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Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Twitter Mini Review of Pharmacology

Perhaps I need to write the story of how receptors work on Twitter? Humm, which hashtag(s) to use? - #receptor #pharmacology #science

Work at the turn of the last century summarized at - led to the lock & key concept #receptor #pharmacology #science

Here's a modern version of the "lock and key concept" for the receptor response - #receptor #pharmacology #science

One problem is how does the binding of a small molecule alter the conformation of a much larger one? #receptor #pharmacology #science

Another problem is how do some binding molecules produce a partial or no response? #receptor #pharmacology #science

These problems & desensitization, fade or tachyphylaxis led to the two state theory - #receptor #pharmacology

Two state mathematics only solved for the fractional or proportional change - #receptor #pharmacology #science

Experiments showing an increased response with increased receptor expression didn't fit with 2 state theory #receptor #pharmacology #science

Also no consensus on what the two states of the receptor are -just active & inactive? #receptor #pharmacology #science

I suggested an alternative math to remove these problems with 2 state theory - #receptor #pharmacology #science

The idea was that the net shift could explain a binding molecule's preference - #receptor #pharmacology #science

The "net shift" (delta RH) could fit many classical dose-response curves - #receptor #pharmacology #science

We proposed that a free thiol produced the 2 (acid-base) receptor states - #receptor #pharmacology

This was a mechanistic hypothesis of receptor function involving sulfhydryl modulation and redox regulation #receptor #pharmacology #science

This also fit nicely with the "net shift" producing the active state of the receptor #receptor #pharmacology #science

Subsequent work seems to support our observations - #receptor #pharmacology #science

Although much more work remains, it looks promising that a free thiol may explain many receptor responses #receptor #pharmacology #science

receptor activation thiol OR sulfhydryl "two state" - #receptor #pharmacology #science

@davidperrey Never seen a review by Twitter before! @rlanzara is trying it using these hashtags - check it out: #receptor #pharmacology #science

For my very mini (and biased) review of pharmacology - #receptor #pharmacology #science

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