
1479. Check how much your Twitter profile is worth - #Twitter 5:58 AM Apr 9th from web
1480. #Bioscience #Science #Pharma #PhRMA #GPCRs #receptors #biotech #bigpharma 5:55 AM Apr 9th from web
1481. This paper represents 20 yrs. of research - our Pièce de résistance - #Bioscience #Science #Pharma #PhRMA #GPCRs 1:27 AM Apr 9th from web
1482. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: #biz #business 1:20 AM Apr 9th from web
1483. I'm not 99/100ths bacteria, I'm 1/100ths human - #biology #education #teacher #insight1:02 AM Apr 9th from web
1484. Shouldn’t men and women enjoy Premature Ejaculation -they don’t need to work so hard for so long? #men #women #sex 12:58 AM Apr 9th from web
1485. The right tool for the right job... 12:54 AM Apr 9th from web
1486. Training is the difference... 12:53 AM Apr 9th from web
1487. Internet applications are evolving at an exponential rate. 12:52 AM Apr 9th from web
1488. The internet will continue to be the greatest source of learning and knowledge. 12:48 AM Apr 9th from web
1489. My son and I missed Lost -feel lost... 12:43 AM Apr 9th from web
1490. Send to @rlanzara 2 #Seeddols Tw because he needs to make safer drugs. #Seeddols #finance #entreprenuer #web 12:40 AM Apr 9th from web
1491. See where your tweets go (in the first box enter Twitter & your username) - #Twitter #search 12:37 AM Apr 9th from web
1492. Twitter is a paradigm shift that has opened my mind to new realms, but it may also be a niche for some and a fad for others... #Twitter 12:33 AM Apr 9th from web
1493. Introduce the interesting concepts of a balance into the classroom? #education #math #teacher #cognition 12:20 AM Apr 9th from web
1494. Some people need to be told what to do, while others just get to work... 12:15 AM Apr 9th from web
1495. Texas Hold'em: Algorithmic Trading - #poker #wantabet #casino #bet #games 12:11 AM Apr 9th from web
1496. Tommy Emmanuel - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - #music 12:07 AM Apr 9th from web
1497. Scientific rationale for why beta-blockers work in heart failure - #Bioscience #science #Biotech #Pharma #medicine 12:06 AM Apr 9th from web
1498. President Obama Establishes White House Office of Health Reform 4:34 PM Apr 8th from web
1499. Reading: Do you have a multimedia emergency plan? -For you techies... #tech #web #net #emergency #publichealth 3:44 PM Apr 8th from web
1500. Reading: 3:42 PM Apr 8th from TwitThis
1501. The Listener is now following me on Twitter -What if they were following @TheMime ? 3:38 PM Apr 8th from web
1502. Have things become faster or is it me? 3:31 PM Apr 8th from web
1503. I just added myself to Twitter Directory under #bioscience #pharma #education 3:29 PM Apr 8th from TwitR
1504. RT @GetReady NEWS: As food recalls continue what can a consumer do? #health #consumer #fda #food #moms #farm 3:25 PM Apr 8th from web
1505. RT @A3PixitesMunier playin' with an 'old' addictive link'o'mine -This is sooo cool -try it #game #web #internet #blog 3:16 PM Apr 8th from web
1506. No one answered - who did the fail whale pict? 3:04 PM Apr 8th from web
1507. myartinscience - site for science pictures that are artistic - #science #art #internet #net #web #image 2:57 PM Apr 8th from web
1508. Sooo, if G-d does play dice, should I bet on a lucky 7? 2:17 PM Apr 8th from web
1509. I can't wait for Halloween - Trick or tweet #Twitter #comedy 2:01 PM Apr 8th from web
1510. I haven't got a twitter... or a tweet 1:57 PM Apr 8th from web
1511. RT @madlolscientist #YouTube EDU: #videos & channels from colleges & universities #education #college #university #teacher 1:41 PM Apr 8th from web
1512. Twitter Directories 1:36 PM Apr 8th from web
1513. My tweetstream doesn't refresh properly ? #Twitter 1:22 PM Apr 8th from web
1514. Read this to the end. It might save your life - 1:19 PM Apr 8th from web
1515. RT @sciam What Health Stats Really Mean: -So true Important read about medical care. #Health #Blogger #Illness 1:15 PM Apr 8th from web
1516. An epidemic of diagnoses can be as dangerous to our health as disease is. -Must read. #publichealth #sick #doc 1:14 PM Apr 8th from web
1517. RT @sciam ...What Health Stats Really Mean: -Oh, so true An important read about medical care. #health #medicine 1:11 PM Apr 8th from web
1518. I now keep a little notebook to write down my Titter thoughts -how ironic is that ? 1:03 PM Apr 8th from web
1519. Is Twitter starting a revolution? #Twitter #world 12:36 PM Apr 8th from web
1520. Reading @comscore Blog: Twitter Traffic Explodes - And Not Being Driven by the Usual Suspects 12:03 PM Apr 8th from web
1521. RT @EarthTimesPR Governor Rendell Reminds Families of Resources to Avoid Foreclosures, Provide Relief #economy 12:02 PM Apr 8th from web
1522. Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP 10024 11:59 AM Apr 8th from web
1523. People aren't always entirely honest, but when it comes to science honesty is the best policy... #science #policy #insight #ethics #morality 11:58 AM Apr 8th from web
1524. Our integrity is something that we must test from time to time in order for us to know that it is real. 10:51 AM Apr 8th from web
1525. Twitter is hiring - #jobs #Twitter #economy #blogs #internet #computer #net #web 10:49 AM Apr 8th from web
1526. So much to say about so many things... 10:42 AM Apr 8th from web
1527. @LanceUlanoff It's snowing in NYC. That is just so wrong. -What's so wrong is that I ran to look & you were right Instant Twitter weather? 10:38 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to LanceUlanoff
1528. Should Worldwide Stock Markets Stop Electronic Trading Using Algorithms? - 10:22 AM Apr 8th from web
1529. A Woman's Depression May Pass But Mom's Criticism Has Lingering Effects - 10:09 AM Apr 8th from web
1530. May the Angel of Death Passover Us this next year #passover #jewish 10:05 AM Apr 8th from web
1531. RT @Nenad @rlanzara You can only follow 2000 people, or 110% of people following you, whichever is higher 10:04 AM Apr 8th from web
1532. New Business Idea? Clairvoyant Life Coaching Services - Help from afar -No need to visit 9:59 AM Apr 8th from web
1533. At least the Gitmo prisoners still have their heads. 9:48 AM Apr 8th from web
1534. @alicam I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof. - Dangerfield 9:47 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to alicam
1535. RT @LanceUlanoff Report: Spies Have Cracked U.S. Electrical Grid Me: This is a little scary. -Hope they were shocked 9:46 AM Apr 8th from web
1536. Sometimes I think that we don't want reality to find us here on Twitter. 9:44 AM Apr 8th from web
1537. Noticed that we can no longer delete our imperfect tweets... 9:42 AM Apr 8th from web
1538. Twitterers Anonymous - -Last tweet had a bad link. 9:41 AM Apr 8th from web
1539. Twitterers Anonymous - Yes there are - 9:37 AM Apr 8th from web
1540. Tysabri shows significant improvement for MS pateints - via @ShareThis 9:25 AM Apr 8th from web
1541. @bullyinguk Parents to blame for problems - Need a school court of students, teachers & parents to try the offenders. #teacher #education 9:23 AM Apr 8th from web
1542. @bullyinguk Parents to blame for school problems (05/04/09) - Need a school court of students, teachers & parents to try the offenders. 9:21 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to bullyinguk
1543. The roots of violence are sometimes mystifying and deep... 9:16 AM Apr 8th from web
1544. RT @cc_chapman A heart felt thank you never gets old. Even when delayed by months. -Thank you for that 9:13 AM Apr 8th from web
1545. Interesting - I can not follow you - I'm limited to 2001 - Is this due to some ratio of number of updates to followers or following? 9:11 AM Apr 8th from web
1546. The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read; It will be the person who does not know how to learn. 9:03 AM Apr 8th from web
1547. Whole-Brain Circuit Map Could Reveal What Goes Wrong In Autism and Other Brain Disorders http://www.bioresearchonlin... 8:57 AM Apr 8th from web
1548. I'm invited to XING Live Networking Event 20th May 2009, at Capital Club, Dubai 8:47 AM Apr 8th from web
1549. Gotta luv it when you see this in your e-mail - Bathroom Lighting is now following you on Twitter 8:46 AM Apr 8th from web
1550. Often it is said that we use only 10 percent of our brain. -Some much less; some much more? 8:36 AM Apr 8th from web
1551. RT @BobbyDelray @Alzheimers Read 80 Percent of Medical Bills Contain Errors -- Fighting Mistakes - #health #HIMSS 8:33 AM Apr 8th from web
1552. The rich & powerful ( ) may have to start spreading some of their money around if they don't want a revolution... 8:15 AM Apr 8th from web
1553. [sic]? - #wordoftheday 8:11 AM Apr 8th from web
1554. @ZuDfunck Twitter isn’t a cosmic event—it is a tool that gives us insight about our creativity and humanity. -That is a cosmic event 8:10 AM Apr 8th from web in reply to ZuDfunck
1555. RT @tssinews Meshing Cooperative Behaviors with Evolutionary Theory -Paradigm for Twitter? #Twitter #psychology 7:53 AM Apr 8th from web
1556. Those who prey upon innocents are the worst predators - they've ruined their souls... 7:51 AM Apr 8th from web
1557. RT @michaelnobbs Piecing together Guernica 7:49 AM Apr 8th from web
1558. RT @newscientist I doubt myself, therefore I am - existential vertigo... #Origins Symposium #Science #mind #web 7:45 AM Apr 8th from web
1559. Is there an easy way to find out when we joined Twitter if we forgot? 7:35 AM Apr 8th from web
1560. The President of the United States also has to be President of the World. 7:31 AM Apr 8th from web
1561. RT @Pixites via @chrisgarrett: Best free PDF converters 7:27 AM Apr 8th from web
1562. The practice of medicine or science isn't as scientific as most people believe... 7:09 PM Apr 7th from web
1563. RT @mjb Park and 16th still smells like gas. -Part of my community service retweets. 7:06 PM Apr 7th from web
1564. RT @CBCNews Police looking for male driving a black 2008 Dodge Ram, licence plate 90J280. More details on #AmberAlert 7:03 PM Apr 7th from web
1565. RT @theautismnews ... -autistic children paid significantly more attention to pat-a-cake. #autism #psychology 7:01 PM Apr 7th from web
1566. RT @clintcast ...people who work in healthcare are under recognized for their kind acts and true compassion. -goodness is it's own reward. 5:08 PM Apr 7th from web
1567. RT @WSJ Weathering the Storm With Kin -We believe in an extended family. 5:05 PM Apr 7th from web
1568. RT @sharonhayes Collection of Twitter Statistics resources (from my blog) 5:03 PM Apr 7th from web
1569. We are busy bees 5:00 PM Apr 7th from web
1570. RT @myGeneticist Working on a few of the ten technologies that will change biotechnology: #Biotech #Bioscience 4:40 PM Apr 7th from web
1571. We all find ways to be self-destructive -some more inventive than others... 4:36 PM Apr 7th from web
1572. Can you find the link in the third page? - 4:34 PM Apr 7th from web
1573. Major legal documents - 4:25 PM Apr 7th from web
1574. RT @CBCNews CBCNewsCEOs have no confidence in U.S. economy: survey -That's why they're taking their large bonuses 4:25 PM Apr 7th from web
1575. Creating - #$ 9:45 AM Apr 7th from web
1576. RT @hankheyming How the Internet Got Its Rules 9:45 AM Apr 7th from web
1577. Just smile - it will make you feel better 9:28 AM Apr 7th from web
1578. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: 9:21 AM Apr 7th from web
1579. Have astronomers found the hand of God? - 9:16 AM Apr 7th from web
1580. How our Earth is changing - http://earthobservatory.nas... 9:10 AM Apr 7th from web
1581. The question is do we have actionable information or just overload? 9:07 AM Apr 7th from web
1582. RT @EarthTimesPR UpToDate Elevates Worldwide Practice of Medicine Providing Access to Physicians 9:05 AM Apr 7th from web
1583. Too much information....need some decisions can be made 9:01 AM Apr 7th from web
1584. Nicolette Larson – Lotta Love -A message for these times? ? 8:56 AM Apr 7th from
1585. RT @nytimes nytimesIdea of the Day: The Mind as a Computer -Like a balance? - #mind 8:30 AM Apr 7th from web
1586. No one answered my question - Are Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? #scandal #politics #ethics #Obama #economy #cnn 8:15 AM Apr 7th from web
1587. RT @EarthTimesPR ...Drug Safety Conference -Drug Combos to prevent arrthymias? 8:09 AM Apr 7th from web
1588. John Coltrane – A Love Supreme ? 8:02 AM Apr 7th from
1589. RT @cnn Commentary: What Turkey can do for the U.S. -Most don't realize the help from Turkey, Saudi Arabia & Egypt 7:59 AM Apr 7th from web
1590. RT @guykawasaki All the PBS news in one place for easy reading: 7:57 AM Apr 7th from web
1591. Financial markets have found regulation? Just like religion, but sometimes a new religion supplants the old. 7:53 AM Apr 7th from web
1592. Others postulated that Neanderthals were assimilated into the gene pool of modern humans by admixture. -Always wondered where men came from 7:43 AM Apr 7th from web
1593. Check out rumors here - 11:39 PM Apr 6th from web
1594. Insight into the Weber-Fechner law can shed new light on our minds - #cognition #science #psychology #mind 11:34 PM Apr 6th from web
1595. We all want to live the way we all want to live...11:30 PM Apr 6th from web
1596. I may be against some organ transplantation because there are complex ethical and moral issues involved with brain death. #ethics #morality 11:29 PM Apr 6th from web
1597. The deeper you look into nature, the more questions you have. 11:26 PM Apr 6th from web
1598. Are we boycotting anything yet? 11:23 PM Apr 6th from web
1599. Tweet dreams - I dreamt I was in the shower and tweets were falling on me... 11:22 PM Apr 6th from web
1600. Financial health is also an important component of a person's overall health. #publichealth #economy #global 11:19 PM Apr 6th from web
1601. On Youth, Brains and Body Image -Explanation for all our obsessions? 10:31 PM Apr 6th from web
1602. Brave person to do comedy today, but we need comics more than ever...I tried to do standup comedy, but my viagra ran out... #comedy #standup 10:31 PM Apr 6th from web
1603. RT @eddieizzard I'm doing a stand up comedy gig tomorrow Wednesday at 45 Bleeker St Theatre at 10pm. http://www.brownpaperticket... 10:17 PM Apr 6th from web
1604. He who learns must suffer -pain that cannot forget falls upon the heart, -against our will, comes wisdom by the awesome grace of God... 10:15 PM Apr 6th from web
1605. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+ +23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36+37+38+39+40+41 +42+43+44+45+46+47=1,128 9:49 PM Apr 6th from web
1606. Will Twitter eventually bust the internet? The storage must be enormous and growing exponentially. #Twitter #web #internet 9:45 PM Apr 6th from web
1607. RT @pinkelephantpun I feel like half of you aren't getting my tweets. And that stresses me out. -Relax, I'm here & RTing you. 9:43 PM Apr 6th from web
1608. RT @infidelsarecool ...A Nuke Free World Minus North Korea and Iran -Controversy #controversy #Obama #politics 9:40 PM Apr 6th from web
1609. Twitter is better than conference calls -You get your 2 cents in without having to wait for an opening. 9:36 PM Apr 6th from web
1610. Do we really have to get used to these interruptions? What are the choices -exchanging phone numbers for conference calls? 9:35 PM Apr 6th from web
1611. The beginning of tomorrow is the end of today... 8:47 PM Apr 6th from web
1612. Enormous activity in organ transplantation law in the past month - -?s about #ethics #death #medicine #morality 8:45 PM Apr 6th from web
1613. To my little nieces, I’m “UR” = Uncle Richard.8:37 PM Apr 6th from web
1614. RT @rabidgremlin Watch #kiwitweets go :) -The trends just keep coming You can watch this one grow. #Twitter #trends #web 8:31 PM Apr 6th from web
1615. RT @juliaroy I am so proud of my new Tumblr baby... ;) -You should be 8:22 PM Apr 6th from web
1616. RT @alicamRT @TheEcofoodie: My heart goes out to Italy -All our hearts are with Italy... 7:44 PM Apr 6th from web
1617. If I tell you what you want to hear, then you’ll think I’m right... 7:41 PM Apr 6th from web
1618. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36+37+38+39+40+41+42+43+44+45+46+47+48=1,128 7:25 PM Apr 6th from web
1619. Old men / Women jump / the sound of water #haiku #twaiku #men #women 7:18 PM Apr 6th from web
1620. @eithrael 7:12 PM Apr 6th from web
1621. Even the pentagon is trying to spend more wisely. The only ones not are CEOs? Big businesses & the banks have handed out pink slips... 6:59 PM Apr 6th from web
1622. I'm cramming my thoughts into 140 characters -and I still have room Amazing Wonderful Excellent Fabulous Marvelous Astounding Phenome 6:55 PM Apr 6th from web
1623. RT @michaelemlong Congress Forced To Watch Video about Bipartisan Cooperation #Obama #politics #congress 6:51 PM Apr 6th from web
1624. Perfunctory twitterers are the epitome of gregarious people finagling their panaceas... #wordoftheday 6:47 PM Apr 6th from web
1625. RT @drkiki #filippenko says we don't have to worry about getting sucked into milky way's black hole. -?10-20 B yrs? -I'm not worried yet... 6:45 PM Apr 6th from web
1626. Somethings a foot -Twitter lost my pict? -No big loss it probably keeps people from following me... 6:42 PM Apr 6th from web
1627. Why does #Comedy associate with so many other hashtags? #vampire #radio #music #blogger #politics #gaming #bizarre #web #blogs #radio #music 6:41 PM Apr 6th from web
1628. If you look back in history to see how many times scientists or authorities were wrong, you wonder who is right about anything today? 12:14 PM Apr 6th from web
1629. TwiAstorAi n. an ongoing and hypnotic social experiment. -hyponotic? -should have music with it... 12:09 PM Apr 6th from web
1630. Can insight into the Weber-Fechner law shed new light on our minds? #cognition #science #psychology #neuroscience 12:05 PM Apr 6th from web
1631. ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny - 12:00 PM Apr 6th from web
1632. Thundering in nyc... 11:58 AM Apr 6th from web
1633. Financial health is also an important component of a person's overall health. #publichealth #economy #global 11:55 AM Apr 6th from web
1634. RT @BreakingNewz Government cracking down on mortgage scams -It's about time 11:51 AM Apr 6th from web
1635. Economy - #Obama #global #insight #finance #economy 11:50 AM Apr 6th from web
1636. RT @hospitalimpact HIMSS objectives: 1. financial viability 2. improve patient care 3. improve ops efficiency #HIMSS #AMIA #publichealth 11:24 AM Apr 6th from web
1637. In general, hospitals are places to be avoided at all costs... 11:20 AM Apr 6th from web
1638. RT @mindofandre National Public Health Week -Despite our best efforts, Americans are not as healthy as they should be...1 1:19 AM Apr 6th from web
1639. How about a string? 11:09 AM Apr 6th from web
1640. Is there a thread here? 11:08 AM Apr 6th from web
1641. Hello Neo... 11:05 AM Apr 6th from web
1642. We cloth ourselves in our own clutter... 11:03 AM Apr 6th from web
1643. True predators prey upon the weaknesses of innocents... 11:02 AM Apr 6th from web
1644. Unfortunately people often think less of us if we are naked. 9:53 AM Apr 6th from web
1645. I'm trying Positive Behavioral Change 9:49 AM Apr 6th from web
1646. 11 Extinct Animals That Have Been Photographed Alive 9:46 AM Apr 6th from web
1647. Coming Soon: Comparative Effectiveness Research for Biotech - #Biotech #Health #medicine #bigpharma #pharma 9:45 AM Apr 6th from web
1648. RT @@WSJHealthBlog Comparing Drugs Is ‘Real World’ Demand, New PhRMA Head Says #Pharma #PhRMA 9:31 AM Apr 6th from web
1649. RT @newscientist Itchy always beats Scratchy, right? Here's why 9:31 AM Apr 6th from web
1650. John Coltrane – My One And Only Love ? 9:25 AM Apr 6th from
1651. Think before you jump or throw a 20 lb medicine ball in the air and bounce it off your head... 9:21 AM Apr 6th from web
1652. Sensory Signs of Autism - 9:19 AM Apr 6th from web
1653. RT @EarthTimesPRLast Minute Small Business Tax Tips From NASE National Tax Advisor, CPA 9:02 AM Apr 6th from web
1654. Obama's speech to the Turkish Parliment -He's on a tear #Obama #global 9:00 AM Apr 6th from web
1655. Sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate present in cruciferous vegetables, may modulate GPCR redox? #Bioscience #GPCRs 7:31 AM Apr 6th from web
1656. Baby brocolli may help prevent stomach cancer-study - 7:28 AM Apr 6th from web
1657. @EarthTimesPR ACS and Clinical Solutions Partner to Better Prepare for Public Health Outbreak -Internet response? 7:23 AM Apr 6th from web
1658. RT @EarthTimesPR Mentor Capital, Inc. Applies to Be a Public-Private Investment Fund with Small Invest 7:17 AM Apr 6th from web
1659. There is a disconnect between the markets and what is happening in the world. 7:12 AM Apr 6th from web
1660. RT @newscientist Bug eats electricity, farts biogas - but could solve problems with renewable energy AM Apr 6th from web
1661. Warning - The content of these tweets has not been rated as suitable or unsuitable for anyone. 7:05 AM Apr 6th from web
1662. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: 7:03 AM Apr 6th from web
1663. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. 7:02 AM Apr 6th from web
1664. Twitter is like flipping thru the cable tv channels - HBO. Its not TV... its HBO. 7:01 AM Apr 6th from web
1665. Give 2 #Seeddols Twollars @rlanzara because he’s enhancing pharmaceuticals ( 10:29 PM Apr 5th from web
1666. @New_Invention Invention and discovery requires deviation from the norm. -I did that, now I'm trying to find my way back... 8:46 PM Apr 5th from web in reply to New_Invention
1667. Half of all statistics are made up... 8:44 PM Apr 5th from web
1668. Message for the age? ? 8:43 PM Apr 5th from
1669. MIL's favorite ? 8:37 PM Apr 5th from
1670. Having a beau T with my mother-in-law 8:19 PM Apr 5th from web
1671. @serious_skeptic @rlanzara if the T didn't suck just as much, I'd take it -Beats dodging death 8:16 PM Apr 5th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
1672. Many of us get terribly distracted from what we really want to do... 9:44 AM Apr 5th from web
1673. Attending a brunch soon - beautiful day in nyc. 9:43 AM Apr 5th from web
1674. @mikeheth Great It gets better (more references at, but some may be too advanced for grade 6. Thanks. 9:41 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to mikeheth
1675. The Bahá'à Faith - 9:37 AM Apr 5th from web
1676. RT @infidelsarecool Egypt: Dozens of muslims attack homes of minority Baha’i sect 9:34 AM Apr 5th from web
1677. @mrskutcher this is about how I am feeling today..... -Looks just like your Twitter photo 9:31 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to mrskutcher
1678. Looks like I should talk to more people, but I know that not all replies, etc. are on there - 9:29 AM Apr 5th from web
1679. Map of rlanzara's relationships 9:28 AM Apr 5th from web
1680. Map of floating conversations near New York City 9:24 AM Apr 5th from web
1681. The more one studies something, the more one realizes that it requires more study. 9:15 AM Apr 5th from web
1682. Some dentists & doctors are business people first & doctors second. 9:14 AM Apr 5th from web
1683. I have inside information... 9:13 AM Apr 5th from web
1684. There's only so much a mom can do 6:58 AM Apr 5th from web
1685. FDA problems - #pharma #pharmabad #medicine #health #biotech #fda 6:52 AM Apr 5th from web
1686. The reason the balance equilibrium is interesting is the connection to the Weber-Fechner law #physics #mind 6:42 AM Apr 5th from web
1687. The equilibrium of a balance -More interesting than you at first think - #physics #teacher #Science 6:36 AM Apr 5th from web
1688. For those interested in Weber’s law - #wikipedia #psychology #mind #brain 6:28 AM Apr 5th from web
1689. I wonder what the DSM classification would be for Twitter? 6:24 AM Apr 5th from web
1690. Is there a connection between a simple balance & the Weber-Fechner law? #psychology #mind #brain 6:20 AM Apr 5th from web
1691. RT @ReliefNews LOUISVILLE - Federal officials are asking people in Kentucky and other states to stay out of caves... - 6:11 AM Apr 5th from web
1692. @jeffpulver twitter provides a... world where location doesn't matter. -Yeah, I can talk with my son who's at a computer across from me... 6:05 AM Apr 5th from web in reply to jeffpulver
1693. Our current medical care system doesn’t give us as many benefits as believed. Worldwide people have better lives with public health. #health 6:03 AM Apr 5th from web
1694. If your body is telling you to go to sleep, you should listen to it... 5:58 AM Apr 5th from web
1695. RT @jeffpulver Good Morning Greetings from New York. -Same to you. 5:57 AM Apr 5th from web
1696. Interesting that you can raise money online - 5:54 AM Apr 5th from web
1697. A glimmer of hope for financials? #economy #bailout #financials #stocks #investing #trading 5:51 AM Apr 5th from web
1698. Some of you appear not to need that ineluctable quality called sleep... 5:44 AM Apr 5th from web
1699. This one's for @TheMime whom I haven't heard from in a while - ..................................................... .......? 9:29 PM Apr 4th from web
1700. @rekouche @rlanzara Sadly, language will have to suffice until we evolve a mind reading sense. -Probably will still be ambiguous... 9:23 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to rekouche
1701. Shouldn't we be notified if someone labels our tweet a Favorite ? 9:20 PM Apr 4th from web
1702. Why are we so careful to obey everyone's last wishes when we don't listen to them when they're alive? 9:18 PM Apr 4th from web
1703. Anyone else ever notice the ambiquity of language? 9:15 PM Apr 4th from web
1704. Have you talked with any good bots lately? 9:12 PM Apr 4th from web
1705. Beware - the rise of the algorithm (soon they may become self aware, but could that be their downfall ?) - 9:08 PM Apr 4th from web
1706. @wingspouse @rlanzara sounds like a wingspouse to me Maybe we should connect. -I have to ask my wife first... 9:02 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to wingspouse
1707. @wingspouse Well tweeters, my husband is back and I'm 'bout to enter the hot tub with him.. I feel lucky -Keep it clean 9:01 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to wingspouse
1708. @wingspouse @rlanzara You should always listen to your wife.... - I do she does an incredible job of civilizing me 8:59 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to wingspouse
1709. A little more caffeine at night and I could be a bot 8:55 PM Apr 4th from web
1710. @rekouche I suspected - you seemed from out of this world... 8:53 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to rekouche
1711. A guitar player's guitar player - Tommy Emmanuel - Harmonics Lesson - (He's even better in person) 8:52 PM Apr 4th from web
1712. @agent_x Sorry - One of the moral hazards associated with the under appreciated ambiquity of language...?...or communication? 8:48 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to agent_x
1713. Do any of us still have wild dreams anymore? -I didn’t have room for the Reimann hypothesis, but maybe that’s too manic -should tuck in... 8:45 PM Apr 4th from web
1714. Do any of us still have wild dreams anymore? -Mine are to revolutionize pharmacology, big pharma, health care & stop slavery in my lifetime. 8:43 PM Apr 4th from web
1715. Twitter Experiment #1 - Will the aliens from other worlds please retweet (RT) this message. Thanks 8:40 PM Apr 4th from web
1716. My loving wife says that I've found an audience for my platitudes, but I know that most of you aren't listening... 8:37 PM Apr 4th from web
1717. @agent_x Anyone know best place to park, for supanova? See - #listurls for a directory 8:35 PM Apr 4th from web in reply to agent_x
1718. The interesting connection between a simple balance & the Weber-Fechner law #education #math #teacher 8:32 PM Apr 4th from web
1719. RT @ramblemuseNew government survey on use of Complementary & Alternative Medicine by adults & children. 8:24 PM Apr 4th from web
1720. @HolyMeekrob If you follow her then all of your wildest dreams will come true. 8:21 PM Apr 4th from web
1721. Some day I hope to be an overachiever and meet my peter principle... 8:17 PM Apr 4th from web
1722. Some of you are incredibly productive tweeterers... 8:14 PM Apr 4th from web
1723. Cysteine modulation of protein function #biology 8:10 PM Apr 4th from web
1724. Should we enjoy it while we can? Perhaps the internet won't survive the dire scenarios of the future. 8:02 PM Apr 4th from web
1725. ~@#$%^&*()_+`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL: ZXCVBNM<>? = 2 trips thru all the keys 7:54 PM Apr 4th from web
1726. Gunning people down in cold blood is not, I repeat, NOT a cure for depression 7:42 PM Apr 4th from web
1727. Holding two or more competing ideas in our brains at the same time is considered a sign of intelligence (or maybe something worse?). 7:41 PM Apr 4th from web
1728. I still sort of miss the Everyone link to follow everyone whom I suppose you went normally following.7:39 PM Apr 4th from web
1729. Curiousity is good, but mystery is sometimes better... 7:36 PM Apr 4th from web
1730. It's OK, you can use Cyborgian webnets -I hate it when people become overly protective of their original thoughts. 7:34 PM Apr 4th from web
1731. I should probably copyright the phrase cyborgian webnets - Cyborgian webnets of the future - 7:33 PM Apr 4th from web
1732. Many have become edgy and demanding -even Jesus got tired taking care of everyone's problems... 7:15 PM Apr 4th from web
1733. Just returned from a windy walk in the city and alovely visit to the Studio School, which is one of the best early education schools in nyc. 7:13 PM Apr 4th from web
1734. #listurls 1:27 PM Apr 4th from web
1735. Who controls the internet? - 1:25 PM Apr 4th from web
1736. Whatever it takes for however long it is necessary. -Our new motto for the financial crisis? 1:14 PM Apr 4th from web
1737. Why? You might ask (see previous tweet). 12:19 PM Apr 4th from web
1738. In science and life, it is most important to ask the right question. 12:18 PM Apr 4th from web
1739. Dear Hedge Fund Managers, You can’t have a perfect algorithm sucking everyone’s money out of the markets this is unsustainable capitalism. 12:04 PM Apr 4th from web
1740. If I'm controversial, will more people follow me? 11:35 AM Apr 4th from web
1741. RT @Jason_Pollock gr8 cause @elizbattiste -I'm against rape, but don't want people jumping out of planes 11:34 AM Apr 4th from web
1742. Son's reading The Omnivore's Dilemma -Suggests that we are all eating corn? -Anyone with a corn allergy out there? 11:29 AM Apr 4th from web
1743. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of Dr. Michio Kaku. 11:26 AM Apr 4th from web
1744. Gotta luv the physists who develop these stories based upon their mathematical equations - 11:25 AM Apr 4th from web
1745. Some things need to remain mysterious... 11:08 AM Apr 4th from web
1746. Will the real celebrities on Twitter please stand up... 11:07 AM Apr 4th from web
1747. Uncertainties are the natural state of science. 11:02 AM Apr 4th from web
1748. Hope is not necessary to persevere 10:59 AM Apr 4th from web
1749. New Agonist/Antagonist Optimal Ratio Combinations as a Potentially Safer Class of Pharmaceutical Drugs - 10:57 AM Apr 4th from web
1750. RT @Jason_Pollock is AMAZING Get a free education online whenever .4:12 AM Apr 4th from web
1751. Displaced populations may become the next big global problem... 4:03 AM Apr 4th from web
1752. RT @CynthiaY29 Incredibly weird, inch-wide single-celled creatures discovered #marine #biology #science 3:55 AM Apr 4th from web
1753. Just because we think that people are following us on Twitter doesn't make us paranoid. 3:52 AM Apr 4th from web
1754. Interesting that the smoke screens for the financial crisis are as thick as ever - maybe thicker.... 3:30 AM Apr 4th from web
1755. Beginning of superman? - 3:24 AM Apr 4th from web
1756. Insights into the brain's sense of perception - 3:16 AM Apr 4th from web
1757. What are core democratic values of the United States? - 3:12 AM Apr 4th from web
1758. Can we end slavery in our lifetime? - http://ombamltine.blogspot.... 3:07 AM Apr 4th from web
1759. *#Enhanced_Pharmaceuticals - http://ombamltine.blogspot.... 3:06 AM Apr 4th from web
1760. My Discovery - http://ombamltine.blogspot.... 3:04 AM Apr 4th from web
1761. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: #PhRMA #bigpharma #Pharma #Biotech 2:56 AM Apr 4th from web
1762. Is the Weber-Fechner law key to understanding our senses? - #Science #Bioscience #teacher #insight #physics #math 8:41 PM Apr 3rd from web
1763. Free use Scientific Images - #Science #Bioscience #teacher #GPCRs #education #internet #insight #graphics #3d 8:27 PM Apr 3rd from web
1764. One reason beta-blockers may work in heart failure #PhRMA #science #Biotech #bigpharma #Pharma #medicine #insight 8:23 PM Apr 3rd from web
1765. I've been meaning to ask you all about the mind control protocol that Twitter uses to keep us all in line...? 8:07 PM Apr 3rd from web
1766. Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. 8:04 PM Apr 3rd from web
1767. What are some of the best urls on the web? #listurls is open... 8:00 PM Apr 3rd from web
1768. Every Twitter must have strong wrists... 7:55 PM Apr 3rd from web
1769. #followfriday @juliaroy @Mike_Wesely @mahadewa @MaryKnudson 7:52 PM Apr 3rd from web
1770. Evolution: Where life's potentialities meets the niche's restrictions... 7:48 PM Apr 3rd from web
1771. Between facebook, tumblr, twitter, myspace, my blog, my website, linkedin, ovationtv, helium and e-mail accts I don't know where I am... 7:36 PM Apr 3rd from web
1772. #followfriday @madlolscientist @SaliWho @Evan_R @MelissaTweets @secrettweet @weirdchina 7:33 PM Apr 3rd from web
1773. #followfriday @TrishaTorrey @knwachter @mrskutcher @stuedal @serious_skeptic @guykawasaki 7:25 PM Apr 3rd from web
1774. Tommy Emmanuel - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - 7:16 PM Apr 3rd from web
1775. The Beta-Adrenergic Receptor in Two Molecular States (SH & S-) #Bioscience #Biotech #education 7:13 PM Apr 3rd from web
1776. I'm starting to tumble - 7:10 PM Apr 3rd from web
1777. RT @ikirigin Mythbusters answers questions from Reddit, awesome 2:46 PM Apr 3rd from web
1778. #followfriday @stejules @physicsdavid @ZuDfunck @jimbolandjots @b0yle 2:41 PM Apr 3rd from web
1779. RT @rlanzara #PhRMA -Here's some innovation for you - 2:29 PM Apr 3rd from web
1780. RT @unmarketing Did Demi Moore's Twitter Feed Stop a Suicide? -Beginning of a precedent?1:56 PM Apr 3rd from web
1781. Will humans have to learn to eat insects?1:52 PM Apr 3rd from web
1782. So many things have become big business that shouldn't be such as medicine & science. 1:48 PM Apr 3rd from web
1783. NYC - Lightning & Thunder 1:43 PM Apr 3rd from web
1784. Tommy Emmanuel - Somewhere Over the Rainbow - 1:19 PM Apr 3rd from web
1785. If you haven’t yet heard him, I’d be honored to introduce you to Tommy Emmanuel -only an intro at: -1 guitar only 1:12 PM Apr 3rd from web
1786. My to do list: Revolutionize pharmacology & big pharma; understand & solve the Reimann hypothesis; (space left intentionally blank)... 12:56 PM Apr 3rd from web
1787. The twittermaniacs are out there -beware you don't become one - -Maybe I'd better stop now... 12:48 PM Apr 3rd from web
1788. If you add yourself to a hastags site, it clogs up the site with the fact that so many of you added yourselves to the site eg. #teacher -? 12:44 PM Apr 3rd from web
1789. RT @AkilanNathan Cognitive-enhancing drugs: Why the hell not? 12:36 PM Apr 3rd from web
1790. #PhRMA -Here's some innovation for you - 12:33 PM Apr 3rd from web
1791. Just for the record, could Twitter function as a public notification site? -If I’m the 1st to suggest this I want it on the record. #Twitter 12:32 PM Apr 3rd from web
1792. RT @newscientist Meet the chemist who tasted his way through the periodic table -And some of them lived 12:27 PM Apr 3rd from web
1793. I could Twitter away the hours... ...conferrin' with the followers,...consultin with the blogs...” 12:22 PM Apr 3rd from web
1794. RT @fantomaster Tweeps 2 follow: Cave dwelling terror fun @Real_Bin_Laden #followfriday 12:18 PM Apr 3rd from web
1795. RT @cnn Judd Gregg: Budget a danger to our kids -Anyone playing politics with these issues? #politics #economy 12:12 PM Apr 3rd from web
1796. Texas Hold'em: Algorithmic Trading - 11:57 AM Apr 3rd from web
1797. Checking out my TweetStats #Twitter 11:33 AM Apr 3rd from web
1798. Check your Tweet Statistics here - AM Apr 3rd from web
1799. I don't have the hubris not to believe anyone who disagrees with me... 11:18 AM Apr 3rd from web
1800. Increasing evidence for disulfide reduction important for receptor activation #Science #Bioscience #GPCRs 11:15 AM Apr 3rd from web
1801. RT @mparent77772 Twitter Founder Biz Stone’s Hilarious Colbert Interview (Video) #Twitter 10:54 AM Apr 3rd from web
1802. If we ditch the nukes can we have free public transportation, education and health care? #Obama #economy #finance #politics #cnn 10:52 AM Apr 3rd from web
1803. I’ll just get it out of my system - #FollowFriday @Monday @Tuesday @Wednesday @Thursday @Friday @Saturday @Sunday 10:49 AM Apr 3rd from web
1804. RT @AkilanNathan A world without sin ........through pharmaceuticals #economy #scandal #ethics -Madoff? 10:39 AM Apr 3rd from web
1805. RT @AkilanNathan A world without sin ........through pharmaceuticals #pharma #neuroscience #economy #scandal #ethics 10:38 AM Apr 3rd from web
1806. What should be the price tag for Twitter -$250M, $500M - $1B? #Twitter #insight #question #blognews 10:26 AM Apr 3rd from web
1807. #FollowFriday @Obama @shwen @webaddict @thesciencebabe @KikiValdes #GPCRs @RetiredTeacherD @mattuk @Chem_Prof @MichaelLaraMD @cnn 10:23 AM Apr 3rd from web
1808. We need health care that includes financial & public health components. #publichealth #Obama #medicine #economy #politics #cnn #insight 10:11 AM Apr 3rd from web
1809. Where's the dirt? No Twittergate brewing somewhere? 10:05 AM Apr 3rd from web
1810. Who's this guy Friday (@friday - #followfriday)? 10:04 AM Apr 3rd from web
1811. RT @cindyscottday How to Save Money in the Bathroom -If workers spent only 1 min less we'd save billions 10:02 AM Apr 3rd from web
1812. Twitter search of “GOOGLE” vs. GOOGLE search of “Twitter” 10:00 AM Apr 3rd from web
1813. I'm following people who aren't following me... 9:59 AM Apr 3rd from web
1814. Too little too late to say you're sorry; too little too late to say you care... 9:55 AM Apr 3rd from web
1815. RT @dancramer I hear the jury is still out on science. -The jury should always be out. 9:52 AM Apr 3rd from web
1816. RT @rlanzara Interesting -no one else misses the Everyone link & some of the replies to @rlanzara have mysteriously disappeared? #Twitter 9:49 AM Apr 3rd from web
1817. Interesting -no one else misses the Everyone link & some of the replies to @rlanzara have mysteriously disappeared? 9:49 AM Apr 3rd from web
1818. Double-Triple Check is the way to prevent the white collar criminals and sharks from eating up the bailout moneys. #Obama #economy #cnn 9:46 AM Apr 3rd from web
1819. GOOGLE is all a Twitter - 9:42 AM Apr 3rd from web
1820. Myths about myths - 11:00 PM Apr 2nd from web
1821. RT @medicalneeds -It'd be great if Drs no longer have to practice defensive medicine #medicine #insight #business 10:57 PM Apr 2nd from web
1822. RT @medicalneeds Medical Miracle: Doctors Embracing Reform.. #medicine #insight #business 10:56 PM Apr 2nd from web
1823. #followfriday You can follow friday at @friday 10:52 PM Apr 2nd from web
1824. @BJMendelson Hey, if I am not following you, send me a tweet and I will follow you back. -Only 1, not 2 or more tweets? 10:45 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to BJMendelson
1825. @c4chaos How much blame do business schools deserve for the economic crisis? -Did they train those in charge of risk? 10:44 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to c4chaos
1826. People should dress to maim -not kill. 10:42 PM Apr 2nd from web
1827. RT @AaronMartirano best way to raise positive children ... -My previous tweet was a retweet of AaronMartirano, but I ran out of space for RT 10:37 PM Apr 2nd from web
1828. Best way to raise positive children in a negative world is to have positive parents who love them unconditionally as excellent role models. 10:36 PM Apr 2nd from web
1829. @WSJ Blagojevich, 5 Associates Indicted -Shocked Only $50K for $200M investment? #cnn #scandal #ethics #politics 10:34 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to WSJ
1830. In general, if you see very large pictures or statues of a country's leader, you should probably stay away from that country. 10:27 PM Apr 2nd from web
1831. RT @MichaelLaraMD Doctors: How To Deal With Information Overload #medicine 10:23 PM Apr 2nd from web
1832. RT @tssinews Medical Care, Prescription Drugs... -Many people are over prescribed with meds 10:16 PM Apr 2nd from web
1833. Anyone else notice that we no longer have the Everyone link on Twitter? #Twitter 10:12 PM Apr 2nd from web
1834. It's a global race against cost cutting and oblivion. #politics #finance #Obama #tcot #economy #blognews #cnn #global #insight #business 10:06 PM Apr 2nd from web
1835. Is a free thiol necessary for GPCR activation? - #Science #bigpharma #Pharma #Biotech #GPCRs #Bioscience 9:50 PM Apr 2nd from web
1836. Where are those celebrities when you need them? 9:44 PM Apr 2nd from web
1837. RT @procrastinator facebooking, reading blogs instead of getting a sunday school lesson ready for tomorrow 9:44 PM Apr 2nd from web
1838. RT @punnyfunny I was going to start an Apathy Anonymous group, but why bother. -Yeah I’m putting it off until later -procrastinator 9:42 PM Apr 2nd from web
1839. In nyc I've seen blue jays, cardinals, doves (in the back of our place) and red-tailed hawks (one eating a bird in Central Park). 9:39 PM Apr 2nd from web
1840. If we could see the miracle of a single follower clearly, our whole life would change. -Lanzara 9:33 PM Apr 2nd from web
1841. RT @blogaceuticsMNC drug makers eye generics in India... -Combo drugs? #India #global 9:27 PM Apr 2nd from web
1842. RT @cgormanLewis: there's no way to deal with health as a human right without putting women at center #globemedsummit #health #women #global 9:21 PM Apr 2nd from web
1843. RT @cgormanLewis: there's no way to deal with health as a human right without putting women at center #globemedsummit 9:20 PM Apr 2nd from web
1844. Agonist/Antagonist Combinations Prevent Receptor Desensitization #Bioscience #Pharma #Science #Biotech #GPCRs 9:18 PM Apr 2nd from web
1845. It is time to rid ourselves of our bad habbits such as smoking, drinking, over eating and over consuming... 9:10 PM Apr 2nd from web
1846. @BreakingNewz G20 seals $1.1 trillion deal, markets rally -a trillion here & there & soon u r talking real money 9:09 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to BreakingNewz
1847. If we can prove that celebrities don't sleep, then we can prove that they must've hired people to tweet for them 24/7/365? 9:05 PM Apr 2nd from web
1848. It's very useful to have proper naming conventions. -my son Greg. 9:03 PM Apr 2nd from web
1849. Where were (or are) the risk control people for this financial crisis? Shouldn't they be the experts to handle it? -Just curious... 9:01 PM Apr 2nd from web
1850. @explorewww Will the G-20 meetings calm fears that recession will lead to protectism? -Fears may be calmed but not eliminated. 8:58 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to explorewww
1851. @ObamaNews The House Passes the Budget #economy #obama #blognews #cnn #GM #Chrysler #Insolvenz #tcot #global 8:54 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to ObamaNews
1852. RT @WhiteHouseNews The House of Representatives has just passed their version of the Fiscal Year 2010 .. 8:50 PM Apr 2nd from web
1853. Made chicken livers for dinner -not your mother's chicken livers... 8:48 PM Apr 2nd from web
1854. Spending money is not a sure way to get a scientific breakthrough. 8:47 PM Apr 2nd from web
1855. There is a large amount of scientific research that is wasted. 8:46 PM Apr 2nd from web
1856. I can see why celebrities hire people to tweet for them... It frees their hands to do other things... 8:44 PM Apr 2nd from web
1857. The Chinese have out worked us -now they're about to out invest us? 8:40 PM Apr 2nd from web
1858. @SaliWho imagining that my Twitter followers curl up in a basket together at night. You all look really cute, by the way.-How'd you know? 8:38 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to SaliWho
1859. @joelcomm Say Hi to Bill Gates and tell him to contact me about research to improve our medicines - 8:36 PM Apr 2nd from web
1860. @NewsHour Former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich Indicted on Corruption Charges -I am shocked -only $50,000 for $2M invest 8:26 PM Apr 2nd from web
1861. @NewsHour Former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich Indicted on Corruption Charges -I am shocked, shocked, shocked 8:25 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to NewsHour
1862. At least if you don't like someone's tweet, you don't have to read more than 140 characters of it 8:24 PM Apr 2nd from web
1863. @donttrythis Wish you'd do a program about the amazing balance - 8:22 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to donttrythis
1864. I'm trying to figure out how to best help those I love... 8:09 PM Apr 2nd from web
1865. RT @Exoplanetology Scientific test on twitter: If @ScienceTweets retweets this tweet, then it's a bot that retweets -I am not a bot........ 8:07 PM Apr 2nd from web
1866. Women are the few people I know who can truly civilize men. #women #global #education 8:04 PM Apr 2nd from web
1867. @HumanRightsNews Law Strips Afghan Women of Rights—Where’s the Outrage? - - A very bad sign #women #global #education 8:03 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to HumanRightsNews
1868. Hum....I need to work on my Reality Distortion Field - 7:59 PM Apr 2nd from web
1869. I'm just an idealist in a real body... 7:56 PM Apr 2nd from web
1870. Maybe I'll run for mayor in nyc -Platform is free public transportation & education -Will pay for it by cost cuts & sin taxes #nyc 7:53 PM Apr 2nd from web
1871. Feverish minds tweeting late into the night... 7:48 PM Apr 2nd from web
1872. It's interesting that the beginnings of the world's major religions break with the past religions like an earthquake fault line 7:43 PM Apr 2nd from web
1873. Sunny in nyc -Off for a trek with wife... 12:33 PM Apr 2nd from web
1874. Will we be able to calm our feverish minds after the excessives of too much leverage? 12:26 PM Apr 2nd from web
1875. @davepeck why people unfollow me -Maybe one reason is because they're limited in their number of followers and wish to follow someone else. 12:23 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to davepeck
1876. Teaching innovation? #Homeschool #Math #Montessori #insight #education #teacher 12:17 PM Apr 2nd from web
1877. One person's facts are another's opinions... 12:13 PM Apr 2nd from web
1878. @tstitt @IntervalChris Healthcare marketing sacred cows - #hcmktg - Doctors are too busy practicing defensive medicine... 12:01 PM Apr 2nd from web in reply to tstitt
1879. RT @digg_science The 6 Great Stages of Evolution on Earth: Is There a 7th?.. 11:58 AM Apr 2nd from web
1880. Free music therapy online -interesting, but I haven't tried it yet 11:23 AM Apr 2nd from web
1881. Ironically, the global financial crisis may do more to combat climate change than any concerted effort by the world community. #insight #cnn 11:07 AM Apr 2nd from web
1882. Some people were born critical... 3:52 PM Apr 1st from web
1883. Is this the time to capture your imagination? 3:48 PM Apr 1st from web
1884. He took his vorpal sword in hand: Long time the manxome foe he sought— 3:31 PM Apr 1st from web
1885. Twitter is like when Alice went down the rabbit hole... Tweedledum, Tweedledee and Twitterers - 3:29 PM Apr 1st from web
1886. Writing helps us to distill our thoughts... 3:09 PM Apr 1st from web
1887. Ever smell mothballs? -You answer, yes. -How’d you get between their tiny legs? -My only April fools joke -seriously 3:07 PM Apr 1st from web
1888. G protein-coupled receptor (GPCRs) #GPCRs #graphics #3d #science #Biotech #medicine #insight 3:03 PM Apr 1st from web
1889. Why do worthwhile things get bloated bureaucracies attached to them? 3:00 PM Apr 1st from web
1890. Will people inherent internet presences in the future? Seems a shame to waste them... 2:56 PM Apr 1st from web
1891. Electrostatic Plots of the Two-States of a Receptor #computerscience #graphics #3d #math #mathbio #science 2:21 PM Apr 1st from web
1892. Be Thankful for what we have -we can Tweet 2:14 PM Apr 1st from web
1893. RT @DeirdreS beautifully articulates something that's been on my mind for years: 2:12 PM Apr 1st from web
1894. What are the strange attractors in the chaos of Twitter? #math 2:06 PM Apr 1st from web
1895. Don't you just hate it when you forget a good tweet? 1:59 PM Apr 1st from web
1896. Ending Slavery in Our Lifetimes? #women #men #christian #question #religion #journalism #ethics #blognews #cnn 12:44 PM Apr 1st from web
1897. In the future, we must be very careful of which battles we fight. 12:36 PM Apr 1st from web
1898. @TheLogistician@rlanzara What R Swaps Made of?: -Good question - 12:33 PM Apr 1st from web
1899. Beta-Adrenergic Receptor in Two Molecular States (SH & S-) #Science #medicine #insight 12:26 PM Apr 1st from web
1900. Like the salmon fertilizing their eggs upstream, we drop our tweets into the stream of consciousness to fertilize other’s thoughts. 12:18 PM Apr 1st from web
1901. My message to humanity is: Don't give up the good fight to be true to our better angels 12:12 PM Apr 1st from web
1902. RT @rlanzara rlanzara Still no #receptor people....?? #medicine #Science #Pharma #Biotech #bigpharma #technology #education 12:07 PM Apr 1st from web
1903. RT @thesciencebabe @sciencebase Scientwist list recount (373) -Please Add me -@rlanzara -Thanks 12:04 PM Apr 1st from web
1904. Effects of a free cysteine, thiol or sulfhydryl group on receptor redox properties - #medicine #Science #Pharma 11:56 AM Apr 1st from web
1905. Twitter changes the way we think, I think... 11:48 AM Apr 1st from web
1906. There's only so much a mother can do... -We can only do what we can do.... 11:44 AM Apr 1st from web
1907. Men-Women? -Unconditional love can solve many seemingly impossible problems...what more do you want? #women #insight #art #men 10:20 PM Mar 31st from web
1908. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - Web Page: #bigpharma #Pharma #technology #Biotech 10:14 PM Mar 31st from web
1909. Click on the picture #art #phenomenon #blog #christian #question #religion 10:12 PM Mar 31st from web
1910. RT @arleigh okay everyone @msmistyj declares tonight a zero crime & accident night in denver. -probably true if everyone is on Twitter... 10:05 PM Mar 31st from web
1911. Everyone seems to be all a Twitter.... 10:02 PM Mar 31st from web
1912. Click each picture - #art #technology #internet #phenomenon 10:00 PM Mar 31st from web
1913. Recognition about the Weber-Fechner law - #medicine #Science #Pharma #technology #Biotech #GPCRs 9:53 PM Mar 31st from web
1914. How long before you can no longer delete a tweet? 9:48 PM Mar 31st from web
1915. @ggw_bach if you could tweet one thing that the entire world would see, what would that be? -see my updates - 9:47 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to ggw_bach
1916. We all do things that cause waste and inefficiencies 9:46 PM Mar 31st from web
1917. Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? #scandal #ethics #politics #finance ##journalism ##ethics #Obama #economy #cnn 9:41 PM Mar 31st from web
1918. Pièce de résistance - This paper represents 20 yrs. of research #medicine #Science #Pharma #technology #Biotech 9:37 PM Mar 31st from web
1919. We all need health care not the kind that sends us to financial ruin -Public Health is the best buy #medicine #Obama #economy #blognews #cnn 9:34 PM Mar 31st from web
1920. Wean from drugs 9:28 PM Mar 31st from web
1921. Cysteine modulation of protein function #medicine #bigpharma #Science #blognews #Pharma #Biotech #GPCRs 9:26 PM Mar 31st from web
1922. S-nitrosothiols and receptor modulation? - #medicine #bigpharma #Science #blognews #Pharma #Biotech #GPCRs 9:23 PM Mar 31st from web
1923. There's no such thing as a moral country or government only individual people can be moral. #ethics #morality 9:19 PM Mar 31st from web
1924. RT @netgarden: What's a tweet from @timoreilly worth? about 3500 views & 15 RTs -So if I put my website here 9:09 PM Mar 31st from web
1925. @designriffs Is Transparency the future? -Too many smoke screens 9:06 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to designriffs
1926. Has any couple met on Twitter, dated and married yet? 9:03 PM Mar 31st from web
1927. Just in case anyone missed it - Impossible things - #internet #askwb #insight #blognews #noagenda 9:02 PM Mar 31st from web
1928. I'm willing to give Obama's term another couple of years to see what the results will be... 8:57 PM Mar 31st from web
1929. Twitter search of “GOOGLE” vs. GOOGLE search of “Twitter” 8:48 PM Mar 31st from web
1930. Optimal Agonist/Antagonist Combinations Maintain Receptor Response by Preventing Rapid Receptor Desensitization 8:41 PM Mar 31st from web
1931. When there's billions of dollars sloshing around many people start getting nervous and excited. 8:38 PM Mar 31st from web
1932. 3 USPs assigned to #Pharma #Biotech 8:36 PM Mar 31st from web
1933. I can't wait until I can upload my brain into the net....well maybe not a good idea to be the first one... 6:40 PM Mar 31st from web
1934. Additional evidence for a thiol group required for GPCR activation - #Science #blognews #Pharma #Biotech #GPCRs 6:38 PM Mar 31st from web
1935. Evidence for a free thiol necessary for GPCR activation - #Science #Pharma #technology #education #Biotech #GPCRs 6:28 PM Mar 31st from web
1936. @medicalneeds Fighting Over The Health Care Pie: .. -Yeah, and not enough going to true health care -Public Health 6:23 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to medicalneeds
1937. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. -Web page: #biz #business #smallbiz 6:22 PM Mar 31st from web
1938. @leonardkish comment about Google was my 666th update. I guess that means it was evil. Sorry Google. -Too much attention to detail... 6:15 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to leonardkish
1939. @leonardkish Google's Venture Fund, does this mean they are running out of new ideas? -I've got ideas, but no funds -Who needs funds...? 6:13 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to leonardkish
1940. The loveliest person alive? 6:12 PM Mar 31st from web
1941. RT @adventuregirl Hey Tweets- Jet Blue announces their Spring Fares- check here: 6:07 PM Mar 31st from web
1942. @dtitle @rlanzara must be cosmic equivalent of dark matter - dark characters filling up the extra void -Yes, notify the physicists 6:05 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to dtitle
1943. I prefer to catch my mistakes early rather than later if possible... 6:03 PM Mar 31st from web
1944. @AlaiaL @rlanzara ...You have to count the spaces between the words also. -You're right I miscounted 6:02 PM Mar 31st from web
1945. @AlaiaL @rlanzara ...You have to count the spaces between the words also. -Thanks, but I got 130 including spaces using 0123456789 ... 6:00 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to AlaiaL
1946. 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 5:57 PM Mar 31st from web
1947. The Meanest Person Alive? #internet #askwb #phenomenon #myth 5:53 PM Mar 31st from web
1948. I think that Twitter has downsized our 140 characters, I know that I'm not getting them because my message keeps going off of the space for 5:50 PM Mar 31st from web
1949. RT @Mike_Wesely #QUOTE: Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. ~John Lennon -So does Twitter. 5:47 PM Mar 31st from web
1950. Anyone want to introduce the equilibrium of a balance into their projects? #education #math #teacher #Science 5:44 PM Mar 31st from web
1951. @dtitle @rlanzara try doing a search #worm people are worried, not about crashes, but about money -Thanks I did my worm search. 5:35 PM Mar 31st from web in reply to dtitle
1952. Is there an analog internet? #technology #internet #askwb #phenomenon #myth 5:33 PM Mar 31st from web
1953. The twittersphere seems a bit sparse tonight. Did the mean old worm scare people away? 5:24 PM Mar 31st from web
1954. I feel sorry for those poor CEOs with their fat bonuses holed up in their mansions not having fun Twittering away like us... 5:21 PM Mar 31st from web
1955. The problem with work is how to relate to your boss... 5:19 PM Mar 31st from web
1956. lowest_of_the_low is also available... 5:17 PM Mar 31st from web
1957. If anyone was wondering the name: lowestofthelow is still available. 5:15 PM Mar 31st from web
1958. RT @AAAS_News Future Directions for Bioethics Council -Ethical issues need to be agonized over. -There can be no cookbook. 5:07 PM Mar 31st from web
1959. Promethean Resolve: Become a messenger of hope to others... 5:03 PM Mar 31st from web
1960. Just because I have an opinion doesn't mean it's right... 4:58 PM Mar 31st from web
1961. 2001, 901 & 1101 -following, followers & updates... 3:24 PM Mar 31st from web
1962. Who designed the Twitter clouds, birds & whale? 3:21 PM Mar 31st from web
1963. #celebrities -Shouldn't this hashtag be reserved for celebrities only? 3:10 PM Mar 31st from web
1964. #health #pharmabad #emr #education #internet #insight #government -Yes things are not perfect, but what are our alternatives? 3:07 PM Mar 31st from web
1965. How many of us are really prepared to take it to the next level? 3:00 PM Mar 31st from web
1966. Sunny, beautiful day in Central Park -Birds were unusually quiet.... and the Bees... what are they up to....? 2:58 PM Mar 31st from web
1967. Is it me, or is there way too much bureaucracy? 2:56 PM Mar 31st from web
1968. Unconditional love is the one thing we may need to give & get in order to make it through these troubling times...1:33 PM Mar 31st from web
1969. Are we shutting down our computers tomorrow because of Conficker? #blognews #technology #internet 1:31 PM Mar 31st from web
1970. Big Boy’s Poker Game? -(CDSs) - #blognews #Insolvenz #Obama #tcot #economy #blognews #cnn 1:29 PM Mar 31st from web
1971. I'm willing to give Pres. Obama 2 yrs., then I'll comment. 1:29 PM Mar 31st from web
1972. Any mathematicians want to weigh equations? - #education #math #teacher 1:21 PM Mar 31st from web
1973. RT @pquerna this is scary: -Conficker malware family #blognews #technology #internet 1:16 PM Mar 31st from web
1974. Free use Scientific Images - #teacher #Science #blognews #Pharma #technology #education #internet #insight 1:11 PM Mar 31st from web
1975. Beware the snake oil salesmen... 1:05 PM Mar 31st from web
1976. Twitter #Twitter -I'm limited to 120 characters -Why? 1:04 PM Mar 31st from web
1977. Big Boy’s Poker Game? -(CDSs) - #banks #economy #askwb #g20 #recession #global #crisis #government#recession 1:02 PM Mar 31st from web
1978. RT @Remiel RemielMy parents didn't retweet me enough. 12:57 PM Mar 31st from web
1979. We're all angels wrapped in the devil's skin... 12:56 PM Mar 31st from web
1980. RT @GetReady Public health goes public: Survey shows 43% use social media to alert you of public health emergencies #risk20 9:04 AM Mar 31st from web
1981. ***Bio Balance - #insight #economy #Science #blognews #biz #business #smallbiz 9:03 AM Mar 31st from web
1982. Bio Balance - #digitalpharma #Bioscience #business #Pharma #strategy #technology #global #trends 9:00 AM Mar 31st from web
1983. RT @irakrakow #socialmedia #twitter #hashtags #socialmedia #tags Ultimate Guide to Twitter Hashtags 8:56 AM Mar 31st from web
1984. Isn’t it the instability caused by Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) - #banks #economy #askwb #g20 #recession #global 8:50 AM Mar 31st from web
1985. Take a lesson from me -I’m too small to fail... #biz #banks #economy #GM #Chrysler #business #smallbiz 8:38 AM Mar 31st from web
1986. You have to love some of these hashtags that people use: #economy #crisis #luxury #phenomenon #myth -Sums it all up? 8:32 AM Mar 31st from web
1987. RT @biosciencenews Firece Biotech: Novartis wins FDA approval for cancer blockbuster #business #Pharma #technology 8:30 AM Mar 31st from web
1988. Besides conflicts, bureaucracy and the money supply, Twitter is the only other thing expanding right now #business #strategy #technology 8:25 AM Mar 31st from web
1989. My son’s a plumber, but the Big Boy’s Poker Game with Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) continues #government #economy #recession #unemployment 8:17 AM Mar 31st from web
1990. ?Innovation to lead us out of the financial crises - #insight #economy #obama #blognews 8:13 AM Mar 31st from web
1991. The Big Boy’s Poker Game with Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) continues - #economy #obama #blognews #cnn 8:11 AM Mar 31st from web
1992. RT @lydiafernandes The Psychology of Twitter RT @happier: rt @mosesma - -140? More like 125 8:02 AM Mar 31st from web
1993. Anyone want to introduce the concepts of a balance into their projects? #Homeschool #Math #javascript #insigh t8:00 AM Mar 31st from web
1994. Any teachers want to introduce the concepts of a balance into their teachings? #education #math #teacher 7:58 AM Mar 31st from web
1995. Besides conflicts, bureaucracy and the money supply, Twitter is the only other thing expanding right now...#askwb #g20 #we20 #Twitter #Fail 7:50 AM Mar 31st from web
1996. Big Boy’s Poker Game? - AIG’s $447 billion in Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) - #askwb #g20 #we20 7:44 AM Mar 31st from web
1997. #Pharma #Science #Biotech #GPCRs Technology to lead big pharma out of their mess? 7:34 AM Mar 31st from web
1998. RT #tcot #p2 #topprog #teaparty #gop #rush (March 31) Weekly Economic Wrap: Mood Improves Again 7:30 AM Mar 31st from web
1999. RT @2020science RT @ScienceSoWhat: Nanotechnology...the Royal Society: http://sciencesowhat.blogsp -Modern Science is too bureaucratic... 7:23 AM Mar 31st from web
2000. RT @infidelsarecool Taliban threaten ...Washington -Beheading others is the wrong way to get ahead in life. 7:18 AM Mar 31st from web
2001. Let them be rich & powerful -We've got Twitter to play with 7:13 AM Mar 31st from web
2002. I guess the rich & powerful just don't understand how rich & powerful they really are... 7:13 AM Mar 31st from web
2003. AIG executives get their bonuses rapidly, while others get fired -What's wrong with this picture? 7:12 AM Mar 31st from web
2004. The dreaded Twitter block 7:05 AM Mar 31st from web
2005. I'm definitely under a handicap of about 125 charaters -not 140 -Wassup? 7:02 AM Mar 31st from web
2006. RT @vene2ia 5 Tips to Grow Your Twitter Presence (via @problogger) -Interesting advice, but the Share this no T? 7:02 AM Mar 31st from web
2007. Something else is filling my tweets -checked my characters on word -only 125, but got a Twitter overfill 6:57 AM Mar 31st from web
2008. also like chess, tetris or sudoku -a niche for some and a fad for others... 6:56 AM Mar 31st from web
2009. Twitter is a paradigm shift that has opened my mind to new realms, but it is 6:56 AM Mar 31st from web
2010. If I could make safer more effective drugs, I'd be reluctant to do it too... 10:47 PM Mar 30th from web
2011. @doc_rob @rlanzara enantiomers... #pharmabad -enantiomers? No mention of them here - 10:44 PM Mar 30th from web in reply to doc_rob
2012. preventing receptor desensitization - 10:41 PM Mar 30th from web
2013. Godda luv what the young are doin nowadays. Why when I was a youngin I only had bugs to play with... 10:37 PM Mar 30th from web
2014. RT @kandydevil Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #metal #horror #anime 10:35 PM Mar 30th from web
2015. @doc_rob doc_rob@serious_skeptic ...They play the game b/c there is nothing in the pipeline. #pharmabad What about- 10:35 PM Mar 30th from web in reply to doc_rob
2016. Are any of those people who collected the obscenely big bonuses having as much fun Twittering as we are? 10:31 PM Mar 30th from web
2017. When will @hotdogsladies burn himself out? -I'd follow him, but it seems I've hit a following limit (2001)? 10:28 PM Mar 30th from web
2018. Each one of us are our own CEOs -we need to make decisions; live with the consequences and work around or through them. 10:14 PM Mar 30th from web
2019. Decisions are often difficult, important, inexact, made-up-as-we-go-along, lucky, unlucky, poor, good, bad and annoying 10:11 PM Mar 30th from web
2020. I'm following 2001 (number of those I follow) - A Space Odyssey ? 10:08 PM Mar 30th from web
2021. Soooo, if everyone in the world took 1sec to tweet and read everyone else's, we'd be here for over 200 yrs reading them.... 10:05 PM Mar 30th from web
2022. @MDBiotech @rlanzara if only we had flubber we wouldn't need the balloons for our flying cars -Wife doesn't like flying -need a good landing 9:59 PM Mar 30th from web in reply to MDBiotech
2023. Is Twitter a fad? - versus Is Twitter just a fad? - 9:54 PM Mar 30th from web
2024. For those wondering how to make smaller urls (links) if Twitter doesn't automatically do it, use - 9:40 PM Mar 30th from web
2025. Advancing in the face of conventional wisdom - 9:31 PM Mar 30th from web
2026. Apparently Conficker is real and we'll see what happens come April 1st - 9:20 PM Mar 30th from web
2027. If we are all famous for just 1 second, then it would require about 200 yrs for 1 cycle. 9:13 PM Mar 30th from web
2028. As with so many things, it is very important to do them right... And order matters -1 tissue left -wipe glasses -blow nose -wipe bottom... 9:11 PM Mar 30th from web
2029. What's nice about Twitter is that we can tiptoe into reality without getting our feet wet... 6:14 PM Mar 30th from web
2030. That last one last was an RT, but I couldn't fit it. I totally agree with @gemmegirl -kids do need more playground or at least play time... 6:13 PM Mar 30th from web
2031. @serious_skeptic I have always thought that school systems need to incorporate more playground time for children to get rid of excess energy 6:11 PM Mar 30th from web
2032. Top view of the B2AR receptor - 6:09 PM Mar 30th from web
2033. I used to work with a wonderful, crazy scientist -where are you now? 6:06 PM Mar 30th from web
2034. Searched Twitter for receptor thiol: 6:04 PM Mar 30th from web
2035. *Advanced Twitter search here - 5:54 PM Mar 30th from web
2036. This paper took 10 yrs - Activation of G protein-coupled receptors entails cysteine modulation of agonist binding 5:28 PM Mar 30th from web
2037. * about me - 5:23 PM Mar 30th from web
2038. This search engine prominently displaysTwitter references - 5:05 PM Mar 30th from web
2039. Enhanced Pharmaceuticals - 5:01 PM Mar 30th from web
2040. The Complexity of a Simple Balance - 4:50 PM Mar 30th from web
2041. Why Agonist/Antagonist Drug Combinations Work - 4:48 PM Mar 30th from web
2042. Receptor desensitization - 4:41 PM Mar 30th from web
2043. @globalvoices Is access to safe water a basic right? -what about safe drinking straw? 4:33 PM Mar 30th from web in reply to globalvoices
2044. RT @rekouche Neurotransmitters / Serotonin, dopamine / Quick trick brain serene #Haiku 4:27 PM Mar 30th from web
2045. Scientific Images - 4:22 PM Mar 30th from web
2046. the biggest chunk of the $101.8 billion, went for AIG’s $447 billion in Credit Default Swaps (CDSs) - 4:17 PM Mar 30th from web
2047. RT @healthTF Reshaping the Heart Is No Help - New York Times -What about this? - 4:04 PM Mar 30th from web
2048. AIG, a recipient of at least $170 billion in federal bailout money, had less exposure to the mortgage meltdown, but still got most money? 4:01 PM Mar 30th from web
2049. Computing in drug research and development - 2:32 PM Mar 30th from web
2050. We can't really keep up with it all can we? 2:19 PM Mar 30th from web
2051. RT @Karen_the_Geek (via @addthis) 2:13 PM Mar 30th from web
2052. Once-a-day heart combo pill shows promise in study - 1:53 PM Mar 30th from web
2053. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. Web Page: 1:28 PM Mar 30th from web
2054. RT @arstechnica New Texas science standards saddled with incoherent changes - -Are we all facing incoherent changes ? 1:27 PM Mar 30th from web
2055. Maybe if doctors could stop playing defensive medicine (reduce risk of a lawsuit) then payments could come down - 1:21 PM Mar 30th from web
2056. Changing our own mind & another's mind is sometimes the easiest & most difficult thing... 1:16 PM Mar 30th from web
2057. Picts anyone? Tour through the pictures by clicking on them - 1:10 PM Mar 30th from web
2058. RT @kristenconvery NY Times on slow gardening ... -A good life lesson for these times? 1:07 PM Mar 30th from web
2059. RT @AAAS_News R&D Funding: A Remarkable Year Overall 1:03 PM Mar 30th from web in reply to AAAS_News
2060. RT @_samjones University offers social media degree about Facebook, Twitter and Bebo 12:55 PM Mar 30th from web
2061. Twitter - Opiate for the masses or a catalyst for change (maybe both)? 12:52 PM Mar 30th from web
2062. Yahoo search - thiol, OR sulfhydryl receptor activation - 12:44 PM Mar 30th from web
2063. Predators posing as helpers are still preying on the unsuspecting. Do your due diligence 12:42 PM Mar 30th from web
2064. ?Positive things entering this crises: 1) Our eyes are open 2) We all have a say 3) Cash is king (if you have it) 4) Twitter is cheap to use 12:40 PM Mar 30th from web
2065. RT @madlolscientist Amazing Artist-inventor builds a 'tunnel' from New York to London [video, BBC] -Need a webcam on it. 12:33 PM Mar 30th from web
2066. ?Security -Money Meltdown -Financial Crises -The fact that these are now major security issues shows that we are our own worst enemy? 12:28 PM Mar 30th from web
2067. Can drugs be made safer & more effective? - 11:42 AM Mar 30th from web
2068. Amazing I searched GOOGLE under may Twitter name and got 371 hits ? GOOGLE must be following us too -Try it here: 11:16 AM Mar 30th from web
2069. Give our schools a civilized infrastructure to civilize our children... 11:12 AM Mar 30th from web
2070. The Credit Default Swap (CDS) game is a dangerous game that should maybe not be played -especially with taxpayer dollars. 11:10 AM Mar 30th from web
2071. In pharmacology, less is more. Taking the least number of drugs is better than too many. If you're on more than 4-5, it's probably too much. 11:08 AM Mar 30th from web
2072. RT @grokd grokdA ...Diet as an Intervention for Autism #autism #science #gfcf #diet -Benadryl may help sleep problems 11:04 AM Mar 30th from web
2073. #digitalpharma 11:01 AM Mar 30th from web
2074. What's tweet to me may not be tweet to you. 10:57 AM Mar 30th from web
2075. Tweets are like people - some have an edge, hidden purpose, or an ax to grind 10:55 AM Mar 30th from web
2076. Opportunities for Collaboration - 10:52 AM Mar 30th from web
2077. All we are saying is give peace a chance... 10:50 AM Mar 30th from web
2078. RT @TonyXavier @rlanzara Anyone stop to think about the unintended consequences of the internet? Yes... this 9:55 AM Mar 30th from web
2079. RT @xtello tello@janechin 2009 Pharma Mergers... -How about a richer pipeline? - 9:51 AM Mar 30th from web
2080. You have to ask yourself - How did the wealthy suddenly need so much capital? 9:46 AM Mar 30th from web
2081. Innovation will supposedly lead us out of these difficult economic times, but the funding for it seems sparse... 9:44 AM Mar 30th from web
2082. Evidence for a free thiol necessary for GPCR activation - 8:17 AM Mar 30th from web
2083. One Consuming Interest - 8:06 AM Mar 30th from web
2084. These 3 patents are assigned to - 8:02 AM Mar 30th from web
2085. Receptor Structure to Function - 7:31 AM Mar 30th from web
2086. RT Sharing Images - 7:29 AM Mar 30th from web
2087. A Question of Balance? Nonlinear Complex Phenomena in Biology and Physics - 7:23 AM Mar 30th from web
2088. Sharing Images - 12:03 AM Mar 30th from web
2089. Impossible things - 10:00 PM Mar 29th from web
2090. When it comes down to it are we really all our own worst enemy? 9:56 PM Mar 29th from web
2091. RT @rlanzara Environmental Film Festival Review: RiverWebs -This is where adding game fish destroy insects in streams 9:48 PM Mar 29th from web
2092. Environmental Film Festival Review: RiverWebs 9:47 PM Mar 29th from web
2093. @NWF Insect-eating birds are vanishing from parts of North America... -Shigeru Nakano might know 9:46 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to NWF
2094. -A metaphor for the rest of us? 9:38 PM Mar 29th from web
2095. If the bees disappear, we all in trouble. Maybe we should let them have more of their hard earned honey? 9:38 PM Mar 29th from web
2096. Many parallel universes out there tonight.... 9:28 PM Mar 29th from web
2097. @kusior @rlanzara IT friend of mine prefers to have PCs left on. -Wouldn't that let maleware onto them? 9:22 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to kusior
2098. The media and politicians will have much fodder to feed us bovines in the next few years... 9:12 PM Mar 29th from web
2099. Anyone stop to think about the unintended consequences of the internet (i.e. leaving our computers on and wasting electricity, etc.)? 9:09 PM Mar 29th from web
2100. I'm amazed at the energy (digital?) that some people have -Tweets, blogs, social networks, websites, etc... 9:05 PM Mar 29th from web
2101. I realize that I've missed a river of wonderful tweets... 8:59 PM Mar 29th from web
2102. RT @tstitt RT @EdBennett: Twitter is now the #1 Social Media tool used by US Hospitals. #hcsm 8:55 PM Mar 29th from web
2103. @DebraSnider Could this possibly be true? -I think it is - 8:51 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to DebraSnider
2104. These are most likely the best of times, the worst of times... 8:46 PM Mar 29th from web
2105. How many times can you add yourself to the twitter directory 8:44 PM Mar 29th from web
2106. @blogaceutics J&J seeks benefits from Schering takeover -They could've benefitted from safer drugs - 8:42 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to blogaceutics
2107. My glass isn't 99/100ths empty, it's 1/100th full 8:35 PM Mar 29th from web
2108. There's no such thing as a moral country or government - only individual people can be moral... 8:32 PM Mar 29th from web
2109. Beautiful thunder and lightening rain storm in nyc... Occasionally the dog barks... 8:26 PM Mar 29th from web
2110. RT @juliaroy On the internet bus back to NYC. What is an internet bus you ask? -Also 5:48 PM Mar 29th from web
2111. Learn more than you ever thought possible. The fate of the universe may depend upon it. 5:43 PM Mar 29th from web
2112. We are definitely in a time of great change. 4:44 PM Mar 29th from web
2113. Are there parts of the world that we should just avoid or do we have to police the entire planet? 4:43 PM Mar 29th from web
2114. As we become more & more aware, we emerge from our cosmic egg into a large yoke, er I mean yolk... 4:38 PM Mar 29th from web
2115. Twitter has gone far beyond the openning statement that it is for Friends, Family and Coworkers to keep in touch 4:29 PM Mar 29th from web
2116. Click on the pictures to see how our receptors might work to deliver a signal - 3:22 PM Mar 29th from web
2117. @angryseattle What's that? People DON'T fit into tidy little buckets when it comes to race? SHOCKING -Let's stop 3:13 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to angryseattle
2118. Public Health is the best way to spend our health care dollars 3:09 PM Mar 29th from web
2119. I'd like to be an agent of change, but feel that I'm falling into the mainstream... 3:08 PM Mar 29th from web
2120. Critical people shouldn't live in glass houses... 3:07 PM Mar 29th from web
2121. Are we all living within our means yet? 3:00 PM Mar 29th from web
2122. @mparent77772 Who would you rather trust - the BBC or a blogger? -I could trust either, both or neither... 2:54 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to mparent77772
2123. Feeling too smug must be time to change.... 2:38 PM Mar 29th from web
2124. Try for music on the web 2:33 PM Mar 29th from web
2125. I Could Be Wrong - 1:45 PM Mar 29th from web
2126. Miraculous? #agape 1:35 PM Mar 29th from web
2127. @AHAScience A prescription for exercise training in heart failure (HF-ACTION) #ACC09 -that & better adrenergics? 1:33 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to AHAScience
2128. Can we end human slavery in our lifetime? 1:28 PM Mar 29th from web
2129. @melissagira major human rights organizations position themselves around trafficking. -Important subject - 1:27 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to melissagira
2130. S-nitrosothiols and receptor modulation? - 1:13 PM Mar 29th from web
2131. @Cardiology #ACC09 Nichols: Bipartisan reform is necessary; protect the HC debate with both sides. - Not sanguine - politics too strong... 1:12 PM Mar 29th from web in reply to Cardiology
2132. Hey, try GOOGLING your Twitter username like this - 12:27 PM Mar 29th from web
2133. RT @michaelianblack -Interesting that Satan & god are following each other... 12:00 PM Mar 29th from web
2134. The first article to implicate cysteine modulation in G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR) activation? 11:42 AM Mar 29th from web
2135. Interesting search on receptor activation, pH-dependence & thiol or sulfhydryl groups - 11:30 AM Mar 29th from web
2136. Suppose earth moves through a space magnetic storm (whatever) that alters our thinking & moods -could astronomers discover this if true? 11:25 AM Mar 29th from web
2137. @MDBiotech Flying cars? -Dreamt about this as a kid, but don't we need something safer like with a balloon or such 11:20 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to MDBiotech
2138. I have a feeling that I'm only 6 degrees of separation from the famous, rich & powerful... 11:18 AM Mar 29th from web
2139. @dtitle @rlanzara find your tweets fascinating thanks for posting the biochem -Thank you Right back at you. 11:15 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to dtitle
2140. @nprpolitics Electronic Medical Records A Charged Debate -Are there any other reasonable alternatives to EMRs? 11:14 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to nprpolitics
2141. Dear Tweeters, It's amazing that many of your tweets are entertaining 11:12 AM Mar 29th from web
2142. Redox modulation of the receptor response due to free thiol groups? 11:08 AM Mar 29th from web
2143. Will accurate descriptions of drug-receptor interactions lead to the development of better pharmaceuticals? 11:04 AM Mar 29th from web
2144. Niece just dozed off -cute when they’re sleeping (& awake too)... 11:02 AM Mar 29th from web
2145. 3 Oldest websites starting from the oldest? - & 10:57 AM Mar 29th from web
2146. We came out first on GOOGLE for this search - 9:21 AM Mar 29th from web
2147. @Sierra_Magazine Birds and Bees: Isabella Rossellini will star in season two of Green Porno... -Love Isabella 9:18 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to Sierra_Magazine
2148. Weber's law modeled by the mathematical description of a beam balance. & 8:14 AM Mar 29th from web
2149. ? RT @vesselproject wow, the twitter key thing does work. cool... -Does this mean chess on Twitter? 8:10 AM Mar 29th from web
2150. Here's an example of media hype from a letter of inquiry Severe burns from butane lighter explosions. 7:35 AM Mar 29th from web
2151. Interesting that if you search GOOGLE under search engine GOOGLE doesn't appear at the top - 7:29 AM Mar 29th from web
2152. @dpodolsky Tunguska explained. Again. http://www.technologyreview... #fun -Also try this classic? - 7:20 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to dpodolsky
2153. One lesson learned here on planet earth is that complaining doesn't get you one penny... 7:17 AM Mar 29th from web
2154. @sandygautam Common Sense is alive and well -Yes, often media hype, but some cases involve ethics which is difficult 7:13 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to sandygautam
2155. @SherKro There is NO way Rangel will not take every opportunity to politicize... -He's not alone -it's the only game in town right now 7:09 AM Mar 29th from web in reply to SherKro
2156. Personally, I'm a minimalist - We all need basic health care -not the kind that sends us to financial ruin -Public Health is the best buy 7:02 AM Mar 29th from web
2157. RT @SherKro @GStephanopoulos -I like Charlie, but he has to be careful not to politicize the bailout too much 6:59 AM Mar 29th from web
2158. Why we Twitter? meaning comes from interaction with the environment. -Dr. Grene 6:53 AM Mar 29th from web
2159. The paper also shows how the redox & acid-base properties of GPCRs can function together 6:41 AM Mar 29th from web
2160. Pièce de résistance - This paper represents 20 yrs. of research 6:39 AM Mar 29th from web
2161. RT @rlanzara Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. - 6:34 AM Mar 29th from web
2162. The Structure and Function of G Protein-Coupled Receptors - 9:33 PM Mar 28th from web
2163. If interested, you can follow world earthquakes @earthquake -Isn't Twitter amazing 9:28 PM Mar 28th from web
2164. I find some sounds very soothing like the crinkling of pages or gum snapping -type of synesthesia? 9:21 PM Mar 28th from web
2165. My wife is a nontwitterer who I can't get to twitter -anyone else have these problems with friends or family? -Suggestions welcomed... 9:16 PM Mar 28th from web
2166. @MovieFiend Darth Vader (#video) #humor #starwars - Patsy Cline #music -Try them combined 9:14 PM Mar 28th from web
2167. @Iceburner @rlanzara Richard your background cycles out of the screen. THAT is very interesting. -Interesting, -not intentional... 9:11 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to Iceburner
2168. Culture, community, society often overwhelms our puny selves until we can recognize these forces for what they are... 9:07 PM Mar 28th from web
2169. @Iceburner RT @lollydaskal I need to believe something extraordinary is possible.-(movie: A Beautiful Mind) -That and the fact that we tweet 9:05 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to Iceburner
2170. Old Tweets never die, they're simply stored in servers all over the web... 9:04 PM Mar 28th from web
2171. @neilhimself If you're curious about what my @reply thing looks like, it looks a lot like this : -Thanks... 8:57 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to neilhimself
2172. Thanks for all your comments in @Replies -I still find it difficult to follow the original threads that people comment on... 8:55 PM Mar 28th from web
2173. I may look like an experienced twitterer, but I'm embarrassed to say that I've just discovered @Replies & followers links -hey, only human 8:53 PM Mar 28th from web
2174. RT @NYCWrite #earthhour #newyorkcity Lights out - Last one to tweet? Our lights are like Schrodinger's cat both off and on... 8:48 PM Mar 28th from web
2175. Everyone has to have secrets... 8:45 PM Mar 28th from web
2176. 1 Trillion^1 Billion is 100 Million more than 1 GOOGOL (10^100) - We're getting there 8:43 PM Mar 28th from web
2177. Are Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? - 8:34 PM Mar 28th from web
2178. Is it all now hype? 8:32 PM Mar 28th from web
2179. #earthhour My lights are like Schrodinger's cat both off and on until you look... 8:23 PM Mar 28th from web
2180. Can't compete with @britneyspears or @aplusk or @kevinrose or @ev or @johncmayer or @iamdiddy maybe I should just go to sleep... 8:19 PM Mar 28th from web
2181. Jon Sulkow - famous website designer for the stars ( ) & bass player for Tugboat Annie - 7:43 PM Mar 28th from web
2182. How 5-HT may bind with its targeted receptor - :06 PM Mar 28th from web
2183. RT @xdvx Thanks for picking up our story on defending Earth against asteroids -The only thing I worry about... 4:54 PM Mar 28th from web
2184. Bio Balance is the registered trademark of Bio Balance, Inc. - all rights reserved. - 4:31 PM Mar 28th from web
2185. Twitter is a fine balance between art/science & social/private... 4:30 PM Mar 28th from web
2186. RT @mparent77772 The Real Crime in the Bailout -As I said, Big Boys Poker - 3:51 PM Mar 28th from web
2187. A few trillion here and a few trillion there and suddenly you're talking about real money 3:46 PM Mar 28th from web
2188. Anyone know the total monies spent worldwide to get us out of this economic crises? $4-5 trillion? 3:45 PM Mar 28th from web
2189. Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #medicine #entreprenuer #biotech 3:42 PM Mar 28th from web
2190. In there are #terrorist (9,925) ? Is this a way for us to keep track of them? 3:32 PM Mar 28th from web
2191. @pharmalot AMA wants to probe JAMA editors for threatening a researcher over his criticism -Make it transparent 3:06 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to pharmalot
2192. Freedom of Tweet 3:03 PM Mar 28th from web
2193. Should we follow people with no updates? Many have - Hope springs eternal... 2:58 PM Mar 28th from web
2194. One person's receptor is another's GPCR #Science - 2:52 PM Mar 28th from web
2195. Miraculous - 2:50 PM Mar 28th from web
2196. @javantiger 31,000 scientist have signed a petition questioning the validity Man Made Global Warming #hhrs #tcot -maybe all are right? 2:48 PM Mar 28th from web in reply to javantiger
2197. Could Twitter really become 'the consciousness of the planet' - 2:38 PM Mar 28th from web
2198. Has the Twitterverse become the Twitteradverse? 2:35 PM Mar 28th from web
2199. Central Park in the sun with the sounds of birds, tuba player, kids and more - someone should make a symphony of it all... 2:18 PM Mar 28th from web
2200. My son's NY Rugby Club plays Albany at Randall’s Island today 1:15 PM Mar 28th from web
2201. Universal Healthcare Concerns - 12:54 PM Mar 28th from web
2202. RT @rlanzaraJob links - But do they really get you a job or are you just wasting your time? Or twittering? 12:48 PM Mar 28th from web
2203. Job links - But do they really get you a job or are you just wasting your time? 12:46 PM Mar 28th from web
2204. How much self iteration will Twitter allow? 12:41 PM Mar 28th from web
2205. RT @rlanzara Check out my update list at - Does this show the updates? -Yes it does... 12:40 PM Mar 28th from web
2206. Check out my update list at - ?Does this show the updates? 12:38 PM Mar 28th from web
2207. So transient, the tweet.... 12:37 PM Mar 28th from web
2208. See my previous 3 tweets or go to and try stringing it together for yourself... 12:36 PM Mar 28th from web
2209. If you're still with me after the 3 previous tweets, then you may want to look at - 12:31 PM Mar 28th from web
2210. Once you've understood the 2 previous tweets about the simple balance, you may want to look at 12:29 PM Mar 28th from web
2211. If the Gedanken Exp was too simple, you may want to look at 12:27 PM Mar 28th from web
2212. Gedanken Experiment Anyone? - 12:24 PM Mar 28th from web
2213. Links, etc. - 12:20 PM Mar 28th from web
2214. The census reports the average home prices and it looks like they haven't retreated too much 2:16 PM Mar 28th from web
2215. Lovely, Manhattan Coop - http://www.875west181apt2d.... -This probably won't last long... 12:12 PM Mar 28th from web
2216. Biomedical defined - 11:57 AM Mar 28th from web
2217. Theory of our existence - 11:54 AM Mar 28th from web
2218. Has the news media concentrated too much on public opinion? 11:50 AM Mar 28th from web
2219. 1M homes @ $1M = $1T; 2M homes @ $0.5M = $1T; 4M homes @ $0.25M = $1T - bailout money spent - about $3T? Where's it going? 11:46 AM Mar 28th from web
2220. Order matters - one tissue left -wipe glasses; blow nose; then wipe bottom.... 11:43 AM Mar 28th from web
2221. Live, love, laugh & be happy & check out - 8:01 PM Mar 27th from web
2222. Know what's toxic to youself and try eliminating it (this may or may not include relationships, some books, art, movies, drinking, habits..) 7:53 PM Mar 27th from web
2223. @complexcipher Driving and tweeting -Not a good combo 7:50 PM Mar 27th from web in reply to complexcipher
2224. Really? - 7:49 PM Mar 27th from web
2225. a receptor molecule exists in a conformational equilibrium between active and inactive biophysical states. 7:45 PM Mar 27th from web
2226. Magnets may help with your aches and pains - 7:42 PM Mar 27th from web
2227. Manhattan Coop - $445,000 -http://www.875west181apt2d.... 7:39 PM Mar 27th from web
2228. References for elucidation and amusement - 7:33 PM Mar 27th from web
2229. The Big Boys are still playing the game of chance - 7:30 PM Mar 27th from web
2230. People who behead others are trying to get a head the wrong way 7:24 PM Mar 27th from web
2231. Dear Gentle Followers, Cash will be king for awhile more... 7:22 PM Mar 27th from web
2232. Do we really expect our minds to understand the universe? I know some chess problems that are very difficult for most of us... 7:05 PM Mar 27th from web
2233. Cooking tip - if the onions get you - wash your wrists in cold running water -should relieve your eyes in seconds 7:03 PM Mar 27th from web
2234. Ever notice how we outgrow things - like when we were kids and wanted candy... 6:57 PM Mar 27th from web
2235. I'm even skeptical about doubt... 6:34 PM Mar 27th from web
2236. New Agonist/Antagonist Optimal Ratio Combinations as a Potentially Safer Class of Pharmaceutical Drugs 1:31 PM Mar 27th from web
2237. Are Algorithms our worst enemy? 1:25 PM Mar 27th from web
2238. where is Osama Bin Laden - 1:21 PM Mar 27th from web
2239. RT Is there a hidden parallel internet? -Some evidence for it: 1:19 PM Mar 27th from web
2240. Science jobs & more - 1:15 PM Mar 27th from web
2241. Is there a hidden parallel internet? 1:13 PM Mar 27th from web
2242. If you want to live longer - learn to laugh (especially at yourself).... 1:04 PM Mar 27th from web
2243. Life is so interesting, you can't make this stuff up: 14yo grl arrested for posting nude picts of herself & banks need proof farmer's water 1:02 PM Mar 27th from web
2244. As a scientist, I have doubt about everything.... 11:42 AM Mar 27th from web
2245. Why Most Published Research Findings Are False - -Could this be because big business creates bias? 11:36 AM Mar 27th from web
2246. @MedicalNews CARDIOLOGY• 'Broken Heart Syndrome' -See 11:31 AM Mar 27th from web in reply to MedicalNews
2247. RT @rlanzara Still the best molecule pictures on the net - and modest too #GPCRs 11:27 AM Mar 27th from web
2248. Still the best molecule pictures on the net - 11:25 AM Mar 27th from web
2249. Are good intentions ever wrong? 11:20 AM Mar 27th from web
2250. What's the next big thing? 10:59 AM Mar 27th from web
2251. Will we look back on these times and wonder why we wasted many of our resources? 10:44 AM Mar 27th from web
2252. Madame Kipese - a good example of how superstition can mix with human progress? 10:35 AM Mar 27th from web
2253. #haiku RT @rlanzara Retweet Retreat / #scince RT @rlanzara #business send love / not money 10:29 AM Mar 27th from web
2254. Every cell has receptor molecules - 10:25 AM Mar 27th from web
2255. Are some of you Twitter Dopplegangers? 10:23 AM Mar 27th from web
2256. Some recognition about the Weber-Fechner law - 9:12 AM Mar 27th from web
2257. Weber–Fechner law - 9:09 AM Mar 27th from web
2258. @joergheber -Kudos to Gromov Also check out - his theorem on the virtual certainty of unicellular life in pond water 9:02 AM Mar 27th from web in reply to joergheber
2259. Should we use more placebos to treat disease? 8:58 AM Mar 27th from web
2260. Dear Gentle Followers, Please beware, the predatory lenders, etc. are still out there. 8:51 AM Mar 27th from web
2261. RT @aafromaa RT @rconlon Fargo fight flood waters: -Someone please invent the auto sandbagger now 8:45 AM Mar 27th from web
2262. Trying to connect with those in pharma who are interested in developing combination products 8:43 AM Mar 27th from web
2263. It's funny that if we succeeded in everything that we do, we wouldn't have time for anything 5:59 AM Mar 27th from web
2264. The tweet heard around the world 5:58 AM Mar 27th from web
2265. One study showed that only 1/3 of med school students were listening to their teacher at any given time -does this mean we should twitterx3? 5:45 AM Mar 27th from web
2266. who, why, how, what and where? Richard, because, because, on the computer, nyc 5:33 AM Mar 27th from web
2267. #followfriday @zephoria @DocRob @jerrymichalski @SarahM @goldman @endquote @may 5:27 AM Mar 27th from web
2268. Will the real xeni jardin please stand up - 5:14 AM Mar 27th from web
2269. Having options in life raises one's overall level of health 5:08 AM Mar 27th from web
2270. You can find everyone’s #followfriday suggestions here: 5:07 AM Mar 27th from web
2271. RT @mashable It's #followfriday again As usual, here's how Follow Friday works: 5:06 AM Mar 27th from web
2272. When all is said & done, one thing that I find most fascinating is that our senses & a balance obey the same law 8:30 PM Mar 26th from web
2273. We all know some twitterphobics out there... 8:26 PM Mar 26th from web
2274. Tweet or Follow - There is no Try 7:38 PM Mar 26th from web
2275. RT@jhpincus RT @drsal: Looking for work. PhD organic chemistry. Scientist II medicinal chemistry. PLEASE RT. 7:32 PM Mar 26th from web
2276. I like to connect with scientists, but I also enjoy people's everyday tweets & chirps7:21 PM Mar 26th from web
2277. Do Twitterers think faster too? 7:03 PM Mar 26th from web
2278. If a Plant can Twitter, so can I 7:00 PM Mar 26th from web
2279. @MedicalNews What's Ailing Big Pharma - (via @MaverickNY @lroner) -Try - 6:51 PM Mar 26th from web in reply to MedicalNews
2280. We can't all have our 15min of fame. If we all had just 1sec of fame, it would take 200 yrs 6:36 PM Mar 26th from web
2281. Weber–Fechner law - 3:59 PM Mar 26th from web
2282. @knwachter Heart Failure - ?Try - 3:58 PM Mar 26th from web in reply to knwachter
2283. Stop following me - follow someone you care about.... 3:23 PM Mar 26th from web
2284. Mahattan upper west side coop for sale - http://www.875west181apt2d.... 3:21 PM Mar 26th from web
2285. #science #pharmacology #tech #biotech #pharmaceuticals 3:19 PM Mar 26th from web
2286. As humans continue to increase, we will see more & more of the best & worst of humanity 3:16 PM Mar 26th from web
2287. Ignore the man behind that curtain... 3:15 PM Mar 26th from web
2288. My tweet isn't moving in the river of tweets? 3:09 PM Mar 26th from web
2289. River of time; river of tweets------................ 2:56 PM Mar 26th from web
2290. @WSJHealthBlog Was a Three-Legged Dog Head of a Review Board? -Stings - more are unfortunately necessary... 11:35 AM Mar 26th from web in reply to WSJHealthBlog
2291. Should Worldwide Stock Markets Stop Electronic Trading Using Algorithms? 11:28 AM Mar 26th from web
2292. Credit Default Swaps and the Financial Crisis 11:27 AM Mar 26th from web
2293. Twitter personified even bigger - 8:06 PM Mar 25th from web
2294. Twitter personified? - 8:04 PM Mar 25th from web
2295. Does ev have the record number of followers? 8:01 PM Mar 25th from web
2296. Magnets may help - 7:58 PM Mar 25th from web
2297. @ObamaNews Bracing in North Dakota -You'd think someone would invent an automatic sandbag loader and placer? 7:56 PM Mar 25th from web in reply to ObamaNews
2298. 1 M homes x $1 M = $1 T 7:50 PM Mar 25th from web
2299. Many people overuse the medical care system -try not to use it for your average cold, flu or aches and pains -you'll be safer and save us $$ 7:49 PM Mar 25th from web
2300. potentially valuable information - -Let's get cracking 7:47 PM Mar 25th from web
2301. The Agonist/Antagonist Duel for Enhanced Pharmaceuticals 7:45 PM Mar 25th from web
2302. Specialty woods 7:44 PM Mar 25th from web
2303. Cyborgian webnets of the future? 1:20 PM Mar 25th from web
2304. Is Twitter really the tower of Babel?1:05 PM Mar 25th from web
2305. Dropping my tweets into the torrent stream of tweets from twitters like yourselves..... 1:03 PM Mar 25th from web
2306. If we learn to love a little (and can stand the pain), then we can learn to love more... 12:56 PM Mar 25th from web
2307. Love -perpetual readiness? 11:56 AM Mar 25th from web
2308. Never mind -buy some wood - 4:15 PM Mar 24th from web
2309. Are Humans versus Zombies our number one threat? 4:12 PM Mar 24th from web
2310. Art - 4:10 PM Mar 24th from web
2311. Wood anyone? 4:06 PM Mar 24th from web
2312. @sciam Could nanotechnology save ancient books from crumbling?: -Can't we let GOOGLE digitalize them? 2:42 PM Mar 24th from web in reply to sciam
2313. Caught some sun in Central Park -The birds were a melodious symphony 2:40 PM Mar 24th from web
2314. Is tweeting more effective at this hour of the day? 2:39 PM Mar 24th from web
2315. Checking my references... 2:38 PM Mar 24th from web
2316. Safer drugs? - 12:36 PM Mar 24th from web
2317. If you don't fail, you're not trying hard enough... 12:35 PM Mar 24th from web
2318. @Iceburner Diplomacy is the art of saying Nice doggie until you can find a rock. -Will Rogers -Clever & funny, but hope it's wrong... 12:32 PM Mar 24th from web in reply to Iceburner
2319. Let's stop classifying people according to race and ethnic origin -Most of us don't really know our ethnic origins anyway 12:31 PM Mar 24th from web
2320. @Linc4Justice Work sucks. Work blows. Work sucks and blows. -Try the Wishing song -That may help - 12:29 PM Mar 24th from web in reply to Linc4Justice
2321. Math is the language of science, but many don't want to learn it, but they don't know that they already know some of it... 12:23 PM Mar 24th from web
2322. Click more Picts - 12:22 PM Mar 24th from web
2323. Click the Picts - 12:21 PM Mar 24th from web
2324. Tugboat Annie (band) - 12:19 PM Mar 24th from web
2325. How about -if you see children or young women being abused, say something? 12:19 PM Mar 24th from web
2326. Anyone remember Tugboat Annie? Here's the songs - -Enjoy 11:42 AM Mar 24th from web
2327. Twitter is over capacity – goodbye.... 11:31 AM Mar 24th from web
2328. Oh, what a tangled web we weave when err we try to deceive... 11:26 AM Mar 24th from web
2329. Even New Yorkers are tired of all the Marketing & Wall Street hype - Let's all try to be honest with each other and simplify.... 11:24 AM Mar 24th from web
2330. Health alerts as a community service - 9:11 PM Mar 23rd from web
2331. Winnowing the following..... 9:01 PM Mar 23rd from web
2332. Follow these links or the dog dies... http://www.dreamhomesbynanc... 8:54 PM Mar 23rd from web
2333. I am the number one son, but I was treated like number two 8:52 PM Mar 23rd from web
2334. The wheel of fortune sometimes runs over us 8:52 PM Mar 23rd from web
2335. ***Law of Unintended Consequences (LUC?) - Putting game fish in our streams has caused the decline in insect populations & other species *** 8:45 PM Mar 23rd from web
2336. How about if you use 14 or less, then it's a chirp? 8:40 PM Mar 23rd from web
2337. Bio Balance ( - too small to fail, but if someone gave me a billion dollars, I would make a profit on it... 8:38 PM Mar 23rd from web
2338. Is one who has tweeted a tweeterer or a twator? 8:36 PM Mar 23rd from web
2339. Many love in secret 8:25 PM Mar 23rd from web
2340. Sometimes I'm not quite an idiot, maybe an idioid - 8:20 PM Mar 23rd from web
2341. We talk about a shift in the balance of power but what we don't realize is that this is also how our senses work 2:20 PM Mar 23rd from web
2342. How we think is how we live -Therefore we should tend our thoughts like a garden weeding out the bad and cultivating the good... 1:48 PM Mar 23rd from web
2343. #science #pharmacology #tech #biotech #pharmaceuticals 7:25 AM Mar 23rd from web
2344. Job Links - 7:11 AM Mar 23rd from web
2345. Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #science #entrepreneur #pharmacology 6:58 AM Mar 23rd from web
2346. ? Lingerie Technician This is a very exciting role for someone who takes a very hands on approach to their work. 6:53 AM Mar 23rd from web
2347. Interesting link on how to find out what a website is worth - 6:43 AM Mar 23rd from web
2348. We've got the best molecular images on the internet: & 6:25 AM Mar 23rd from web
2349. Links to our site ( AM Mar 23rd from web
2350. Crazy Women? -Unconditional love can solve many seemingly impossible problems... 6:07 AM Mar 23rd from web
2351. Save your money & the planet -Stop using bottled water 6:03 AM Mar 23rd from web
2352. Best buy in Manhattan? http://www.875west181apt2d.... 5:56 AM Mar 23rd from web
2353. Are most things in the universe too complex for our brains? 5:52 AM Mar 23rd from web
2354. Most scientists are wrong 5:51 AM Mar 23rd from web
2355. When do the cows come home? 5:50 AM Mar 23rd from web
2356. As more & more people live on earth we will see more & more of the best & worst more & more & more... 5:39 PM Mar 22nd from web
2357. Manhattan coop for sale - http://www.875west181apt2d.... 5:36 PM Mar 22nd from web
2358. Beautiful Manhattan coop for sale - http://www.875west181apt2d.... 5:30 PM Mar 22nd from web
2359. The consumer is calling the shots on the economy 5:12 PM Mar 22nd from web
2360. Our current form of health care is really just sick care that is the most expensive in the world for very little general health benefits 5:11 PM Mar 22nd from web
2361. Public health is the one area where we spend so very little but get so many benefits 5:07 PM Mar 22nd from web
2362. What's needed is true education and health care not the bureaucratic mess that we have today 5:06 PM Mar 22nd from web
2363. Need to eliminate toxic things -such as some movies, books & art that are toxic (know thyself) 4:48 PM Mar 22nd from web
2364. Took our 17 mo neice to the playground -she makes new progress each week -she's into the sandbox where our social personalities take form 4:46 PM Mar 22nd from web
2365. If I became famous, I'd want more than 15 minutes...(maybe - maybe not) 4:43 PM Mar 22nd from web
2366. Activation of G protein-coupled receptors entails cysteine modulation of agonist binding 4:40 PM Mar 22nd from web
2367. @GStephanopoulos Spirited debate on AIG and aftermath. -Forget AIG more interesting is the money going to lobbyists & congress? 10:10 AM Mar 22nd from web in reply to GStephanopoulos
2368. For the love lorn out there - let it smoulder until it hurts. 9:53 AM Mar 22nd from web
2369. Receptor (beta-2-adrenergic aka B2AR) in both acid (SH) and base (S-) states - 9:51 AM Mar 22nd from web
2370. Twitter - instant gratification if you can find the right tweeters to follow... 9:50 AM Mar 22nd from web
2371. @arleigh I have so many weird memories from childhood. no one would believe me.- I would. 9:48 AM Mar 22nd from web in reply to arleigh
2372. Do nice guys tweet last? 9:47 AM Mar 22nd from web
2373. Much of the news is just a smoke screen and not very informative about what's really going on in the world... 9:38 AM Mar 22nd from web
2374. Obama has been in office less than 100 days and it seems like we're already well into the next election campaign... 9:37 AM Mar 22nd from web
2375. One of the scariest things are scientists who think that they have to save the world. There are many unitended consequences we don't know... 9:36 AM Mar 22nd from web
2376. @New_Invention ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Eliminated by Doctor’s Invention -Just what the world needs -another ED invention 8:15 AM Mar 22nd from web in reply to New_Invention
2377. If I unfollow you, it's not because I'm uninterested 8:13 AM Mar 22nd from web
2378. If you can't see the recent tweets of those whom you follow, then you are following too many people and are clogging up Twitter too? 8:04 AM Mar 22nd from web
2379. It's survival of the luckiest not fitest tweet? 7:51 AM Mar 22nd from web
2380. @wbaustin #quotes The terrible thing about terrorism is that ultimately it destroys those who practic.. That's the good thing, but at ? Cost 7:33 AM Mar 22nd from web in reply to wbaustin
2381. Realistically we can probably follow only a few hundred tweeters otherwise the tweets are lost in the sheer volume of other tweets -Alas...7:30 AM Mar 22nd from web
2382. Not quite a tweet, more of a chirp... 7:21 AM Mar 22nd from web
2383. @KikiValdes food is love right? -I used to say that, but now I know I was wrong. 7:20 AM Mar 22nd from web in reply to KikiValdes
2384. Science is the only way humanity has found to emerge from superstition 8:03 PM Mar 21st from web
2385. @enki09 @TheBusyBrain those r cool: -I used to chase these as a kid -They're great 7:57 PM Mar 21st from web in reply to enki09
2386. How our biological receptors might work -Click on the pictures - 7:44 PM Mar 21st from web
2387. Sometimes doing nothing is better than doing something........? 7:43 PM Mar 21st from web
2388. We all spend time doing things that may be illogical or pointless, but it is often difficult to know what is the best action to take ------- 7:32 PM Mar 21st from web
2389. 64% of statistics are made up 7:29 PM Mar 21st from web
2390. 90% of life is half mental 7:27 PM Mar 21st from web
2391. Click on the pretty pictures - 6:40 PM Mar 21st from web
2392. Exploring the internet for articles or studies linking cysteine or thiol electrostatics to protein or receptor responses 6:35 PM Mar 21st from web
2393. Be the first to know - what is the meaning of life? 2:47 PM Mar 21st from web
2394. @_McLaughlin Business is the art of extracting money from another man's pocket without resorting to violence. -I'm not very good at that... 2:44 PM Mar 21st from web in reply to _McLaughlin
2395. Just a tatoo on the skin of life... 2:43 PM Mar 21st from web
2396. Where's my wing man? 12:25 PM Mar 21st from web
2397. Comparison searches -Yahoo:; MSN:; GOOGLE: 12:19 PM Mar 21st from web
2398. Isn't spring great when it's freezing outside? 12:14 PM Mar 21st from web
2399. Contemplating my navel.... 7:32 AM Mar 21st from web
2400. This is our niche - Agonist/antagonist combinations - 5:25 AM Mar 21st from web
2401. @New_Invention I have one real fear.........that True Love doesn't exist... -Don't worry, it exists. 5:20 AM Mar 21st from web in reply to New_Invention
2402. Some people (I'm not naming names) need to stop tweeting and go to sleep... 5:17 AM Mar 21st from web
2403. Our philosophy is that accurate descriptions of drug-receptor interactions will lead to better pharmaceuticals 5:08 AM Mar 21st from web
2404. Compositions to enhance the efficacy and safety of bio-pharmaceutical drugs [6593094] http://www.freepatentsonlin... 5:05 AM Mar 21st from web
2405. Building democracy? 5:04 AM Mar 21st from web
2406. The next big scandal? 5:02 AM Mar 21st from web
2407. Everyone's strange but me and thee and sometimes I think thee is a bit strange... 9:05 PM Mar 20th from web
2408. Some people don't follow many or any people -Is that because they aren't interested in other people? 9:02 PM Mar 20th from web
2409. Another tip: When cutting onions & crying put your wrists under cold running water. 9:00 PM Mar 20th from web
2410. Tip of the day: If you have mold anywhere use clorox cleanup or dilute bleach to zap it. Just be careful not to get it on colored fabrics 8:58 PM Mar 20th from web
2411. @digg_science Hippo Sweat Could Lead to Better Sun Protection: -Pity the poor guy who has to collect it 8:55 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to digg_science
2412. @xenijardin YOU ARE ALL FAMOUS NOW. -I don't know how to handle it. 8:53 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to xenijardin
2413. @Joi Have to write Syllabus for my Online Journalism. Any links, thoughts would be appreciated -links 8:51 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to Joi
2414. @NewYorkTechJobs IT SECURITY HACKER HEDGE FUND $$$ - Huxley Associates - NY - Manhattan ( -Is this job legal? 8:49 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to NewYorkTechJobs
2415. Just forget everything I've tweeted... 8:47 PM Mar 20th from web
2416. Arguments, crazy ideas and open communication are the lifeblood of science. 8:44 PM Mar 20th from web
2417. Are Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? 8:39 PM Mar 20th from web
2418. Following people... 8:37 PM Mar 20th from web
2419. Where do missing tweets go? 8:30 PM Mar 20th from web
2420. example of a missing tweet - @rekouche I'm trying to cheer myself up by using my negativity.. My God, please tell me how you do this 4:15 PM Mar 20th from web
2421. I'm a Highly Ineffective Blogger - 4:11 PM Mar 20th from web
2422. @rekouche I'm trying to cheer myself up by using my negativity against itself... My God, please tell me how you do this As in math -1x-1 4:04 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to rekouche
2423. @rekouche The human brain is on the edge of chaos: -I was strangely attracted to this article... 3:47 PM Mar 20th from web in reply to rekouche
2424. I'm trying to cheer myself up by using my negativity against itself... 3:42 PM Mar 20th from web
2425. Gee Whiz - Do you suppose that the rich & powerful will get most of the bailout money? 3:37 PM Mar 20th from web
2426. Dear Followers, Be prepared - the little guy is going to be squeezed even more. 3:35 PM Mar 20th from web
2427. Forget AIG - Are Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? -Where's the press? 2:19 PM Mar 20th from web
2428. Are Lobbyists and Members of Congress Receiving Bailout Money? 2:19 PM Mar 20th from web
2429. Seeeking refuge in our world of tweets... 1:42 PM Mar 20th from web
2430. The purpose of life? 1:31 PM Mar 20th from web
2431. Gentle Followers, Be forewarned, the predatory lenders are still out there. 1:01 PM Mar 20th from web
2432. Time for weddings? - 12:59 PM Mar 20th from web
2433. I've got so many degrees, my brain is running a fever 12:58 PM Mar 20th from web
2434. Dear Members of Congress, Those without sin should cast the first stone. 12:57 PM Mar 20th from web
2435. An overlooked problem? 12:55 PM Mar 20th from web
2436. One place you can always find happiness -the dictionary 12:53 PM Mar 20th from web
2437. I guess the lobbyist news is starting to break - 12:51 PM Mar 20th from web
2438. Scientists, like other human beings, can always be counted upon to do the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities first. 12:49 PM Mar 20th from web
2439. I have Twitter followers, but will they follow me anywhere? 9:56 AM Mar 20th from web
2440. #followfriday Anyone else shocked that lobbyists (then Congress?) might be paid from the bailout money? 9:55 AM Mar 20th from web
2441. @BoingBoing If You Don't Trust People You Know, It's Over. Trust, but verify. 9:50 AM Mar 20th from web in reply to BoingBoing
2442. Drugs on the backs of cows ? -We do it better: 9:48 AM Mar 20th from web
2443. The world is a strange place that is becoming more strange... 9:30 AM Mar 20th from web
2444. Does anyone think that Tres. Sec. Geithner can do his job with all the testimony & news interviews & with everyone looking over his shoulder 9:29 AM Mar 20th from web
2445. It's raining money somewhere, but I'm staying warm & dry. I have my love to keep me warm... 9:27 AM Mar 20th from web
2446. Bailout money to lobbyists? -Absolutely shocked Shocked 9:26 AM Mar 20th from web
2447. One man's tweet is another man's twitter... 8:30 AM Mar 20th from web
2448. Core democratic values? 8:29 AM Mar 20th from web
2449. Our core democratic values - 8:27 AM Mar 20th from web
2450. Are the Pols grandstanding to reflect blame? When did they know & what did they do? Are we all without blame? Do we all fix all the wrongs? 8:26 AM Mar 20th from web
2451. They're trying to get us to spend our hard earned money that we haven't earned... 8:24 AM Mar 20th from web
2452. Do we know enough to know better? 8:23 AM Mar 20th from web
2453. The first day of spring & it snows? -Sign of the times? 8:22 AM Mar 20th from web
2454. The money is starting to flow, but I haven't seen any of it... 8:19 AM Mar 20th from web
2455. Compositions to enhance the efficacy and safety of bio-pharmaceutical drugs [6593094] http://www.freepatentsonlin... 8:18 AM Mar 20th from web
2456. We're at the top of this search too - 8:17 AM Mar 20th from web
2457. Drug compositions to prevent desensitization of cellular receptors [6673558] http://www.freepatentsonlin... 8:14 AM Mar 20th from web
2458. While we're at it, perhaps we should also reform the way Congress does business... 8:13 AM Mar 20th from web
2459. Method for determining drug compositions to prevent desensitization of cellular receptors [5597699] 8:12 AM Mar 20th from web
2460. 8:10 AM Mar 20th from web
2461. The philosophy behind Bio Balance is that accurate descriptions of drug-receptor interactions will lead to better pharmaceuticals. 8:08 AM Mar 20th from web
2462. Are bailout dollars going to pay lobbyists? 8:08 AM Mar 20th from web
2463. To Tweet or not to tweet, that is the question. 7:05 PM Mar 19th from web
2464. Astral body or crucifixtion? 7:01 PM Mar 19th from web
2465. Get this book or the cat dies 7:00 PM Mar 19th from web
2466. Anyone ready for the fundamental equation of equilibrium? Here it is - 6:59 PM Mar 19th from web
2467. Is the true purpose of life to spread itself throughout the universe? 6:33 PM Mar 19th from web
2468. Should we follow our followers? 6:32 PM Mar 19th from web
2469. The age of want may have begun... 6:15 PM Mar 19th from web
2470. #MrTweet I recommend @MomsWhoSave because you can find some great deals 4:28 PM Mar 18th from MrTweet
2471. @wnyc The chairman of AIG has told Congress he's asked executives to give back their bonuses. -What about paying lobbyists should they stop? 2:02 PM Mar 18th from web in reply to wnyc
2472. Made it to the top at least for this search - 2:00 PM Mar 18th from web
2473. Entrenched interests need to detrench 1:44 PM Mar 18th from web
2474. @bbcnews The United Nations food agency will give food aid to more than double the number of people... What about 1:43 PM Mar 18th from web in reply to bbcnews
2475. AIG: Stop the political grandstanding - Congress lends money with no oversight, then is shocked that it is being used for business excesses 1:06 PM Mar 18th from web
2476. Sometimes you have to beat the bush for the leopard to show his spots... 1:04 PM Mar 18th from web
2477. Why Agonist/Antagonist Drug Combinations Work - 10:49 AM Mar 18th from web
2478. These are fast changing times - America and the world seem to be headed in new directions - only Twitter can keep up? 10:45 AM Mar 18th from web
2479. Let's outlaw Credit Default Swaps (CDS) - they're just the big boys' poker game 10:25 AM Mar 18th from web
2480. Let's do away with the fine print in all legal contracts 10:11 AM Mar 18th from web
2481. @jbhathaw On jury duty- already bored, a bad sign. -Do your duty - Jury Duty is one our most important duties as citizens. 8:50 AM Mar 18th from web in reply to jbhathaw
2482. Oliver Sacks wrote about his attempt to awaken patients suffering from encephalitis lethargica . 8:47 AM Mar 18th from web
2483. A biophysical model for receptor activation - 8:34 AM Mar 18th from web
2484. Receptor Structure to Function - 8:31 AM Mar 18th from web
2485. The real deal - 8:27 AM Mar 18th from web
2486. Congress - stop dragging everyone in to testify for cheap political spectacle - let them do their jobs to get us out of this economic crises 8:24 AM Mar 18th from web
2487. Desensitization of a balance with Langmuir binding of weights. arXiv - 10:36 PM Mar 17th from web
2488. As Winston famously said, Americans can be counted on to do the right thing after exhausting all other possibilities first. 10:33 PM Mar 17th from web
2489. @bbcnews Beavers would bring many benefits to the English countryside, By god the bloody Brits have found beavers 10:32 PM Mar 17th from web in reply to bbcnews
2490. Do we really think that we can stop or reverse global warming? -maybe the recession will help? 10:30 PM Mar 17th from web
2491. Some tech links - 10:28 PM Mar 17th from web
2492. In New York City, they say that you're not really doing anything unless you're being sued... 10:27 PM Mar 17th from web
2493. AIG 10:25 PM Mar 17th from web
2494. Waldorf hotel today - business meeting - hopeful can turn it around... 10:23 PM Mar 17th from web
2495. 63% of statistics are made up 10:19 PM Mar 17th from web
2496. 50% of people are above average. 10:18 PM Mar 17th from web
2497. We're at the top of GOOGLE search for this particular one - 10:16 PM Mar 17th from web
2498. Hopeful life is what you make it, but sometimes it is very rough... 10:14 PM Mar 17th from web
2499. Is transplantation unethical? 9:50 AM Mar 17th from web
2500. Why Aren't Drugs Safer? - 9:45 AM Mar 17th from web
2501. Wedding Veils - 9:43 AM Mar 17th from web
2502. Painos at great prices - no reasonable offer refused -call 9:43 AM Mar 17th from web
2503. We seem to be poised at many tipping points..... 9:41 AM Mar 17th from web
2504. This week's Newsweek cover: I want you to start spending -Who? The beaten up consumer? How about the banks, corporations & hedge funds? 9:39 AM Mar 17th from web
2505. For all of the stimulus money being pumped into the economy, I haven't seen one dime of it. Guess I'm out of the loop. 7:41 AM Mar 17th from web
2506. Organ donation protocols are flawed and unethical - 7:08 AM Mar 17th from web
2507. I don't follow the Mime @TheMime anymore because he didn't respond to me........................ 7:00 AM Mar 17th from web
2508. @tweetalot TWEAK receptor [6238884] - really is: End selection in directed evolution 6:53 AM Mar 17th from web in reply to tweetalot
2509. I don't care whether people follow me or not.... 6:47 AM Mar 17th from web
2510. @New_Invention New_InventionVery pleased to discover 'sumac' is a real word. Even means what I want. - Isn't it a type of bush? 6:46 AM Mar 17th from web in reply to New_Invention
2511. Links to jobs and more - 6:39 AM Mar 17th from web
2512. Major organ transplantation may be unethical - 6:34 AM Mar 17th from web
2513. @amFIX Madoff - a complex man - weak in some respects - self-delusional & a megalomaniac 6:18 AM Mar 17th from web in reply to amFIX
2514. @OrganicLinker OrganicLinker@stephenfry - Said the actress to the bishop - Or the masochist to the sadist? 5:30 PM Mar 16th from web in reply to OrganicLinker
2515. Should the US disengage from some areas of the world, or are we the defacto world policeman? 5:28 PM Mar 16th from web
2516. Edit your Twitter Profile here - 2:53 PM Mar 16th from web
2517. Can Twitterers collectively help people to learn? 2:21 PM Mar 16th from web
2518. Can we make drugs that are safer & more effective? 2:20 PM Mar 16th from web
2519. References, science fair projects, links, molecular pictures and more - 1:04 PM Mar 16th from web
2520. If we could look back in time - 1:03 PM Mar 16th from web
2521. 5-HT - 1:02 PM Mar 16th from web
2522. @raquelita raquelitaSomeone's published a My Life in Tweets book Must've been short 1:00 PM Mar 16th from web in reply to raquelita
2523. @jerrymichalski @hardaway Brain Aware Week we should understand how receptors work 12:55 PM Mar 16th from web in reply to jerrymichalski
2524. Explore where receptors are found on the surface of our cells -Click the pictures... 12:40 PM Mar 16th from web
2525. If you missed it - here's hoe our cellular receptors might work to signal our cells 12:37 PM Mar 16th from web
2526. Too much credit or too little credit (lending) - not the point. Too many predatory lenders with the fees & fine print is the problem. 12:30 PM Mar 16th from web
2527. Anyone want to discuss receptor activation? 10:56 AM Mar 16th from web
2528. However, there sure are many interesting people out there 10:54 AM Mar 16th from web
2529. I guess it doesn't pay to follow more than 2,000 people becuz most tweets just wasted 10:54 AM Mar 16th from web
2530. Here's what my Twitter account says, You follow 2000 people. Invite more But it won't let me. Guess, I'll have to unfollow some... 10:02 AM Mar 16th from web
2531. @taccah The future will be better for you. I will watch for your updates if I can. 9:57 AM Mar 16th from web in reply to taccah
2532. @nosilencehere Opana (oxymorphone) is a narcotic pain medicine used to treat moderate to severe pain. Molecules are very powerful 9:55 AM Mar 16th from web in reply to nosilencehere
2533. @247hotinfo who knew models could riot? Aren't they so starved that they can barely move? 9:51 AM Mar 16th from web in reply to 247hotinfo
2534. We only crave more power because we're insecure... 9:49 AM Mar 16th from web
2535. Funny how some of the people who were asleep at the switch for the last 5-10 years are the loudest to complain about the economy now? 9:47 AM Mar 16th from web
2536. Find the receptor and win a prize (knowledge) - 9:40 AM Mar 16th from web
2537. I've hit my following limit -who knew? More rules are coming - we're entering the more rules the better age 9:38 AM Mar 16th from web
2538. 1 Tweet: I can't explain and I won't even try. ignorant or indifferent? 9:35 AM Mar 16th from web
2539. A way to use desensitization to improve drugs? 9:31 AM Mar 16th from web
2540. My nephew has peanut allergies - perhaps this would help? 9:29 AM Mar 16th from web
2541. Curing peanut allergies? An example of using desensitization to our advantage - 9:27 AM Mar 16th from web
2542. The biggest molecule on the web? 9:23 AM Mar 16th from web
2543. Through Twitter we can go around the world and even into space - truly amazing... 9:22 AM Mar 16th from web
2544. @cookietweet Fortune cookies through Twitter without the calories and free -It doesn't get anybetter than that. 9:21 AM Mar 16th from web in reply to cookietweet
2545. It's so nice to find a fresh twitterer or twitterie? to follow 9:19 AM Mar 16th from web
2546. To err is human; love divine... 8:45 AM Mar 16th from web
2547. What we look like to aliens - 8:44 AM Mar 16th from web
2548. Just give Dick Cheney a shotgun and send him to Afghanistan to clean up the mess... 8:23 AM Mar 16th from web
2549. @aBigDorkyDimwit @amFIX AIG execs get bonuses - Just propping up the big boys who made bad bets on credit default swaps. 8:21 AM Mar 16th from web in reply to aBigDorkyDimwit
2550. I leave you to your final tweets... Tweet dreams 9:50 PM Mar 15th from web
2551. Linker picture shows the yellow cysteine - 9:43 PM Mar 15th from web
2552. Have we reached a trillion tweets yet? 9:41 PM Mar 15th from web
2553. Soothing sounds - snapping gum, rustling paper, sharply turning magazine pages.... 9:40 PM Mar 15th from web
2554. Did you know that there are five kinds of sexes: Fems, Merms, True Hermaphrodites and male & female? 9:39 PM Mar 15th from web
2555. This thiol stuff may be taking off - 9:25 PM Mar 15th from web
2556. Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Jobs Links: 9:20 PM Mar 15th from web
2557. Regional nyc links - 9:19 PM Mar 15th from web
2558. How do drugs bind to their target receptors? - 9:08 PM Mar 15th from web
2559. Beautiful handmade wedding veils - 9:07 PM Mar 15th from web
2560. LA Real Estate -Is now the time to buy? http://www.dreamhomesbynanc... 9:06 PM Mar 15th from web
2561. Famous website developer - 9:03 PM Mar 15th from web
2562. My following to follower ratio is about 3 to 1 - what does it mean? Some people don't follow anyone.... 9:02 PM Mar 15th from web
2563. Don't dress to kill, dress to maim 8:44 PM Mar 15th from web
2564. Is everything becoming free? 8:40 PM Mar 15th from web
2565. Some Tech links - PM Mar 15th from web
2566. Click the pictures - 8:38 PM Mar 15th from web
2567. @serious_skeptic Hashtags bug me. Make that #hashtags? 8:34 PM Mar 15th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
2568. Twitter #recipes? already cooked rice + olive oil + garlic + assorted vegetables + meat if desired pre cooked, combined and fried = glop. 8:32 PM Mar 15th from web
2569. Twitter recipes? already cooked rice + olive oil + garlic + assorted vegetables + meat if desired pre cooked, combined and fried = glop. 8:31 PM Mar 15th from web
2570. @TheMime ................................................................. ? 8:05 PM Mar 15th from web in reply to TheMime
2571. Over 20 years of research - 8:03 PM Mar 15th from web
2572. Two states are better than one - 8:02 PM Mar 15th from web
2573. 17 month old neice - no need for a gym membership. 8:02 PM Mar 15th from web
2574. receptor, thiol, redox receptor response 1:10 PM Mar 15th from web
2575. #asthma or #copd Anyone find that they have to use more and more of their inhalers to get the same results? 1:03 PM Mar 15th from web
2576. Has greed taken over the world? 12:59 PM Mar 15th from web
2577. A balance that does not tremble can not weigh - A man that does not tremble can not live - 12:53 PM Mar 15th from web
2578. How many countries are less wealthy than the top 20 wealthiest people? 12:51 PM Mar 15th from web
2579. What % of patents are profitable? 12:50 PM Mar 15th from web
2580. For those wishing to leave - 12:50 PM Mar 15th from web
2581. Would someone please publish The Handy Guide to Life's Inevitabilities 12:48 PM Mar 15th from web
2582. Telemarketer kept calling, so I made gurgling sounds and they hung up... 12:44 PM Mar 15th from web
2583. Patents don't make you rich 12:43 PM Mar 15th from web
2584. The Dignity of the Struggle & the Struggle for Dignity...12:42 PM Mar 15th from web
2585. Nobody ever understood you as the delicate flower of love that you are 12:40 PM Mar 15th from web
2586. @hsplete Inhaled corticosteroid cuts need for asthma rescue meds... #AAAAAI09 NSAIDs might also help. 12:38 PM Mar 15th from web in reply to hsplete
2587. @knwachter #AAAAI09 role of bacterial/viral infections in young kids ... asthma? Answers are lacking. Experiments difficult to do. 12:36 PM Mar 15th from web in reply to knwachter
2588. @quickcrimson @rlanzara Managed to get the right answer for the balance problem -Great - it gets more complicated 12:28 PM Mar 15th from web in reply to quickcrimson
2589. Is poverty increasing in America & the world? 12:23 PM Mar 15th from web
2590. 17mo neice sleeping - let sleeping babies lie... 12:22 PM Mar 15th from web
2591. @serious_skeptic Had a visit from Mr. Insomnia last night, so a wee bit late in getting up this morning. How's everybody? Fine, Orpheus came 10:21 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
2592. Want to buy a piano? Call them, they have many more than on this sight - 10:16 AM Mar 15th from web
2593. @tweetalot N-p-propargyloxyphenethyl-thioacetic acid amides [7105545] Thiol -antifungal interesting - 10:15 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to tweetalot
2594. Find the link and win - 10:00 AM Mar 15th from web
2595. Will Twitters take over the world someday? 10:00 AM Mar 15th from web
2596. @CNNMoney OPEC looking for ways to prop up oil prices: Read full story for latest details. - right, we need this? 9:55 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to CNNMoney
2597. Click the Picts - 9:54 AM Mar 15th from web
2598. Substance, we need more substance... 9:52 AM Mar 15th from web
2599. Just as patriotism is the refuge of scoundrels, capitalism is the refuge of crooks 9:51 AM Mar 15th from web
2600. Bio Balance - 9:46 AM Mar 15th from web
2601. If you're smart on Twitter, does that make you a TwitterWit? 9:44 AM Mar 15th from web
2602. #haiku Tweets released into the torrent of tweets traveling to oblivion 9:44 AM Mar 15th from web
2603. Honesty is contaminated innocense to the damned 8:51 AM Mar 15th from web
2604. Is there room for balance in #education ? 8:48 AM Mar 15th from web
2605. @joemd How would you define healthy distrust? Knowing that people can and often do lie either intentionally or unintentionally 8:44 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to joemd
2606. signal transduction - 8:41 AM Mar 15th from web
2607. Explore a receptor on a cell - 8:38 AM Mar 15th from web
2608. All things in moderation - even moderation... 8:29 AM Mar 15th from web
2609. @GStephanopoulos AIG - It's like a gardener letting the rabbits eat the vegetables that the family will need for the coming winter. 8:15 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to GStephanopoulos
2610. 50% believe that they are smarter than most people - someone has to be right 8:11 AM Mar 15th from web
2611. Still no #receptor people.... 8:06 AM Mar 15th from web
2612. Well, I found the science people - #science 8:05 AM Mar 15th from web
2613. Why do all of our senses follow a simple physical law? – fascinating 7:32 AM Mar 15th from web
2614. Nobody listens to me - not even my computer 7:27 AM Mar 15th from web
2615. Langmuir - & 7:25 AM Mar 15th from web
2616. @tweetalot Optical encoder ...for harmonic suppression [5981942] *harmonic suppression* - that's something to sink your teeth into 7:13 AM Mar 15th from web in reply to tweetalot
2617. Yesterday - great day with my 17mo neice in central park - better than the gym - the way to staying young - take care of them... 7:11 AM Mar 15th from web
2618. *AIG stands by need for bonuses - -Yeah, otherwise they'd lose their talent ? 7:10 AM Mar 15th from web
2619. Why are tiny molecules so powerful? 5:24 PM Mar 14th from web
2620. Enhanced Pharmaceuticals - 5:24 PM Mar 14th from web
2621. scary when you click on your photo and it gets big 5:23 PM Mar 14th from web
2622. Hubble looking at an area 1/100 the size of the moon can see thousands of galaxies13 billion light-years away 5:22 PM Mar 14th from web
2623. The trouble with a two-way street is that you have to walk the right way to get where you're going 5:16 PM Mar 14th from web
2624. What NonTwitters don't understand is that Twitter people are funny and interesting 5:04 PM Mar 14th from web
2625. #Agonist/Antagonist Combinations - 4:56 PM Mar 14th from web
2626. - Optimal Agonist/Antagonist Combinations Maintain Receptor Response by Preventing Desensitization 4:54 PM Mar 14th from web
2627. Watching my son waste vast amounts of time playing Floodit on GOOGLE. 4:51 PM Mar 14th from web
2628. 5HT (5-hydroxytryptamine or serotonin) - PM Mar 14th from web
2629. 4:33 PM Mar 14th from web
2630. A smarter way to combat world hunger - 4:33 PM Mar 14th from web
2631. @tabykatt #ASP is a Server-Side Language - 4:25 PM Mar 14th from web in reply to tabykatt
2632. GOOGLE search of the elusive electrostatic mechanism of receptor activation - 4:22 PM Mar 14th from web
2633. Neither snow, heat, rain nor gloom of night keeps me from tweeting. 4:20 PM Mar 14th from web
2634. So many tweets that you can't catch them all... 4:16 PM Mar 14th from web
2635. Here, Oliver Sacks - 4:11 PM Mar 14th from web
2636. Need to control anger intelligently 4:09 PM Mar 14th from web
2637. @tweetalot High temperature storage battery [5031207] - Now you're tweeting 4:08 PM Mar 14th from web in reply to tweetalot
2638. I'm just a finite man in an infinitely expanding universe... Where's the mime when I need him? ....... 4:07 PM Mar 14th from web
2639. Devilish Complexity of Cysteine Modulation in Protein Function - 4:05 PM Mar 14th from web
2640. Of Many Books And Much Learning There Is No End - ombamltine - http://ombamltine.blogspot.... 4:04 PM Mar 14th from web
2641. What's the record number of tweets in a row? Some people seem to be able to get multiple tweets together. 4:02 PM Mar 14th from web
2642. Linker - 4:00 PM Mar 14th from web
2643. @MParekh RT @fredwilson: Taking kids btwn 5 & 10 to NYC? Also, best place to go is Centrla Park. We just took our neice, 17mo, there. 3:59 PM Mar 14th from web in reply to MParekh
2644. @xenijardin These remote regions show that the whole world is becoming more aware 9:51 AM Mar 14th from web in reply to xenijardin
2645. Right now, as we twitter, there are many smart people figuring out ways to extract money from your wallet - become aware now... 9:41 AM Mar 14th from web
2646. Two-states of a receptor - electrostatic 9:40 AM Mar 14th from web
2647. Some useful links - 9:39 AM Mar 14th from web
2648. Huffpost - The Demise of Investigative Journalism (Let it load, Huffpost needs less ads to load better/faster) 9:38 AM Mar 14th from web
2649. Scientific article on preventing cancer All drugs have a risk/benefit ratio 9:24 AM Mar 14th from web
2650. @bloggermedia I hear that it's better to be lucky than right... 8:41 AM Mar 14th from web in reply to Xenra
2651. Some useful job links - 8:28 AM Mar 14th from web
2652. @TIME SWAMPLAND: Scary Story of the Day: -The predatory greed was just too much, but alas will happen again 8:27 AM Mar 14th from web in reply to TIME
2653. A smarter way to combat hunger - 8:24 AM Mar 14th from web
2654. Tile Art 2008 - a set on Flickr Beautiful Something cellular and biological about it. 8:19 AM Mar 14th from web
2655. @debasispradhan Artistic Wedding Veils - 8:17 AM Mar 14th from web in reply to debasispradhan
2656. Repeat: Trying to get a rise out of the mime ( @TheMime ). ................ 8:05 AM Mar 14th from web
2657. Interesting that the map is thin in areas such as pharmacology & public health - two areas that I favor as being very important to us humans 7:53 AM Mar 14th from web
2658. Here's the web map of science - hot off the presses 7:52 AM Mar 14th from web
2659. Interesting - 11:03 PM Mar 13th from web
2660. @laketrees looking at amazing graphite portraits They are great 10:57 PM Mar 13th from web
2661. Our biological receptors seem to be modulated by free cysteine or thiol groups - 10:44 PM Mar 13th from web
2662. This article took us 10 years - if you want to see the Adobe pdf, click here: 10:42 PM Mar 13th from web
2663. Why Aren't Drugs Safer? 10:41 PM Mar 13th from web
2664. Look at the electrostatics on these molecules 10:39 PM Mar 13th from web
2665. Many interesting people - such little time - like a window on the world 10:36 PM Mar 13th from web
2666. 140 and that's it 10:36 PM Mar 13th from web
2667. 10:29 PM Mar 13th from web
2668. ....... 10:26 PM Mar 13th from web
2669. Advice: Let it smoulder 'til it hurts. 10:26 PM Mar 13th from web
2670. When we reply to a tweet, the return link should go back to that specific tweet - it would be easier to follow comments, yes – no? 10:22 PM Mar 13th from web
2671. If you don't sleep, you've got to eat. 10:10 PM Mar 13th from web
2672. @AlexKaris Intro to Hashtagging - -3 hastags – Never 10:08 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to AlexKaris
2673. Click on the big molecule to see the electrostatics on that molecule 10:06 PM Mar 13th from web
2674. Part of twittering is self immolation to get attention 7:20 PM Mar 13th from web
2675. Comic Relief is the blind following the blind - everyone trying to build up more followers 7:17 PM Mar 13th from web
2676. @Diollan Our house functions 24/7/365 one son is up all night so I'm talking with him by twittering since we're in different time zones 7:06 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to Diollan
2677. @diollan Right, Greg? 7:05 PM Mar 13th from web
2678. Our house functions 24/7/365 one son is up all night IMing, etc I'm talking with him by twittering since we're in different time zones 7:04 PM Mar 13th from web
2679. Stop bashing facebook they're just trying to make a buck like every one else 7:01 PM Mar 13th from web
2680. @googlenewsent Anna Nicole Smiths boyfriend was enabler - The Associated Press: Aren't we all in our own ways? 6:56 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to googlenewsent
2681. @mosteinbach Remember when flip flops used to be called Thongs? I thought a thong was what Monica wore to entice Bill? 6:55 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to mosteinbach
2682. Was it my imagination or was the RedBull truck driving faster than anyone else? 6:53 PM Mar 13th from web
2683. Money makes people do very strange things. 6:51 PM Mar 13th from web
2684. I'll bet I could get many followers if I just say something about making money... 6:51 PM Mar 13th from web
2685. Or look at @themime with over 7,000 followers? I've tried............., but never receive a reply, not even a . 6:49 PM Mar 13th from web
2686. I mean look at @tweetalot - is it a mindless bot streaming patents with 257 followers? 6:47 PM Mar 13th from web
2687. If you're loosing followers, maybe that's a sign that you're doing something right 6:45 PM Mar 13th from web
2688. @samharrelson Following up @jangro's excellent post about Twitter following and sanity: -yeah, but interesting people 6:19 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to samharrelson
2689. @openzine Good advice from openzine - How To Avoid a Bird Attack Now how about those scammers like Madoff. 6:12 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to openzine
2690. Madoff - who would have been suspicious of a guy named made-off - Interesting wiki post - 6:05 PM Mar 13th from web
2691. The Chihuahua and Great Dane are both dogs, but... -If you want, check GOOGLE - 5:31 PM Mar 13th from web
2692. @PamDH Can someone lead a country by committee? Not unless they have multiple personality disorder 5:23 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to PamDH
2693. Don't click this link - 5:22 PM Mar 13th from web
2694. @serious_skeptic ...she was 'in hope'. Hope is a way better way to live than denial... Maybe that's why religions are so popular? 5:21 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
2695. @emilychang thanks for 20 years of the web, sir tim berners-lee Doing what it was supposed to do? OK, who cares 5:17 PM Mar 13th from web
2696. @FutureTechie Nice blog The Cyborgs are here 5:12 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to FutureTechie
2697. e4 5:04 PM Mar 13th from web
2698. @scifri Looked for pi and only found n. I still say pi = (2*lni)/i and my Erdos number is i . 5:04 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to scifri
2699. Alright already, #followfriday 5:00 PM Mar 13th from web
2700. Food has invaded Twitter, soon sex will follow - be prepared. 4:59 PM Mar 13th from web
2701. Biotech breakthrough? 4:55 PM Mar 13th from web
2702. Can we get beyond food recipes and release our inner cook? -Just go for it If you fail, you still have to eat it - no waste experiments... 4:54 PM Mar 13th from web
2703. @HealthSaaS Are you familiar with Pain Therapeutics (PTIE) and their approach to pain management? 4:44 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to HealthSaaS
2704. We love the 13th - use to take the 3 boys & family to Frost Valley - 13yrs in cabin 13 - great memories 4:42 PM Mar 13th from web
2705. AH, it's only money... 4:40 PM Mar 13th from web
2706. Nice graphic of $trillion - can pay mortages of everyone for 14mos? 4:39 PM Mar 13th from web
2707. @ClaireHammond The answer for Ugly something beautiful: - I'd like to second that one 4:33 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to ClaireHammond
2708. @Angelina__Jolie This could be the real you, but I wonder which of my fabulous tweets made you want to follow me? I hope you're not a bot 4:32 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to Angelina__Jolie
2709. I'm shocked There are fake Twitter accounts (Social Media Marketing see - ) 4:21 PM Mar 13th from web
2710. Website developer for the stars Seriously, check it out 4:08 PM Mar 13th from web
2711. There are some things, which I haven't done that make me thankful and happy that I've not done them. 4:07 PM Mar 13th from web
2712. Stop Twittering and Live 4:06 PM Mar 13th from web
2713. I'm appealing to the angles of my better nature - I hope. Sometimes it is difficult to know which is better. 4:06 PM Mar 13th from web
2714. So, what can we collectively do to make this fragile world a better place for our children? 4:04 PM Mar 13th from web
2715. I found this e-mail: Angelina Jolie is now following you on Twitter - Appropriate since Brad was the first to follow me. 4:03 PM Mar 13th from web
2716. Went to the Live Bait Restaurant and Bar to meet with First Round Capital - well organized and quiet - I hope they like my pitch... 3:59 PM Mar 13th from web
2717. Walking along columbus and passed the West Side Pharmacy with John Lennon's picture in the window - it's like an icon... 3:58 PM Mar 13th from web
2718. NYC - outside today - when the wind blows - colder than a witch's tweet 3:57 PM Mar 13th from web
2719. Retweet Retweet Retweet 1:04 PM Mar 13th from web
2720. The mystery behind FOLLOW and UNFOLLOW on Twitter revealed 1:03 PM Mar 13th from web
2721. Social Media Marketing vs. Viral Tweet Pollution 1:00 PM Mar 13th from web
2722. Twitter has the best news 12:56 PM Mar 13th from web
2723. How is it that such very tiny molecules can so profoundly effect us? (see - ) 12:53 PM Mar 13th from web
2724. Second Official announcement: I hereby forgive everyone who is indebted to me. 12:44 PM Mar 13th from web
2725. Has anyone been talking behind my back, while I was gone? 12:41 PM Mar 13th from web
2726. Pictures for lunch? 12:24 PM Mar 13th from web
2727. Electrostatic Potential 12:23 PM Mar 13th from web
2728. Health Alerts as a community service - 12:22 PM Mar 13th from web
2729. What's the best time to Twitter? 12:21 PM Mar 13th from web
2730. Wife to her mom: You spilled the octopus juice all over the chocholate. Now it's going to taste like octopus 12:21 PM Mar 13th from web
2731. Investors no longer know how to value anything. 12:18 PM Mar 13th from web
2732. ....... 12:17 PM Mar 13th from web
2733. It's difficult to be a little bit of a prostitute.... 12:16 PM Mar 13th from web
2734. Here's some useful links - 12:14 PM Mar 13th from web
2735. In the final analysis, if we don't learn the lessons that we're suppose to learn then we'll die wrong. 12:13 PM Mar 13th from web
2736. @jonstewart After Cramer, you mustn't rest on your substantial laurels. The next big thing will be where did the billions (trillions?) go? 12:12 PM Mar 13th from web in reply to jonstewart
2737. Research stuff - 9:58 AM Mar 13th from web
2738. Alright, everyone up - give me ten jumping jacks... 9:57 AM Mar 13th from web
2739. @next_bold_move The speed of things today means that you sometimes don't have to wait until tomorrow for things to be better. 9:57 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to next_bold_move
2740. Click on the pictures - 9:34 AM Mar 13th from web
2741. 5-HT 9:33 AM Mar 13th from web
2742. Sometimes ignoring something is the best way to deal with it. 9:30 AM Mar 13th from web
2743. #AOW ?financial waste - CDS? Are these trillions in bets just a big boy poker game that we taxpayers are covering? 9:00 AM Mar 13th from web
2744. Areas of waste (? #AOW ): include ?fireworks (polluting) ?too much lawn mowing ?too much unnecessary computing ?too many ads ?? 8:59 AM Mar 13th from web
2745. NYC is greener than most people think - we're efficient here - no lawns to mow, minimal roofs to fix, mass transit, central distribution,... 8:56 AM Mar 13th from web
2746. Does our ratio of following/followers tell us something about ourselves? 8:52 AM Mar 13th from web
2747. If anyone wants to learn how our cellular receptors function, click here - Thank you 8:50 AM Mar 13th from web
2748. Checking out the buzz of GOOGLE VOICE - -Aren't there reasons we have more than 1 phone number? 8:48 AM Mar 13th from web
2749. Two receptor states - 8:46 AM Mar 13th from web
2750. Like @gotlib 's - Succes is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm (winston churchill) 8:44 AM Mar 13th from web
2751. An overlooked problem? 8:40 AM Mar 13th from web
2752. Molecules anyone? 8:39 AM Mar 13th from web
2753. Most popular Celebrity Tweets, See - 8:37 AM Mar 13th from web
2754. @StuartThurstan twestival? Tweetstival? 8:29 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to StuartThurstan
2755. @fox4wdaf Gains in HS Graduation Rate Nat. average is only about 75% - everyone peeks at their own time & level 8:19 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to fox4wdaf
2756. It's difficult to be a little bit of a prostitute.... 8:06 AM Mar 13th from web
2757. @cbshealth Alcohol's Effects - drinking impairs older people more than younger Yeah - Celebs & us all - I feel way better not drinking 8:03 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to cbshealth
2758. @maynaseric @bbchealth maynasericWhat do you think an Agent of Change is? - Me, I hope... 7:55 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to maynaseric
2759. Twitter has an MD consult @mdconsult - amazing, I was thinking that this would be great to have just the other day However - caution needed 7:53 AM Mar 13th from web
2760. There's a delicate, difficult & fine balance on Twitter of following & being followed... 7:47 AM Mar 13th from web
2761. @bbchealth Families... have criticised the lack of help and support - The problem with most family crises (emotional, physical, etc.) 7:45 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to bbchealth
2762. @kevinmd EMR platform technologies need to be put through more rigorous testing, but my MD wife says that they save lives. 7:27 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to kevinmd
2763. Official proposal to enhance LOL 1) SFIFTL=SoFunnyIForgotTo Laugh; 2) TH=TeeHee; 3) LSHMTFO=LaughedSoHardMyTeethFellOut - any others? 7:18 AM Mar 13th from web
2764. #ACC09 Wish you'd consider this - 7:14 AM Mar 13th from web
2765. @newscientist The interview with a Dr who says people think themselves ill + the response from MEA = you're both right 7:08 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to newscientist
2766. @elseash Tina Fey is the Hamburger icon (click here - @TinaFey). 7:03 AM Mar 13th from web in reply to elseash
2767. Life is Tweet.... 6:57 AM Mar 13th from web
2768. My profile says that I'm an Entrepreneurial scientist perhaps I could also be a Scientific entrepreneur? 6:57 AM Mar 13th from web
2769. #haiku The Twitterverse is tweet / But Brain is Burning / Burned /Burnt 6:10 AM Mar 13th from web
2770. @TullahomaNews Finally finished Twitter Training. Perhaps we also need Tweeter Training? 8:50 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to TullahomaNews
2771. :-{ ]-: ^;-} @#$%^&*()_+=-0987654321` qwR,.<>?/' ;:|\\\\\|\\\\|\\\\| - just playing 8:47 PM Mar 12th from web
2772. Tweeterholic 8:45 PM Mar 12th from web
2773. Tweetie 8:45 PM Mar 12th from web
2774. So many interesting niches on Twitter @ArlingtonVALib @CityofVaBeach @Microsoft_Gov @cookingupastory 8:38 PM Mar 12th from web
2775. Molecular dynamics of a biophysical model for ?2-adrenergic and GPCR activation 8:18 PM Mar 12th from web
2776. Check the links... 8:13 PM Mar 12th from web
2777. Managing to dig deep and tweet 8:09 PM Mar 12th from web
2778. Tweets are so fleeting.............................. 8:07 PM Mar 12th from web
2779. @mariannaparker Love is not sex 7:44 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to mariannaparker
2780. I tweet therefore I am. 7:43 PM Mar 12th from web
2781. Click around - 7:33 PM Mar 12th from web
2782. Culture may be a part of human evolution 7:33 PM Mar 12th from web
2783. Take a walk on the wild side - 5HT, BUFO & TRYP 7:31 PM Mar 12th from web
2784. I use to be athletic now I'm just thletic... 7:30 PM Mar 12th from web
2785. Picture this - - don't forget to click, click, click... 2:51 PM Mar 12th from web
2786. Retweet Retweet 2:50 PM Mar 12th from web
2787. He's not just another PRETTY face: @stephenfry nails the reason why the press is fascinated with twitter - 2:44 PM Mar 12th from web
2788. @todayshow the Sears Tower will no longer be the Sears Tower Will it still be the top of the Cock ? 2:39 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to todayshow
2789. @dmhx I'm not a fan of 13 hour work days. Kill me now. If you were a Doctor working 60-120 hrs/wk you'd be dead 2:38 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to dmhx
2790. I'm following The Triangle - the most minimal of geometric objects (@TheTriangle) 2:35 PM Mar 12th from web
2791. @wkdutim Somehow it makes sense, Cramer & Martha, the SEC was too busy catching Martha to bother with Madoff... 2:31 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to wkdutim
2792. @tweetalot Unactivated ungulate oocytes to produce a transgenic ungulate by nuclear transfer [7326824] - Has a certain ring to it... 2:26 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to tweetalot
2793. Ever had the feeling that you were being followed? 2:25 PM Mar 12th from web
2794. Electrostatics anyone? 2:23 PM Mar 12th from web
2795. The world is divided between Tweeters and NonTweeters 2:21 PM Mar 12th from web
2796. The mind of man is as strange as the universe 2:18 PM Mar 12th from web
2797. (via @addthis) 2:03 PM Mar 12th from web
2798. It's official, the amount of energy used in twittering can now power Gloversville, New York 1:51 PM Mar 12th from web
2799. How often should one retweet? 1:49 PM Mar 12th from web
2800. ........... 1:48 PM Mar 12th from web
2801. #haiku what is haiku without the link?/ 1:47 PM Mar 12th from web
2802. #haiku anemones like the wind flower/ are born and die upon the wind 1:40 PM Mar 12th from web
2803. RT #Lesser known: 1:32 PM Mar 12th from web
2804. Trying to avoid my existential angst... 1:31 PM Mar 12th from web
2805. Learn science - 1:21 PM Mar 12th from web
2806. If you're all following me - what does that make me, Dear Leader? 1:20 PM Mar 12th from web
2807. @thedelicious Greetings 1:17 PM Mar 12th from web in reply to TheDelicious
2808. Is Twitter getting too commercialized? 1:00 PM Mar 12th from web
2809. Happy scientist 12:49 PM Mar 12th from web
2810. Pfizer appears to have a new breakthrough drug for pancreatic cancer. 8:36 AM Mar 12th from web
2811. How about science? 8:34 AM Mar 12th from web
2812. What's our obsession with food? 8:32 AM Mar 12th from web
2813. Can we make better drugs? 8:24 AM Mar 12th from web
2814. The importance of sulfhydryl modulation in receptor activation - 8:20 AM Mar 12th from web
2815. Biotech & Pharma jobs & more 8:18 AM Mar 12th from web
2816. Does anyone out there still doubt the power of molecules? (see - ) 8:15 AM Mar 12th from web
2817. The problem with the stock market is no one seems to know how to value the securities when they range 20-90% in value. 8:15 AM Mar 12th from web
2818. Do tweets have a market to market value? 8:13 AM Mar 12th from web
2819. Out of the link loops - 7:17 AM Mar 12th from web
2820. ....7:17 AM Mar 12th from web
2821. Checking out a great new program called wikirank 7:15 AM Mar 12th from web
2822. @biochemnews We're modulating & more (see - 6:48 AM Mar 12th from web in reply to biochemnews
2823. Are we evolving into cyborgs? 6:30 AM Mar 12th from web
2824. Do we all have a digital future? 6:29 AM Mar 12th from web
2825. RT Asthmatics: new article - problem meds - use ours? 6:27 AM Mar 12th from web
2826. @heartnsoul I especially like the part about balance 6:03 AM Mar 12th from web in reply to heartnsoul
2827. Let's all support our followers 5:58 AM Mar 12th from web
2828. I was pleasantly surprised that in a random sample of my followers, all were using favorites 5:57 AM Mar 12th from web
2829. If there is sleepwalking is there sleeptweeting? 5:42 AM Mar 12th from web
2830. The agonism & antagonism 5:40 AM Mar 12th from web
2831. #receptors 5:37 AM Mar 12th from web
2832. RT *Receptors 5:37 AM Mar 12th from web
2833. @TheMime .... 5:36 AM Mar 12th from web in reply to TheMime
2834. I'm a prisoner of love in a world full of hate 5:30 AM Mar 12th from web
2835. Science ideas to protect the earth - 1) GW -sowing SO2 into the upper atmosphere & 2) deflecting asteroids -are we protectors or destroyers? 1:04 PM Mar 11th from web
2836. A new picture route - 12:58 PM Mar 11th from web
2837. Fame is put in its place in New York as is so many other things... 12:55 PM Mar 11th from web
2838. @Bethenny Saw you at Barnes and Noble on the westside. I didn't say hello, but you're looking good & busy. We westsiders should charge. 12:54 PM Mar 11th from web in reply to Bethenny
2839. Biotech startup - 7:44 AM Mar 11th from web
2840. As a true scientist, I must entertain the idea that I could be wrong. 7:43 AM Mar 11th from web
2841. The one scientific fact I know: Weber's Law Modeled by the Mathematical Description of a Beam Balance, Math. Biosciences 122: 89-94 (1994) 7:42 AM Mar 11th from web
2842. And the famous 5HT2A receptor pict - 7:37 AM Mar 11th from web
2843. 7:36 AM Mar 11th from web
2844. More electrostatic picts - 7:36 AM Mar 11th from web
2845. Click on the receptor - 7:35 AM Mar 11th from web
2846. Miraculous - 7:30 AM Mar 11th from web
2847. Molecular electrostatics? 7:28 AM Mar 11th from web
2848. Health Alerts as a community service - 7:26 AM Mar 11th from web
2849. Anyone suffer from a broken heart? See - 7:25 AM Mar 11th from web
2850. Fun clicking links - 7:23 AM Mar 11th from web
2851. Can you find the link? 7:21 AM Mar 11th from web
2852. Can I say that Twitter is a hoot or is that too owlish? 7:18 AM Mar 11th from web
2853. @god Darest I reply? I now follow g-d on t-r Will I get followed? Will I have to be better than I am? 7:17 AM Mar 11th from web in reply to god
2854. @SGCoast_2_Coast Keep those updates coming 7:07 AM Mar 11th from web in reply to SGCoast_2_Coast
2855. @newscientist strangely attractive? Evidence for hybrid theory of evolution? 6:53 AM Mar 11th from web in reply to newscientist
2856. The agonist & the antagonist - 6:51 AM Mar 11th from web
2857. Refs for redox - & beta-adrenergic receptor 6:45 AM Mar 11th from web
2858. New @rlanzara and don't forget to click... 6:35 AM Mar 11th from web
2859. I seem to stand alone - #GPCRs 6:28 AM Mar 11th from web
2860. #newinventors - Also AM Mar 11th from web
2861. #newinventors See - 6:13 AM Mar 11th from web
2862. Need an app to time tweets for maximum effect? 6:10 AM Mar 11th from web
2863. #Amazon ? 5:56 AM Mar 11th from web
2864. When times are tuff, I think what will it matter in another 100 yrs. If times are really tuff 1000 yrs; tuffer still 10000 you get the idea 5:51 AM Mar 11th from web
2865. #HistoryChannel - show last night that we can now prevent asteroids from hitting the earth - that use to be all that I worried about 5:49 AM Mar 11th from web
2866. The Twitterverse always seems alive 5:42 AM Mar 11th from web
2867. @cyberprince How does GOOGLE decide what's evil? 5:42 AM Mar 11th from web in reply to cyberprince
2868. Receptor sunrise - or the two electrostatic states 5:35 AM Mar 11th from web
2869. @gemlifex ten million PCs are infected with sneaky programs - Probably all? My philosophy is that they protect against other harmful ones 8:24 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to gemlifex
2870. @badhippy Thinking about Occam's razor - me too (see - ) 7:07 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to badhippy
2871. Who has the consistent courage to face down those who would oppress us? 6:52 PM Mar 10th from web
2872. Official announcement: I hereby forgive everyone who is indebted to me. 6:38 PM Mar 10th from web
2873. The real reason Twitter is so successful is that people are very interesting - even the Mime and people just sitting at home. 2:55 PM Mar 10th from web
2874. @WorldSciFest Anyone for Balance Theory ? (see - ) 2:41 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to WorldSciFest
2875. @ObamaNews Every child should get a balance (see - ) 2:39 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to ObamaNews
2876. Nobel 2008 poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization 2:00 PM Mar 10th from web
2877. How will we deal with information overload - by directed ignorance? 1:47 PM Mar 10th from web
2878. Where do the Lost Tweets go? 1:27 PM Mar 10th from web
2879. @tweetalot Pharmaceutical formulation [5569457] Here's a pharmaceutical formulation for you - 1:26 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to tweetalot
2880. @kidney_cancer Here's a beta-adrenergic receptor for you - 1:19 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to kidney_cancer
2881. @wilto Unreal I just heard that some bars in Boston are taking illegal bets on sporting events I'm shocked that gambling is going on 1:16 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to wilto
2882. @StephenColbert Isn’t an agnostic just an atheist without balls? -That could be an agonist... 1:13 PM Mar 10th from web in reply to StephenColbert
2883. Where are all the scientists studying thiol, sulfhydryl or cystenie redox chemistry? 12:50 PM Mar 10th from web
2884. Will science take over the world? 10:16 AM Mar 10th from web
2885. @Mapness Actually, the real question is how much can they charge us to use the toilet on a plane? 10:02 AM Mar 10th from web in reply to Mapness
2886. @deangelis1 Those who lend shouldn't expect to see their money returned, especially in these times 9:59 AM Mar 10th from web in reply to deangelis1
2887. #openpractice Silence, the lamb of eternity 9:36 AM Mar 10th from web
2888. Amazing I just put up a tweet and I don't see it when I click on everyone - are there that many tweeters out there ? 7:57 AM Mar 10th from web
2889. 7:54 AM Mar 10th from web
2890. 7:53 AM Mar 10th from web
2891. 9:56 PM Mar 9th from web
2892. @BoingBoing Twitter's Silent Star Could be an algorithm? 9:55 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to BoingBoing
2893. 9:53 PM Mar 9th from web
2894. 9:52 PM Mar 9th from web
2895. For those who don't know Live Free or Die is the motto of New Hampshire - a Great State 2:20 PM Mar 9th from web
2896. @jpitkin You sure are - Live Free or Die 2:19 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to jpitkin
2897. @MahreenM Leverage 2:15 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to MahreenMamur
2898. @wingedpig Raises very important issues about the patent system (which is broken without the lawyers as muscle) & our health care systems 1:58 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to wingedpig
2899. @sri78 ?How legit is this? 1:44 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to sri78
2900. Anyone in NYC need a piano? These are the best prices in New York - 1:43 PM Mar 9th from web
2901. @_unfollow I was never in the in group , but if I follow _unfollow will I get unfollowed too? 1:41 PM Mar 9th from web
2902. @keLee Facebook is its own worst enemy - just like we all are 1:38 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to keLee
2903. Find the cellular receptor - 1:33 PM Mar 9th from web
2904. Anyone need toys painted? See - http://www.changelingstudio... 1:32 PM Mar 9th from web
2905. It would be great if we could have certain targeted follows -LIke *Pharma, *science, *math, etc... 1:27 PM Mar 9th from web
2906. @jarsofcute How about wedding veils? 1:25 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to jarsofcute
2907. @thincloud Perhaps they do - search under #ideaparty 1:21 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to thincloud
2908. @truetone Jury duty - a public duty that is the foundation of our democracy - too often disparaged 1:19 PM Mar 9th from web in reply to truetone
2909. Following - @jpitkin - the social equivelant of a platypus ? 1:14 PM Mar 9th from web
2910. My son said that there was something about Watchman that didn't hold true --- 1:02 PM Mar 9th from web
2911. Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Jobs Links: 12:48 PM Mar 9th from web
2912. Here's the Linker: 12:46 PM Mar 9th from web
2913. #ideaparty Let's empower the world's women to civilize men. 12:42 PM Mar 9th from web
2914. Did I leave out Britney? 12:41 PM Mar 9th from web
2915. My wife thinks that I'm obsessed with Twitter. I told her that I'm being followed by the Dali Lama, President Obama and other illuminaries12:40 PM Mar 9th from web
2916. Clink around - PM Mar 9th from web
2917. @themediaisdying In this economic climate, even the NYTimes is loosing its ass sets 9:28 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to themediaisdying
2918. @Garebear Wow reading all these tweets, I am really enhancing my mind. -Agree that it is stimulating... 9:24 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to Garebear
2919. @serious_skeptic Yeah, half of the world has gone by without you noticing 9:13 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
2920. Who are the algorithmic twitter bots? 9:12 AM Mar 9th from web
2921. @janechin Perhaps the old tennis star? 9:08 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to janechin
2922. Interesting to search Twitter for algorithm 9:07 AM Mar 9th from web
2923. @janechin How about the same thing for the banks? 8:55 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to janechin
2924. I get lost following the links to interesting articles, then trying to get back to the one who posted it -can we get a link return function? 8:52 AM Mar 9th from web
2925. @tworetzky The algorithms are rising Wolfram Alpha could be next big search tech:knowledge/semantic search. 5:57 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to tworetzky
2926. @emilygould Should we make a website to rail against those whom we think are truly evil? 5:53 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to emilygould
2927. Perhaps Twiitter should randomize the list of followers? 5:35 AM Mar 9th from web
2928. @Pixites @webaddict Nice info just proves the trouble with algorithms (This also applies to many other areas as well) 5:18 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to A3PixitesMunier
2929. @openzine To be objective, anger, love and hate are all dangerous emotions. 5:06 AM Mar 9th from web in reply to openzine
2930. Anyone need a great LA broker, see - http://www.dreamhomesbynanc... 9:52 PM Mar 8th from web
2931. Diollan'a art - 9:49 PM Mar 8th from web
2932. #followfriday @simikathy @TinaFey @richardbranson @Lisa_Nova @sarasizzle 9:28 PM Mar 8th from web
2933. #followfriday @jordanbrown @Kevin76 @passionsista @ILRealEstate @judithsthoughts 9:23 PM Mar 8th from web
2934. Since twittering more, I've been having more vivid dreams... 9:06 PM Mar 8th from web
2935. The wall street formulas that extract money from the markets are eventually doomed to fail when everyone else runs out of money 8:54 PM Mar 8th from web
2936. @stuedal The formula still works to extract money from 99% of us who invest to gain a small forune by starting with a larger one 8:52 PM Mar 8th from web in reply to stuedal
2937. Twitter apps - 8:48 PM Mar 8th from web
2938. @pud Wasn't the internet formed so that we could communicate in case of a nuclear war? It seems so fragile now - what happened? 8:39 PM Mar 8th from web in reply to pud
2939. @Tw37 We're going to all have lumpy flat mattresses... 8:33 PM Mar 8th from web in reply to Tw37
2940. RT @rlanzara I'm a pool of love in an ocean of hate... 8:26 PM Mar 8th from web
2941. I feel like a #phish out of water 8:24 PM Mar 8th from web
2942. If you're in a country where you see a leader's image plastered everywhere, then you know that you'd better be careful... 8:23 PM Mar 8th from web
2943. Are we strong enough to counter those who would suppress us? 8:21 PM Mar 8th from web
2944. Twitter makes one feel very connected to the real world 8:17 PM Mar 8th from web
2945. People gotta do what they think they gotta do, but sometimes they don't. 3:11 PM Mar 8th from web
2946. Creative - Click around... 3:08 PM Mar 8th from web
2947. Tech stuff - 3:00 PM Mar 8th from web
2948. Perhaps Sanjay Gupta didn't pay taxes on his domestic help? 2:54 PM Mar 8th from web
2949. Perhaps things would be better if grants & charities were required to give 75% of the money that they receive to their intended recipients? 2:51 PM Mar 8th from web
2950. Can we all blame it on 1q21.1? (see: ) 2:43 PM Mar 8th from web
2951. Can you find the link? 2:42 PM Mar 8th from web
2952. Twitter radio?? 2:39 PM Mar 8th from web
2953. @lonniehodge Shouldn't woman's day and valentine's day be linked? Women should do more to civilize men. 8:50 AM Mar 8th from web in reply to lonniehodge
2954. @ClintonR This can't apply to those who twitter, can it? 8:25 AM Mar 8th from web in reply to ClintonR
2955. Does it pay to repeat yourself on Twitter?7:59 AM Mar 8th from web
2956. Just for you mathematicians out there, my Erdos number is I 7:56 AM Mar 8th from web
2957. Many people aren't using their Favorities - click on mine to see some neat stuff - it's an easy way to share 11:14 PM Mar 7th from web
2958. @Diollan Yes, we should help responsible people tricked by scams and businesses that were caught up in this mess with a little restraint 10:44 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to Diollan
2959. Hey, everyone don't forget to wake up at 2 A.M. to set your clocks forward 1 hr 10:39 PM Mar 7th from web
2960. @mathvids pi = (2*lni)/i 9:53 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to mathvids
2961. @bbchealth Let's prevent drug desensitization for better cardiac health, see - 9:44 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to bbchealth
2962. @tweetalot Calcium gate hypothesis anyone? 9:35 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to tweetalot
2963. @stephenfry Nothing in this creation is entirely wasted 9:34 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to stephenfry
2964. Considering selling credit default swaps on an asteroid strike 9:30 PM Mar 7th from web
2965. - The electrostatic potentials around the acid and base states of a beta-2-adrenergic receptor binding with its ... 4:55 PM Mar 7th from TwitPic
2966. Disturbing, but important report by MSNBC about sexual slavery in America - 4:37 PM Mar 7th from web
2967. @serious_skeptic OK, why are we bailing out the big boy's poker game that they played with those trillions in credit default swaps (CDS)? 4:30 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to serious_skeptic
2968. Had a great day in central park with my wife and niece, Saskia. 4:22 PM Mar 7th from web
2969. @blogaceutics We can also enhance generic versions of drugs (see - ). 12:36 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to blogaceutics
2970. Here's a great talk - 12:32 PM Mar 7th from web
2971. Can I unsummit my company? #unsummit 12:27 PM Mar 7th from web
2972. @enochchoi Sounds like you need the doctor's union to talk with the administration about hiring more doctors. 12:25 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to enochchoi
2973. @cafepharma See - and let Big Pharma know that we have some suggestions for them. 12:22 PM Mar 7th from web in reply to cafepharma
2974. #patent cliffs? Why doesn't big pharma work with us? See - 12:21 PM Mar 7th from web
2975. Let's revamp charities so that they have to give at least 75% of what they get to qualify as a charity 12:18 PM Mar 7th from web
2976. For those who want to learn more, there is a pdf on the relationships in a balance - 12:10 PM Mar 7th from web
2977. Finally, what you've all been waiting for - The Anemone and the Balance - 12:06 PM Mar 7th from web
2978. Can people do math on Twiiter? 11:35 AM Mar 7th from web
2979. Hey, Greg, you should link to your art: 11:15 AM Mar 7th from web
2980. @Diollan Excellent debate. I like both Jon and Rick. Is it a sign of intelligence that I hold two or more competing ideas at the same time? 11:08 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to Diollan
2981. Method For Determining Drug-Molecular Combinations That Modulate And Enhance The Therapeutic Safety And Efficacy Of Pharmaceutical Drugs 10:56 AM Mar 7th from web
2982. Method for determining drug compositions to prevent desensitization of cellular receptors 10:55 AM Mar 7th from web
2983. Drug compositions to prevent desensitization of cellular receptors http://www.freepatentsonlin... 10:51 AM Mar 7th from web
2984. Compositions to enhance the efficacy and safety of bio-pharmaceutical drugs http://www.freepatentsonlin... 10:51 AM Mar 7th from web
2985. Signing offfffffff............................... 3:22 AM Mar 7th from web
2986. @ZacksInvestment We have an answer for this - 2:47 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to ZacksInvestment
2987. #bsg - Check out - 2:30 AM Mar 7th from web
2988. OK, here goes, #blogout09, 2:29 AM Mar 7th from web
2989. The company overview is here - and the science is here - -ENJOY 2:20 AM Mar 7th from web
2990. I've been placing yellow stars on my own tweets - is this OK, or is it lame? 2:18 AM Mar 7th from web
2991. For those who are interested, this is what I search for on the web - 2:08 AM Mar 7th from web
2992. @biz That interview tweet was only about 3 hrs ago, but it seems much longer after blasting around on twitter - if people only KNEW 2:00 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to biz
2993. Where are all the creative scientists on Twitter??? 1:58 AM Mar 7th from web
2994. For those late nighters out there: I'm a puddle of love in an ocean of hate. 1:54 AM Mar 7th from web
2995. @tweetalot Has anyone tried this? How's it work? 1:53 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to tweetalot
2996. Good place to checkout those rumors - 1:49 AM Mar 7th from web
2997. @StephenTColbert Will the real Colbert please stand up? 1:00 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to StephenTColbert
2998. @NWF I think that we should let the bees keep more of their honey 12:41 AM Mar 7th from web in reply to NWF
2999. They're modest, but also one of the best website designers for famous musicians - 12:14 AM Mar 7th from web
3000. People - you need to take a break once in a while and walk around and look for that bright light in the sky called the sun.... 12:11 AM Mar 7th from web
3001. Here's a pdf document explaining the mysteries of the balance - 1:53 PM Mar 6th from web
3002. Here's the best electrostatic pictures of a drug binding to its receptor - 11:50 PM Mar 6th from web
3003. I changed my background and pict 11:32 PM Mar 6th from web
3004. I'm teaching greg about Twitter 10:47 PM Mar 6th from web
3005. @google This is great techy stuff to know about... 10:20 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to google
3006. @bbcnews Why can't we just twitter him? 10:17 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to bbcnews
3007. Twittering away the hours, conversing with the flowers and singing with the bees....10:16 PM Mar 6th from web
3008. @science This may relate to the redox sensitive sulfhydryl groups in receptors - 7:51 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to science
3009. @mndoci A new type of biopharma company - 7:49 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to mndoci
3010. @mza I like the idea of balance - & 7:47 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to mza
3011. @labgrab How about understanding how the brain's receptors work? - 7:45 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to labgrab
3012. @hashtags #ces I'm game 7:41 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to hashtags
3013. @patternhunter That's how I feel - 7:39 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to patternhunter
3014. @NextBio Interesting work, but someone has to think about and intrepret the data. 7:33 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to NextBio
3015. @HoatlinLab What about - ? 7:29 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to HoatlinLab
3016. @FluTrackers Bio Balance's website offers links to track the flu and other diseases - 7:26 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to FluTrackers
3017. Reminding everyone - Don't forget to change your clocks this Sunday 6:45 PM Mar 6th from web
3018. I don't know how safe it is, but I'm now following Darth Vader 6:22 PM Mar 6th from web
3019. @davos I second that Women are most mens' only hope of ever being truly civilized. 6:15 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to davos
3020. @PharmaTV Hey, that's what we do, see - 6:12 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to PharmaTV
3021. I couldn't resist. I'm following the Mime ( I once bought a record of the best of Marcel Marceau... 6:06 PM Mar 6th from web
3022. When the banks & big businesses start giving the consumers better deals, then the economy will start moving again. 6:03 PM Mar 6th from web
3023. Do my followers on Twitter look like a face? 6:01 PM Mar 6th from web
3024. @davidgregory They best be twittering away to know where you are. 2:45 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to davidgregory
3025. I'm delighted that 10 Downing Street is now following me on Twitter. 2:43 PM Mar 6th from web
3026. The twittering birds in central park are symphonic. 2:37 PM Mar 6th from web
3027. You guys The #Onion is now following me on Twitter ? 2:30 PM Mar 6th from web
3028. @Susannmi Are you still there Twittering? 2:27 PM Mar 6th from web in reply to Susannmi
3029. I can see how #Twitter can get one obsessed like the tiny man stabbing you behind your right #eye... 2:26 PM Mar 6th from web
3030. Actually, I'm still trying to start a biotechnology company in New York City See: 2:25 PM Mar 6th from web
3031. We wrestle with our love until exhausted, It falls into our unconscious lap of desire... 2:24 PM Mar 6th from web
3032. Where's the #LOVE? 2:20 PM Mar 6th from web
3033. #Marveling at the fact that WholeFoods is following me on Twitter ? 2:19 PM Mar 6th from web
3034. #GPCRs? 6:31 PM Mar 5th from web
3035. I'm Flarting... 6:21 PM Mar 5th from web
3036. #Receptors anyone? 5:44 PM Mar 5th from web
3037. Great idea about hashtags - see: 5:43 PM Mar 5th from web
3038. See some views about the Kindle2 - http://www.flashlightworthy... 5:34 PM Mar 5th from web
3039. One reason and Walmart are doing well is because they give the consumer more value for their money. 5:32 PM Mar 5th from web
3040. Has anyone tried the new Kindle2 yet? 5:29 PM Mar 5th from web
3041. Check Out Guy Kawasaki in Flash --How to Use Twitter As A Twool 5:25 PM Mar 5th from web
3042. The universe is the mechanism of creation and we're all elements of that mechanism - understanding this is a sign of maturity. 5:23 PM Mar 5th from web
3043. I'm trying to learn how to use Twitter better (see - 11 PM Mar 5th from web
3044. Can good science create better drugs? (see - ) 9:10 PM Mar 3rd from web
3045. Checking out 9:09 PM Mar 3rd from web
3046. @Susannmi Hey So - Great to talk with you and catch up a bit. -L -Bro 4:27 AM Mar 3rd from web in reply to Susannmi
3047. Beautiful wedding veils ( )... 11:39 AM Feb 23rd from web
3048. Is this how to make safer drugs? (see - )10:38 AM Feb 23rd from web
3049. Should this book ( ) be banned? 10:33 AM Feb 23rd from web
3050. For a unique twist on the historical life of Jesus & Mary check out - , 6:26 AM Feb 1st from web
3051. Tooting My Dad’s Horn - “The Secret Life Of Jesus And Mary Magdalene by Richard J. Lanzara” (see - ) -Enjoy ...7:43 PM Jan 25th from web
3052. I'm trying to decide if I should follow ricksanchezcnn on Twitter 4:53 PM Jan 8th from web
3053. 8:41 PM Dec 25th, 2008 from web
3054. Should We Stop Electronic Stock Trading Using Algorithms? 5:35 AM Oct 23rd, 2008 from web
3055. I just blogged my two cents worth about the financial crisis -http://ombamltine.blogspot....10:11 AM Oct 11th, 2008 from web
3056. Preparing for difficult economic times....3:37 AM Oct 6th, 2008 from web
3057. Can drugs be made safer? See - 3:46 AM Jul 30th, 2008 from web
3058. Gave a Business Presentation to NYC Biotech Meet Up Group see - 10:56 AM Jul 20th, 2008 from web
3059. hello...10:22 AM Jul 9th, 2008 from web
3060. internet networking...9:50 AM Jul 9th, 2008 from web
3061. searching on the computer1:38 PM Dec 29th, 2007 from web
* Name Richard G. Lanzara
* Location NYC
* Web
* Bio Entrepreneurial Scientist & Pharmacologist interested in how our senses and receptors work and everything else that follows from that...
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